Freya's Purpose

gargantuan vehicle (85ft x 35ft),

Creature Capacity: 10 crew, 10 passengers
Cargo Capacity: 10 tons
14 (+2)
18 (+4)
14 (+2)
0 (-5)
0 (-5)
0 (-5)
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious
Senses: Passive Perception 5

Travel Speed: 4 mph (100 miles/day)

Crew quality:

Crew count:

Marid's Heart: A creature can touch the orb to gain the ability to breathe underwater for an hour (each creature can gain this benefit only once per day).

# Actions

On its turn, Freya's Purpose can take 3 actions, choosing from the options below. It can take only 2 actions if it has fewer than 10 crew and only 1 action if it has fewer than five. If it has fewer than 3 crew it cannot take any actions.

Unless indicated, the ship can only do each action once per turn.

# Hull

15, 300 (damage threshold 10)

If the hull is destroyed, the ship starts sinking.

# Control: Helm

14, 50

Turn: Turn the ship up to 90 degrees to port or starboard. This action can be used before the ship moves.

# Movement: Sails

10, 75

At the start of its turn, the ship moves forward. The amount depends on how much sail is out. The speed is halved while sailing into the wind, and halved if the sails have less than half their hit points.

Adjust Sail: Set or take down sail, adjusting the speed by 10 feet, up to a maximum of 40.

# Weapons: Scorpios

13, 50

Fire Scorpio: Ranged Weapon Attack, quality+2 to hit, range 120/480 ft, one target. Hit: 13 (2d10+2) piercing damage. Each scorpio can be fired once per turn.

Scorpios have an arc of fire about 120 degrees from the ship's centerline on each side.

# Freya's Purpose

Length 85 ft
Beam 35 ft
Sail Plan Brigantine

Freya's Purpose is a brigantine, a two-masted ship with two square sails on her fore mast and two square sails on the main mast with a large gaff sail over the quarterdeck. Two headsails fly from her bowsprit. Her masts are about 75 ft tall each. There is a crow's nest 40 ft up in each mast, and netting lets anyone climb up without an ability check.

During a journey from Tec to Aphenor, a cursed sarcophagus containing a Mummy Lord turned the crew into undead husks and the ship was set adrift. It was recovered by a small squad of Pilgrim Knights, who now hope to use it as their base of operations. It was renamed from the Eternity to Freya's Purpose after it was repaired, in honor of the patron deity of the Pilgrim Knights which now man the ship.

# Officers

The ship needs several officers, in addition to normal crew. These officers can be called upon to use their skills (the normal proficiency needed is indicated in the Officer table) to ensure the ship's safe and orderly passage.

Role Check Proficiency Character Proficiency
Captain Intelligence Water Vehicles Thundin
First Mate Charisma Intimidation/Persuasion Lyra
Quartermaster Wisdom Navigator Tools Claire Beckett
Bosun Strength Carpenter's Tools Lord Flashheart
Surgeon Wisdom Medicine Frank
Cook Wisdom Cook's Utensils/Brewer's Supplies Raphael

Proficiency in the indicated skill is not required to perform the role, but it will certainly help. By spending some time learning their craft, an officer could develop the proficiency over time. A character cannot hold several officer positions at the same time.

It is also possible to hire NPCs to act as officers. They are more expensive than regular crew, but are good at their job.

# Officer actions

Some officer roles get special actions to help the ship, both in and out of combat.

# Helming the Ship (all officers)

Whoever is holding the wheel is steering the ship. In combat, they give orders to the ship's crew. If no one is helming the ship, it cannot take actions.

# Take Aim (all officers)

As an action, the officer directs the crew’s firing, aiding in aiming one of the ship’s weapons. Select one of the ship’s weapons that is within 10 feet of the officer. It gains advantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of the ship’s next turn.

# Full Speed Ahead (Captain only)

As an action while on deck, the captain can exhort the crew to work harder and drive the ship forward faster. Roll a d6 and multiply the result by 5. Apply the total as a bonus to the ship’s speed until the end of the ship’s next turn.

# Motivate Crew (First Mate only)

As an action while on deck, the First Mate can coax or scare the crew to work harder. The next ship action that adds the Crew Quality score gains a 1d4 bonus. This can be done once per short rest.

# Predict Weather (Quartermaster Only)

Once per day, the quartermaster can take 10 minutes to read the signs of nature. Make a Nature (Intelligence) or Survival (Wisdom) check. On a 20 or higher, learn all weather changes that will happen tomorrow. On a 15 or higher, learn one (wind speed, wind direction, precipitation or temperature).

# Emergency Repairs (Bosun Only)

Once per long rest, the ship’s bosun can make a Carpenter's Tools (Strength) check. On a 15 or higher, each damaged component regains hit points equal to 1d6 + the crew’s quality score (minimum of 1 hit point). A component other than the hull that had 0 hit points becomes functional again.

# It's Only A Flesh Wound (Surgeon Only)

Any creature who rolls hit dice during a short rest when the surgeon is on board heals an additional 2d8 hp.

# Double Rum Rations (Cook Only)

By spending 50 gp worth of extra supplies, the quality of the crew gains a 2 (1d4) bonus for one day. The next day, subtract 2 (1d4) from all rolls that use crew quality, as they are hung over.

# Crew

An average crew member costs about 20 gp a month (in wages and supplies used). The base expenses for general supplies and upkeep of the vessel itself is 200 gp/month.

# Quartermaster Claire Beckett

*Maritime Human Hunter Ranger 5 (Sailor, NG)*

A young human woman who was born out of wedlock to Lady Julianna Beckett, and thus rejected by her family. In a fight, she uses a longbow.

