My Characters

Some good questions to answer in a backstory blurb: Why are they an adventurer? Who, if anyone, trained them? Which gods do they worship? How do they fight? What do they look like?

# Lumiel Gallaeth nan Iacaris

Lumiel Gallaeth F High Elven Bladesinger Wizard (Noble, CG) (ddb) (opens new window)

"I know just the spell! Getho-Dagaz-Raitho!"

"Well, someone must know! I just have to find them."

"Blast! I hate it when I don't know the answer!"

lumieL 'Summer-born' gallaeth 'Quick-song'

The youngest child of her family, and the only daughter. Her mother, Arwyn nan Iacaris, is a high ranking officer in the Edhildore. Her father is Aenivar Gallaeth, a renowned poet and musician, who regularly performs at the most exclusive gatherings of elven nobles in Tel Edhil. Growing up, her father taught her singing and dancing and her mother introduced her to swordplay at an early age. However, Lumiel was always most interested in magic, which came easy to her - she learned her first cantrips around age eight.

At age 14, she was admitted to the Stargarden in Tel Edhil, where her dancing and swordplay skills combined with her magical prowess quickly made her a candidate to become a Bladesinger, an almost extinct elven form of combat that mixes swordplay with spellslinging in fluid motions. She was taught in one-on-one sessions by Grand Mage Tenelor Galtindo. At age 17, when Lumiel had learned the chanting blade-songs of old, the Grand Mage sent her to Greystone, along with a letter of recommendation, to finish her magical education at the Council Archive.

While Lumiel's unique style of magic made her stand out at the archive, she graduated into the ranks of the Council. She now spends her days researching on her own in the islands. Her current focus is trying to find the crafting process behind the crystalline swords that equipped the Bladesingers of the early Teccan empire. These fabled blades, of which only a handful are known to remain, form an almost symbiotic relationship with their wielder, the magic of one enhancing the other.

Recently, she received word from home that she might be expected to marry into another noble family to enhance her family's standing. This terrifies her more than any monster ever could, but she keeps her feelings on the matter close to her chest. This has lit a fuse under her research efforts.

Lumiel is bright, self-reliant, and quick-tempered - but not so hot-headed that she lets her feelings take over the rational decision making process that has taken her this far. She has seldom cared for what other thinks of her, except in matters of arcane knowledge, where she hates to be outshone. Fortunately, it does not happen often.

She inherited her mother's ginger hair, which she keeps in an intricate braided bun, and her fathers purple eyes. In combat, Lumiel wields a sword in one hand, and flings magic with her other one. Her preferred schools are Evocation (especially storm magic) and Illusion. Unlike most of her wizard colleagues, she wears armor, although it is of the lightest kind she can get her hands on. She has caught many enemies by surprise with her magic, as she looks more like a rogue than a wizard - the symbol of the Council on her mantle clasp is the only real giveaway. Her familiar, usually in the form of an almiraj or a barn owl, is named Nugget.

# Arhitael Amberdew

Arhitael Amberdew F Half-elven Paladin of Vengeance (Sailor, CN) (ddb) (opens new window)

"Blackhew will die by my hand, or I by his. This I swear."

"You will tell me what I need to know, or by all the Gods, I will send you to Hel!"

"I make a notch in my shield for every pirate scum that die by my spear so that when they get me they know exactly how many of them I was worth."

Arhitael (Arhitael - 'Golden Traveller') was born in Kiniden, to an elven father and human mother. Her father left soon after she was born, leaving Arhitael and her mother to fend for themselves. Her mother died when Arhitael was fifteen. Having little that bound her to Kiniden and in dire need of gold, she enlisted with a ship's crew, lying about her age to an unscrupulous captain. She soon found the life at sea far more enjoyable than what her life in the poor part of Kiniden had been. She sailed with different crews for a couple years until she became Second Mate under Captain Darren Freewater on the Antelope, a merchant ship that mostly carried furs, wheat, and the occasional passenger between Aphenor and Temple Haven.

Arhitael had been sailing with Captain Freewater for four years when pirates led by a swarthy dwarf named Elcid Blackhew boarded the Antelope and took its crew as slaves. Arhitael, always the fighter, vowed to survive and sail under her own colors again. During this captivity she saw several of her crewmates die to mistreatment at the hands of their captors. She managed to escape after a few hellish months at sea by swimming ashore during a night passage, ending up on Cottenhorn with nothing but the wet clothes on her back.

