Campaign Diary 2
# Session 1
# 8th of September
The party is tasked with tracking down the source of recent disapperances on Kiniden. They find and kill the hag Callista who has been turning children into ettercaps. Most of the children are rescued.
# Session 2
# 10th of September
Rapheël has a strange recurring dream of an elven woman.
# 12th of September
The party investigate reports of strange activity from a cemetery near Greystone. They find undead roaming the tombs and dead grave robbers. After dispatching the undead and restoring the tomb's warding braziers, they return to Greystone.
# 13th of September
The investigation of the grave robbers lead them to a name, Belor Hathavir. The party goes to a seedy bar to investigate further, learning of the Black Rose gang.
# Session 3
# 14th of September
The party heads north, chasing after the Black Rose gang. They are ambushed by bandits on the road, but dispatch them.
# 15th of September
Arriving in Pinehollow, the party learns that a ship, the Tempest Swirl, went missing from the docks the night before. They also find an abandoned carriage in the woods that matches the description of the one the Black Rose gang was using.
# Session 4
# 15th of September
The party goes back to Greystone, where they meet Professor Bizintier.
# 16th of September
A day of downtime in Greystone, spent at the Harvest Festival, while waiting for the ship to Cottenhorn.
# 17th of September
The Heimdall's Hammer leaves Greystone.
# 18th of September
The party arrive in Cottenhorn.
# 19th of September
The party set out north. They meet a soothsayer on the road who offers Raphael a single draw from his Deck of Many Things. Raphael, of course, draws the Donjon card and is taken to a nearby pocket of the Feywild. The party manages to track him down and escapes with him from the Eladrin who have him captured, making it to Roslake as dusk sets.
# 20th of September
Arriving in Deephaven without further incident, the party arrange for passage to Callatis.
# 21th of September
The party arrive in Callatis, where they find a house that belongs to Black Rose. They find a map, but are ambushed as they leave.
# Session 5
# 21th of September
The party defeat the ambush after a close battle and decide to leave town while they can. They hire a ship to take them to Temple Haven, hoping to catch a teleport to Greystone and then go to Myrknes. The ship they are travelling on runs into a hydra, which is also defeated, earning the crews respect.
# Session 6
# 22nd of September
Arriving in Temple Haven, the party meets with Grandmaster Grenwen before teleporting to Greystone. The party meet with an alchemist of the Merchant's Guild, ordering two potions of fire resistance. They also meet with Artificer Elyana, trading some loot for an experimental crossbow device before setting out north in their cart. The night is spend at an inn halfway to Myrknes.
# 23rd of September
The journey to Myrknes continues. On the road, the party find a caravan under attack from air elementals, which are defeated in the windy mountain pass. After a full days travel, the party arrives in the dwarven city of Myrknes.
# Session 6
# 24th of September
The party journeys north to the tomb of Jarl Arleif after learning of its location from the loremaster of Myrknes. They arrive at sunset, finding hired thugs outside, whom they dispatch. Venturing into the tomb, they find Black Rose and Belor Hathavir. As they ambush the grave robbers, the tomb's protective enchantments activate, raising Jarl Arleif and his honor guard to fight once more. After a drawn-out fight, the party stands victorious, and claim Jarl Arleif's tome of research on the Dragon War.
# Session 7
# 24th of September
Finishing up in the tomb, the party emerge into into the rainy evening and interrogates Black Rose, learning of her master, the Scarlet Fury. They seize the grave robber's stolen boat and start sailing towards Pineharbor.
# 25th of September
Full day of sailing towards Pineharbor.
# 26th of September
The party arrive in Pineharbor, returning the stolen boat to its proper owner. They buy a wagon and set out for Greystone.
# 27th of September
Upon arriving in Greystone, the party are rewarded by Templar Dunling for dealing with the grave robbers. He asks the party to investigate a bad batch of healing potions that the Pilgrims received. Artificer Elyana convinces the party to act as test subjects for her latest contraption, a Mechachimera siege machine, which they barely defeat.