Claire wants to find her father (Lord Remus Tuveren), but has little idea of where to start. Her mother will not tell her.

# Crew quality and actions

Crew quality is a measure of both how good the crew is, and how loyal they are to the captain. It ranges from -10 to +10, and is added to ship ability checks, saving throws and attack rolls. A ship with negative quality might even have a mutiny.

Crew Actions Cost Description
Hire specialist 250gp, 100gp/month Increases crew count by 1, increases quality by 1
Hire able seaman 50gp, 25gp/month Increases crew count by 1
Hire warm bodies 10gp, 5gp/month Increases crew count by 1, decreases quality by 1
Combat Drills 3 days downtime Increases the crew quality by 1
Shore Leave Downtime Increases the crew quality by 1 per day of downtime, up to a maximum of +3. This bonus decreases by 1 for every three days spent at sea.

The crew are able to pilot the ship without all officers onboard. For example, they could be instructed to meet the party on the other side of an island, or to go to a well-known port and take on cargo.

# Upgrades

While Freya's Purpose is a capable trading ship, a few upgrades could prove a big benefit, especially in combat. All of these upgrades are not readily available, some might need a drydock, others require special craftsmen who will only give their services in return for a favor. They may also take some time to install.

Some examples of where upgrades could be bought/found: purchased at the shipyard in Greystone, recovered from a shipwreck, salvaged from a defeated pirate ship.

Upgrade Cost Description
Workshop 500gp Creates a space for crafting under deck
Ram 1000gp +2 Strength, adds a sturdy ram in the front of the ship
Cannons 15000gp +4 Strength, adds two cannons on either side
Grappling Hooks 1500gp +1 Strength, adds a set of grappling hook launchers that can be used to pull in another ship in order to board it
Efficient Bulkheads 2500gp Increases the cargo capacity by 5 tonnes
Staysails 1200gp Adds 1 mph travel speed, but the sails are too bulky to use effectively in combat
Studding Sails 1400gp +1 Dexterity, removes the speed penalty in light wind
Lazy-jack system 800gp +1 Dexterity, doubles the speed adjustment possible per turn in combat
Self-tacking foresails 1000gp Decreases the crew requirement for maximum efficiency by 2 (only the highest tier is affected)
Carved Figurehead 500gp A well carved figurehead the crew can rally around. Increases crew quality by 1.
Windsilk sails Special +2 Dexterity, removes the penalty for sailing into the wind
Siren Ship's Bell Special Mounted at the helm, ringing this bell forces the captain of any hostile ship within 1 mile to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be forced to stop his pursuit. Hostile action against ships under this effect wakes them from their slumber and they resume their original course of action. Once used, can not be used for 5 (1d4+3) days
Fluxcharger Eye Special Looking through this magical spyglass negates the effects of non-magical fog
Ironwood Hull Planks Special +2 Constitution, the hull gains resistance to non-magical B/P/S damage
Living Wood Planking Special The ship restores 5 hit points every hour to one part that has less than its maximum, but not 0 hp
Hydra Slime Anti-foul Coating Special +1 Dexterity, with this coating applied to the hull the Purpose ignores non-magical difficult terrain
Storm Giant Figurehead Special Once per day, the ship can use an action to unleash a thunderwave in a 120 foot cone in front of the ship. Each creature and ship part in the cone must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equals 8+crew quality) taking 4d6 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success
Crew Displacer Device Special This marvel of artifice allows for quick disembarkment of crew. Once per day, can cast Scatter as a ship action.

This is not a complete list of possible upgrades.

# Repairs

At sea, the bosun can make some emergency repairs, but for more serious damage, a harbor is needed. Each hit point healed requires 5 gp worth of materials, and a maximum of 100 hit points can be healed per day.

# Cannons

15+con, 100 (each)

Four cannons on the deck, two on each side. Each cannon requires three dedicated crew to fire efficiently, which means six crew can fire one round from one side of the ship per round. They can aim about 30 degrees fore and aft.

Cannon Ball: Ranged Weapon Attack: +(str + prof) to hit, range 300/600 ft, one target. Hit: 26 (4d12) + str bludgeoning damage. Deals double damage to hulls.

Chain Shot: Ranged Weapon Attack: +(str + prof) to hit, range 400/800 ft, one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) + str bludgeoning damage. Deals double damage to sails.

Grape Shot: 10x100ft line. All creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving throw (DC 8+prof+str) or suffer 21 (6d6) piercing damage, or half as much on a successful save. Deals no damage to ship parts or other structures.

# Grappling Hook Launcher

12+con, 75

Launch Grappling Hooks: A ship within 60 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw, or get pulled alongside the Purpose. A larger ship makes this save with advantage, and a smaller one with disadvantage. If the ropes that hold the ships together are destroyed (AC 10, HP 50, vuln. to slashing), the ships are separated.

# Ram

15+con, 100 (damage threshhold =10*con)

A large ram at the front of the ship, carved to look like a rhinoceros head with a steel-capped horn.

Ram: The ship can use its Move action to crash into another ship, object, creature. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure it takes 13 (2d12) damage for every 10 feet of speed the ship has, or half as much on a success. Regardless, the ram takes half this damage.

The ship has advantage on all saving throws relating to crashing when it crashes into a creature or object. Any damage it takes from the crash is applied to the ram rather than the hull. This does not apply if another ship crashes into it. Repairing the Ram is twice as effective as other parts.

Completed Upgrades Cost Description
Lubed-up rudder chain 150gp +1 Dexterity
Repair Scorpios 500gp +2 Strength, provides necessary repairs to the deck-mounted scorpios
Marid's Heart Special A creature can touch this orb to gain the ability to breathe underwater for an hour (each creature can gain this benefit only once per day)