The Estian Islands

Alyn Yunaes
Rhimer Peaks
Razor Cliffs
Windward Coast
The Uniting Archipelago
Turquoise Islands
Roslake Manor
The Forsaken Isle
The Desolate Reef

The island of Estia gives its name to the surrounding archipelago. A varied landscape, from the jungles of Iacaris to the plains of Salmy, the Estian Islands is a melting pot of races and cultures.

# History

For over a thousand years, the Empire ruled the Northern Islands from its capital city of Tec on the mainland, southwest of the archipelago. About 250 years ago, after centuries of decline, the empire imploded in on itself and left the islands to rule themselves. From the ensuing chaos, two nations sprung up and divides the islands to this day.

# Nations and organizations in the Estian Sea

The northern islands, including Estia itself, makes up the Estian Compact, ruled by a oligarchic council of nobles. In the southern part of the islands, the elves of Iacaris are ruled by Queen Caerynna from her seat in Tel Edhil. The elven kingdom is smaller, but has greater internal cohesion, since Queen Caerynna has ruled since the founding of her kingdom, while the mostly humans and halflings of the Compact have struggled for power since before the Empire fell apart.

Two major organizations are also vying for power. The Pilgrim Knights are sworn to protect the people with spear and shield. High Templar George Grenwen leads them from the Grand Temple in Temple Haven on Salmy. From Greystone, the Frontier Trade Company runs its business, sending wealth back to the mainland.

Since the fall of the Empire, there has been a strenuous peace, except for some skirmishes over minor outlying islands. Recently however, tensions have risen significantly. This is caused by the change in leadership of the Estian Compact, and an increase in activity from the Frontier Trade Company.

# Estian Compact

A small council of nobles rules the Estian Compact from the city of Aphenor. The nation spans Estia, Cottenhorn, and the islands of the Uniting Archipelago that spans the water between them. The Compact is a sprawling nation of many cultures and races, with humans making up the largest share, albeit not a majority. The ruling body of the Compact, the Estian Council includes the ruling lords from the largest cities and settlements, as well as representatives of the major noble families.

# Kingdom of Iacaris

Queen Caerynna, beloved by her people, rules the elven kingdom from the ancient elven seat of Tel Edhil on Iacaris. She controls the islands of Iacaris and Maeral. While it is the smaller kingdom, they have a similar population to the Compact. The majority of the population are elven, with around a third being of different ancestries.

# Pilgrim Knights

The Pilgrim Knights are the largest mercenary force in the known world, they stand up for the people on behalf of their patron goddess, Freya. They are the de facto rulers of the island of Salmy in the eastern part of the Estian Archipelago. They were granted rule of Salmy by the last Teccan Emperor, as payment for their part in the last wars of imperial expansion.

# Frontier Trade Company

Company-state that arose from the ashes of the Empire. Their detractors say that their thirst for riches is what caused the Empire to collapse, which is probably not entirely true. Controls most of the open-sea trade to the mainland. In Estia, they operate from their headquarters in Greystone, where Governess Draythe Aubreck (female bronze dragonborn) oversees operations.