# Session 8
# 28th of September
The party investigates the bad healing potions further, tracing the source to a bad shipment of Feverbush bark from the FTC. As they report their findings to Templar Dunling, the hospital is attacked from within by large lizard creature, whom the party dispatches. Finding the home of the poor man who was turned into one of the lizards, they find he was an employee of the FTC. The FTC stonewalls them, insisting the matter has been handled internally. They also have an audience with Count Aurius Dawnstar, who dislikes the FTC's recent power grabs.
When the most pressing concerns have been taken care of, the party set out for Maeral, where the Feverbush was grown. On the ship to Iacaris, Lord Flashheart gives religious advice to a Goliath whose tribe has lost the favor of Thor.
# Session 9
# 29th of September
The party meet Lyra on the ship to Iacaris and agree to adventure together.
# 30th of September
Arriving in Alyn Yunaes, the party walk the rest of the way to Tel Edhil. They sleep at the Shrine of Arwyn Elsiter, the main Pilgrim outpost in the city.
# 1st of October
Investigating various leads in Tel Edhil, the investigation takes them to the Royal Arcanaeum in search of a Luxite crystal. The enchanters tell them that they had a Luxite crystal which they used to create a golem defender, which went haywire. Not wanting to involve the City Guard, the party is quickly recruited to take care of the problem, which they do.
# Session 10
# 1st of October
The party lick their wounds before heading to the Stargarden to try and find more information about Raphael's patron. They learn of a cryptic poem, but access to the library is predicated on getting a invitation to the grand elven ball being held two days from now. Raphael uses his courtier contacts to find invitations for the entire party.
# 2nd of October
Raphael and Lyra spend the day in the library, eventually finding the poem they were searching for.
# 3rd of October
The night of the elven ball. Lyra meets her uncle there. Several other dignitaries are also spoken to.
# 4th of October
The party heads for Maeral.
# Session 11
# 4th of October
Arriving in Maeral, the party quickly finds the FTC outpost, whose leader is tight-lipped about her sources. They investigate the market and inn, and learn some more information about the island, deciding to sleep before setting off south.
# 5th of October
In the morning, the party visit the FTC outpost again and a heated discussion erupts into violence. The party wins without killing any FTC members. Now knowing where they need to go, the party quickly skips town and heads towards Ambar Atador. On the way through the wet swamps they run into several lizardfolk who are fleeing from a giant mutant frog. The party makes a stand and dispatches the froghemoth without too much trouble. They are invited to meet with the lizardfolk chieftain, which they accept.
# Session 12
# 5th of October
The party attend the feast in the lizardfolk village. The village wise-woman Uma grants Lyra a vision that lets her commune with the spirits of the swamp.
# 6th of October
With the help of Mora the scout, the party reach Ambar Atador and start clearing it from Slaad, burning the eggs in a hatchery cave. In an underground apartment, they encounter Tirmena, who upon being defeated turns into a Death Slaad, which is also defeated.
# Session 13
# 6th of October
The party finish clearing out Ambar Atador, ending the threat of Slaadi-infested herbs. Heading back to Maeral, they sleep in the lizardfolk village.
# 7th and 8th of October
The party arrive in Maeral and take a ship to Alyn Yunaes. The journey is cold but otherwise uneventful.
# 9th of October
The party arrive back in Greystone.
# Session 14
# 9th of October
Templar Dunling congratulates the party on a job well done on Maeral and informs them that Grandmaster Grenwen is expected to come to Greystone in a couple of days.
# 12th of October
Meeting with Grandmaster Grenwen. The party are officialy designated a semi-autonomous treasure hunting squadron, tasked with tracking down artifacts and thwarting the red dragons they encountered before. Grand Adjunct Tialvar tells the party to seek out the leader of the silver dragons atop the Argent Summit on Estia, and the party head for Myrknes.
# 14th of October
The party arrive in Myrknes. Confusion sets in as the guards believe them to be grave-robbers who plundered the tomb of Jarl Arleif, which is only partially the case. However, they are allowed to walk free after being identified as Pilgrims by the local branch. The party also learn of Kaisa Stouthorn, a ranger who lives close to the city, who might be able to assist them in their mountain-climbing adventures.
