Campaign Diary
# Session 1
# 22nd of March 254 AE
The party meet in Frosthollow and fight some cultists, sleep in the cleared cultist hideout.
# Session 2
# 23rd of March
The party finds some backup and go to Greenwood Cave and kill the cultists led by Tharessa as well as the besieged bandits.
# Session 3
# 23rd of March
The party go back to Frosthollow before travelling north, finding Sima to guide them.
# 24th of March
Arriving at the tower, the party defeats Egoris the Black and recovers the pieces of the Sacrificial Blade.
# Session 4
# 25th of March
The party goes back to Frosthollow and find a ship to take them to Greystone.
# 26th of March
The Windflower leaves Frosthollow for Greystone.
# 27th of March
The Windflower is attacked by Durg and his pirate crew, but turn the situation around and conquer the Wavecrester.
# 28th of March
The Wavecrester arrives in Greystone.
# Session 5
# 29th of March
Repairs of the Wavecrester starts. The party visits Count Aurius Dawnstar who asks them to find the cult. They learn Tharessa was a student at the Archive from Syrena Malloren.
# 30th of March
In a fight at the Arena, the party defeats some Black Puddings and start to earn a name for themselves.
# Session 6
# 31st of March
The party meet Governess Draythe Aubreck, who hire them to investigate a derelict ship at sea. They leave Greystone on an FTC ship.
# 2nd of April
The party retrieve the box from the hold of the Emperor of the Waves.
# 4th of April
The party returns to Greystone and are rewarded by Governess Draythe for their services.
# Session 7
# 5th of April
The party goes north towards Tembridge, and sleep in a barn at a farmer in Southhold.
# 6th of April
The party fights a black dragon in the Halcyon Glades. After defeating it, they arrive safely in Tembridge.
# Session 8 (remote)
# 7th of April
The party confronts Tharessa's parents, and after chasing them down through the city, captures Roxidor and a Shadow Dancer. They are approached by Elena nan Kiniden, a Blackcloak, and take Roxidor to her safehouse. The party talks to mayor Reese and comes up with a plan to lure Boram Grumblepick out of the city and ambush him. The ambush plan goes off without any major issues, and Boram is revealed to have been dominated by a (so far) unidentified elven wizard who is trapped in a tomb under a mountain.
# Session 9 (remote)
# 7th of April
The party take Boram to Elena's safehouse, but are attacked by cultists there. One of the cultists is a vampire spawn, and the party decides to go back to Greystone to gather more intelligence before confronting the wizard.
# 9th of April
The party arrives back in Greystone and gets the stone tablet they found at Tharessa's parents house translated by Syrena Malloren. They learn they are chasing a vampire named Telanir, and that they should talk to Queen Caerynna nan Iacaris for more information.
After delivering a report to Count Aurius, the Backwater Boys go clubbing at the Temptation Tavern.
# 10th of April
The day is spent in Greystone and capped off with a fight in the arena, in which the party defeats two young remorhazes. Captain Konrad gives the ship to Iris and retires to live off the gold he has earned over the course of his adventures.
# Session 10 (remote)
# 11th of April
The party visit the Pilgrim Knights Hospital in Greystone and are joined by Thalia, a Pilgrim paladin. Together, they start the journey south towards Iacaris and the elven kingdoms.
# 12th of April
On course toward Iacaris, the Wavecrester stops at Arastfjord for a quick pilgrimage to the tomb of Halvdan the Bold, an important religious figure in Thalia's order. While praying at his sarcophagus, she receives a vision of how Halvdan dies, with a voice asking her to carry on his legacy. She is granted the currently nonfunctional remains of Dawnrender, a Greatspear carried by Halvdan himself.
After setting out from Arastfjord, the Wavecrester is beset by a couple of Air Elementals, and despite having a few people fall in the water, defeat the elementals with minimal casualties.
# 13th of April
With only a minor fire incident caused by some careless cooking while at sea, the Wavecrester arrives in Alyn Yunaes, the port city of Iacaris. They investigate their only lead on the pirates who had captured the Wavecrester, and learn that a crime boss named Zotar Sogreth matches the description well.
# 14th of April
Upon arriving in Tel Edhil, they quickly make arrangements for an audience with Queen Caerynna for the next day. While waiting, they visit the Market-cleft, where some pets and magic items are bought.
# Session 11 (remote)
# 14th of April
Talking to the leader of the Royal Arcaneum in the Market-cleft, the party finds out that a huge laser wielding robot is rampaging their workshop, and are hired to go in and defeat this entity. They succeed in this endeavour and receive a Luxite Crystal for their efforts.
After resting, the party has an audience with Queen Caerynna who tells the party who Telanir was. The party are teleported back to Greystone and take a couple days of downtime to prepare for the coming fight.
# 17th of April
Thalia manages to awaken the Luxite crystal and with assistance from a Valkyrie reforges Dawnrender.
# Session 12 (remote)
# 18th of April
The party travels towards Tembridge to try to end Telanir once and for all.
