As the second son of the chieftain of the Grungiburgi tribe, Tranvol’s youth was spent training to become one of his people’s great warriors and leaders. Schooled in the arts of the totems, he learned how to invoke the spirits of the many beasts prowling the peaks and valleys of the Cottenhorn mountains.
While his older brother came to take up the mantle of chieftain, Tranvol was chosen to become the guardian of the Grungiburgi’s greatest treasure; the Axe of Mulgi. A legendary dwarven weapon that is said to confer the wielder it chooses almost unimaginable power. The key word here is chooses, for it has been centuries since a warrior of the Grungiburgi has been able invoke the axe’s true magical powers.
The Grungiburgi hold the axe sacred, and by custom appoint one of its finest warriors as responsible for its safekeeping. It was thus a great disaster when one day, it was discovered to be missing. Tranvol believed that it was his cousin Barel that had somehow broken into the treasury and stolen it - a not impossible claim, given that Barel and several of his kinsmen had suspiciously disappeared from the tribe village around the same time.
This did not suffice to save Tranvol’s honor, however. As the guardian of the axe, he was held accountable for its loss, and was banished for life from his tribe. What followed was a desperate trek across the islands of Estia, trying to find any trace of the axe, or at least knowledge of Barel or his whereabouts. As months became years, and years became decades, Tranvol gradually lost hope. Less and less time was spent following up on tracks, questioning merchants and scholars; searching high and low. More and more time was spent in the many taverns and fighting rings of Estia’s cities. Or worse, on questionable tasks on behalf of the many warlords of the isles, that could find good use for a totem warrior from the Cottenhorn mountains.
Although many years of drinking and hard living have clouded Tranvol’s mind as well as morals, he nonetheless remains a fearsome warrior - and somewhere deep inside his heart, he still dreams of finding the Axe of Mulgi and redeeming his name.
His wandering ended up in Frosthollow when the cult surfaced. Invoking the Bear spirit, Tranvol only needs his weapon to be a fearsome opponent in combat. While Tranvol will fiercely defend his friends from physical harm, but usually lets other people do the talking - he prefers the company of his pet hawk Flaxe.
# Appearance
Flaming red hair and a great beard are unmistakable features of this hardy dwarf. A loincloth made from a bear pelt - one of his first kills many years ago - are all the clothes he needs. Totemic tattoos are scattered across his body, signifying the animals spirits that he calls upon.
Tranvol wields the Sacrificial Blade, a wooden greatsword imbued with necromantic magic. He reforged the blade himself after finding the hilt and pommel and searching the countryside for Poisonwood, a subtly magical wood that can be polished to hold an edge as sharp as any steel.