# Session 15
# 10th of October (flashback)
Talking with Artificer Elyana, Thundin is informed that the new luxite crystal for his energy-bolter is far more powerful, but will require reinforcing the stablizers with sky-iron before it can be incorporated. Elyana also takes possession of the froghemoth tongue, having ideas of how to use it to improve another project of hers.
# 14th of October
Heading for Cliffwatch, the party finds a dead owlbear in a clearing. They eventually find a cave with a pack of peryton, who are slain after a quick but tough fight. The large peryton alpha was a roosting female, and one peryton egg is now in the party's possession.
# Session 16
# 15th of October
After sleeping in the peryton cave, the party head to Cliffwatch and recruits Kaisa to be their guide to the Argent Summit. They set out immediately, and cleverly avoid an ambush by ice trolls. Kaisa is wounded in an avalanche, making the party seek cover for the night. During the night, they have a close encounter with a yeti hunting pack.
# Session 17
# 16th of October
The party continue their trek up the mountain when a silver dragon lands by them, chased by a larger white dragon. After making battle with the white, it is slain by Frank who rides the dragon as it crashes into the mountainside. The silver dragon, Eridia, is very thankful for their help and flies off to tell her kin of their coming. After a short march further, camp is made by a waterfall.
# 17th of October
Arrival at Argent Summit after a relatively uneventful day's march. A thankful Tepyristes, leader and broodfather of the silver dragons who live there, grants them an audience where many questions are answered about Jarl Arleif's research.
# 20th of October
After spending a couple of days at the Summit, Tepyristes teleports the party to the Grand Refuge. A divination ritual reveals the Dragonstaff in the hands of a Drow Elf, possibly in the Underdark.
# Session 18
# 20th of October
Meeting with Grand Adjunct Tialvar, relaying what they learned from Tepyristes. The Grand Adjunct is pleased that the party visited the Argent Summit so quickly, and will use his considerable network of spies to try and find more information about this mysterious dark elf. During a research session in the library the party learns that a drow settlement is located somewhere below Cottenhorn.
# 21st of October
The party sets off towards Alyn Yunaes as passengers on a cargo ship.
# 22nd of October
Early in the morning, the party wakes up to the ships bell. The ship has run into sudden, dense fog, possibly spotting another ship close by. The other ship is spotted, drifting with no sails up. Deciding to investigate, the party rows over, finding the ship deserted and eerie. However, it doesn't take long until the remains of the sailors rise from the deck and attack. A fierce deck-by-deck fight ensues, in which Frank is killed. By the grace of the Thundergod, he is however brought back from the other side by Lord Flashheart. After catching their breath, they investigate the bottom hold and find a stone sarcophagus from which they can hear scratching. Intent on finishing the job, they open it and dispatch the mummy inside. As the mummy is defeated, whatever magic had hold of the ship dissipates, and the fog lifts. The captain on the ship that carried them here informs the party that by right of salvage, the ship is now theirs.
# Session 19
# 22nd of October
Emergency repairs are made to the newly captured ship as the party heads back to Temple Haven.
# 24th of October
The party arrive with their ship in Temple Haven and begin repair work and hiring crew. A handful of Pilgrim Knight recruits are enlisted as deckhands. Claire Beckett is hired to be the Quartermaster onboard.
# 26th of October
With repairs complete, the newly renamed Freya's Purpose sets out for Alyn Yunaes.
# 27th of October
The Purpose runs into a squall of water elementals, led by a Marid looking for tribute. After a scuffle, the Marid is turned into a mouse and swiftly dealt with.
# 28th of October
Freya's Purpose arrives in Alyn Yunaes. Quartermaster Beckett is left in charge while the party are going towards the mountains.
# Session 20
# 28th of October
Passing through Tel Edhil, the party stock up for the coming adventure, as well as recruit a guide for the mountain. The black-clad and glaivebow-armed Caeran nan Iacaris agrees to be their guide. Together with Caeran, they set off for the Isnelymer.