# 19th of April
After meeting up with Elena and convincing her to join the party, they make their way towards the Silversilt Tunnelworks and fight their way in, past bulettes and zombie hordes. They spend the night in the tunnels.
# Session 13 (remote)
# 20th of April
The party clears further into the dungeons, past an ambush and elemental traps to Telanir's tomb. After a fierce fight, Telanir is defeated, and the party are victorious, despite some close calls.
# Session 14 (remote)
# 21th of April
The party return victorius to Tembridge and collect their rewards. They travel to Greystone by cargo raft. While walking towards Greystone Keep, they witness an assassination of a Bluejay fence in the market and pursue the killer. They discover she is Kelsey of the Crimson Hood, a gang trying to take over the Greystone underworld, but combat is avoided. After visiting Count Aurius, they are invited to dinner with him and Lady Fiona, and get drunk. Count Aurius suggests the party works towards keeping the status quo of the Greystone gangs, with the Bluejays on top - the less violent and more known group. After dinner, the party visits the Temptation Tavern, where they meet Dominic the Blue, the water genasi leader of the Bluejays.
# 22nd of April
After waking up with a decent hangover, the party goes to see the archivists about a job. Archmage Hedwig Crimeon hires the party to check in on an expedition to the Forsaken Isle. Priotizing the more urgent mission, the Wavecrester sets off for the dormant volcano.
# 24th of April
The party arrive at the Forsaken Isle. After scouting around a bit, they make for the ruins of Emberfall where they found an Efreeti holding two mages prisoner.
# Session 15 (remote)
# 24th of April
The Boys free the captured Archivists and learn of an elemental ritual taking place in the caldera of the Ashpeak volcano. Going up there, the party battle through giants and azers but do not manage to interupt the ritual in time, and have to fight a Phoenix summoned from the elemental plane of fire. They kill the phoenix and eject the egg into the rift before closing it.
# 25th of April
Travel back to Greystone aboard the Wavecrester.
# 26th of April
The Backwater Boys arrive back in Greystone. They are rewarded by Archmage Hedwig for rescuing the surviving Archivists from the Forsaken Isle. They also direct the shipyard to start upgrading the Wavecrester's hull.
# Session 16 (remote)
# 26th of April
The party are given a fake message to meet with Dominic the Blue in a warehouse. Upon getting there, they sense something is wrong and after scouting they ambush the ambushers. They kill most of the drow and Crimson Mask ruffians who were holed up in there, and free Othar, their new wizard friend. They also capture Kelsey and take her to the Temptation Tavern, where she is held in the cellar.
After a late night rendezvous with a gnome demolitionist at the docks, the Backwater Boys rest up, preparing to go into the sewers and cut the head off the snake that is the Crimson Mask.
# Session 17 (remote)
# 27th of April
The Backwater Boys hunt down the leadership of the Crimson Mask in the Greystone Sewers. In a cell they find Grilmar, an old acquantaince of Tranvol who might have information regarding the Axe of Mulgi. The final fight has them on the ropes, but they kill Felix the Bard and his Drow allies. Urbanus claims the Silken Spite, a sentient rapier that has been calling to him.
# Session 18
# 27th of April
The party emerge from the sewers after a close call with a froghemoth. Heavily injured, they stumble to the Temptation Tavern where they are greeted as heroes. After sleeping, they enjoy a night of feasting. Blue Dominic offers them a favor instead of the previously agreed upon money, which they accept.
# 28th of April
The Backwater Boys hand in Kelsey and the demolitionist to the authorities. They also interrogate Grilmar and learn that Barel is now a retired gladiator who has a vineyard somewhere on Cottenhorn. Grilmar agrees to join the crew of the Wavecrester as a cook's mate. The party visits the Greystone Arena, where they get some more information about Barel. They also sign up as competitors in the Cottenhorn Games, which start on the 1st of May.
# Session 19
# 1st of May
The party competes in the Cottenhorn Games Naval Battle Spectacular in Greystone. After a close fight they were the last team standing, thanks in part to their new companion, an elven ranger named Andarion.
# Session 20
# 1st of May
Urbanus investigates his new sword, and learns of a spell that could tell him more.
# 2nd of May
Spillfar, the ship to Cottenhorn leaves with the party onboard. A feast is held on board and the party talks with Lady Fiona Dawnstar and Crown Princess Filian nan Iacaris. Thalia talks to her commanding officers who asks her to come see him after the games.
# 3rd of May
Hungover from the feast the day before, the party arrive in Cottenhorn and are given accommodation near the Arena. Tranvol goes and tries to find Barel, but is unsuccessful.
# 4th of May
The Boys compete in the bladderball tournament. Their first two bouts are won relatively easily, first versus the Orch-estra and then versus the A-men. The final game versus the Crimson Chimeras is considerably more hard-fought, and they only barely eke out a win after a heroic effort by Thalia and some subterfuge by Helge. This puts them in a very favorable position to win the whole tournament, which is sure to bring some ire from the other teams.