A former pirate, now captain of the completely legit Wavecrester. Began her monk training at an early age, and while the physical exercises were fruitful, the spiritual lessons left something to be desired. Was thrown out of the monastery at eighteen due to an intimate relationship with a village boy and started roaming the islands. Iris soon found a new home in a pirate crew, where her martial prowess proved a useful skill. Got a taste for alcohol (especially rum) at sea, but learned to direct this to her benefit using the Ki techniques of the Drunken Masters. One day the captain of the pirate ship tried to proposition the young Iris and in response he got a dagger to his stomach. After fleeing the ship, Iris ended up on Estia, looking for a new home. She met the smuggler Konrad in a bar the same night undead attacked Frosthollow.
# Appearance
Uses the flagpole from a ship as a quarterstaff, with the pirate colors still attached. Tattoos from her time at sea adorn her athletic body, and she usually keeps her long blonde hair in a ponytail.