# 29th of October
A grueling day-and-a-halfs's march to the foothills of the Rhimer Peaks. The party feasts on a deer they shot in the Edhiltharel forest.
# 30th of October
On their first day up the mountain, the party find themselves in a crevasse covered in Brown Mold. They manage to fly past it, only cracking a few ankles with a imperfectly judged landing.
# 1st of November
The party wakes up to a pair of Remorhaz outside their tent. Some quick-witted action and bagpipe-playing saves them from fighting the insectoids, but the tents had to be left behind.
Up on the snowy plains, they met a squad of revenants, undead warriors mindlessly driven to patrol the freezing vista. By shooting first and asking no questions, the revenants are brought down. Some of the revenants were wearing the insignia of the Teccan Empire, which fell almost 250 years ago.
On a desolate mountainside with stinging winds bearing down on them as twilight falls, the party are spotted by a large pack of Wyverns in the distance. Thinking quickly, they start erecting the Tiny Hut, protecting Raphael while he finishes casting the spell. Frank rides three wyverns into the mountainside, killing them.
# Session 21
# 2nd of November
After resting in the Tiny Hut, the party continue their trek up the mountain. After almost a full day's walk, they arrive at a long-forgotten battlefield, where a rune-inscribed stele marks the spot where Aerilwyn died.
After searching the area for clues, they eventually spot a second stele, this one guarded by undead frost giants. The party ambush the giants, killing one of them instantly. Raphaël gets the final blow, when he charges and gores the final giant using a mammoth form provided by Lyra. The second stele marks the entrance to a cave, where a force-barrier blocks their path, but the lightning magic of Thor eventually overcomes it.
At the end of the tunnel, they encounter the final stele, a polished marble obelisk inscribed with the Bladesinger's Poem. Rising to the challenge inscribed on the obelisk, they fight, and narrowly defeat, echoes of the Bladesingers who are buried here. This opens up the path down to the Ten's Final Sanctuary, where Raphaël claims Nilisnebar, the amber sword once wielded by Aerilwyn, and which now contains her sentience.
# Session 22
# 3rd of November
After sleeping in the Tomb of the Ten, the party makes their way down the mountain. They spot an Ice Hydra waiting to ambush them and decide to rid the world of this monster. After dispatching it, a druid swoops down from the sky, having spotted them fighting. He thanks them for slaying the hydra and offers to teleport the party to Tel Edhil, an offer which was gladly accepted.
In Tel Edhil, the party says their goodbyes to Caeran the Ranger and head for the Hearth, whose great fireplace provides respite for our frozen adventurers. Many drinks are had during the afternoon.
# 4th of November
At the Royal Arcanaeum in Tel Edhil the party unloads some of the treasure they have found, and buy some others. Afterward, they head for Alyn Yunaes and their ship, which Quartermaster Beckett has kept watch over. They set off for Greystone, but find Arhitael Amberdew floating on some flotsam in the sunset. Her ship, the Antelope, was sunk by pirates and she now desires revenge. After some divination magic, a new course is set, due east, in order to find the pirates.
# 5th of November
Searching around the Forsaken Isle yields no pirate ship. The Purpose keeps sailing east.
# 6th of November
Halting their search for pirates for now, the party makes landfall on Cottenhorn to find and aid a Goliath village that have lost Thor's blessing.
# Session 23
# 6th of November
The party make their way to the village of Kattafjell, where they meet with Chieftain Alarik Shalefist. After explaining they are there to help, they are told the story of Jarmo Snowgale in full: 20 years ago, he went to the Shadowfell and never returned. Since then the village has had a long streak of bad harvests, leading to a major population decline.
The party are invited to a small feast, where they realise that there is some Shadowfell-magic at work here.
# 7th of November
Leaving Kattafjell, the party are ambushed by gnolls, lead by a half-demon Flind. Frank perishes in the fight, but is brought back from the dead by Lord Flashheart. They return to the ship to gather their strength and to devise a plan.