Realizing she needed to learn how to fight if she were to help her friends who were still with the pirates, she joined the Cottenhorn City Guard, who taught her the use of the spear and shield. Not content to stay at land, Arhitael left Cottenhorn and now travels the Estian Sea looking for the pirates that enslaved her crew. She is searching for allies for the fight to come, where Arhitael will try to rescue her crewmates, or if that fails, avenge them.

Arhitael has a great swell of golden hair and a muscular build. She fights with spear and shield, clad in heavy armor and a dark teal tabard. She finds comfort in the stories of Thor, whose fury matches the white-hot anger that burns in her and whose emblem is blazoned on her shield.

# Hana nan Iacaris

F Half-elven Eloquence Bard (Entertainer, CG) (ddb) (opens new window)

Hana's mother is a human servant to an elven lord of Iacaris. She has never met her father, another elven noble who seduced her mother during a party. She was raised by her mother and managed to get her hands on a lute, which became her ticket out of there. Hana started traveling the land, visiting taverns and inns to make her wages by playing song she composes that chronicle current events. She became an adventurer looking for gold, glory, and good stories. The stories she likes most are those of Balder, the god of Poetry and Love. Just like Balder, she prefers to solve conflicts by talking rather than combat, but her enemies would do well not to underestimate her.

Hana is attractive, even for one of elven heritage. Her blonde hair and pretty smile are weapons in their own right, augmented to great effect by her quick talking and the magic of her songs. She wears a black-and-white silk doublet with puffy arms, and tight leather britches. She is rarely seen without her troubadour cap, which matches her doublet. Her cap usually has a feather or fresh flower in it when she performs.

# Minaela Sablecoat

F Tabaxi Gloom Stalker Ranger (Outlander, CG) (ddb) (opens new window)

Minaela is a hunter at heart. With her trusty longbow in hand, she is deadly when stalks her prey in the night. Ever since she was raised in a small hamlet near the Turquoise Bay she has had a love for the wild and protecting it. She was taught the ranger's magic by her village elder. Now she has left her village to experience the world, eager to see both its good and evil.

She has very dark fur, that almost appears blue-ish in daylight. Her eyes are orange like deep crystals of amber. She wears dark leathers to stay mobile while blending into the darkness which she prefers to hunt in. Beneath her armor is a pendant with the crossed arrow symbol of Uller.

# Diana Jones

F Martial Human Swashbuckler Rogue (Archeologist, CG) (ddb) (opens new window)

Diana Jones started her study of the past when she found a jeweled Teccan idol in a cave near Whitport, where she grew up. This developed into a almost obsession with the old Teccan empire and its lost artifacts. She is an adventurer of the highest degree, never afraid of getting in trouble if there might be a payday at the end.

In combat, she fights with her trusty whip, backed up by a small concealed crossbow. She dresses in brown leathers and a white shirt (at least it starts out as white), and wears a wide-brimmed leather hat. Her brown hair is usually tied behind her head in a tight ponytail.

Close ally of Caius Forgehammer.

# Geniweave Mageblood

Geniweave Mageblood F Mystical Human Weaveborn Sorceress (Sage, CG) (ddb) (opens new window)

Geniweave (Jenny to her friends) was born to a powerful wizard mother, Marietta Mageblood, who became pregnant by way of magic, rather than the normal way. Jenny's mother recognised her weaveborn nature right at birth, and gave her the name Geniweave. Jenny's unique heritage gave her a connection to the weave itself and she wields its power well, assisting her mother in her studies of the mystical. Despite not inheriting all of her mother's book-smarts, Jenny has a innate understanding of magic which makes her an invaluable asset in their research.

Jenny's hair is bright purple, and the irises of her eyes sparkle like galaxies. She wears the Vestments of the Weaveborn, intricate robes in purple, gold, black and white. A wand sheath is hidden in the folds of her robes, where her trusted wand of gilded Feyberry wood rests. She mainly uses evocation, abjuration and enchantment magic. She has recently struck out on her own, trying to come to terms with her ancestry and to forge a destiny for herself.

# Tyrafein

F Kalashtar Soulknife Rogue (Urchin, CN) (ddb) (opens new window)

Grew up an orphan on the streets of Riverside in Greystone as Tyra. In order to survive, she learned to steal and fight. She was plagued with terrifying nightmares from an early age. At age 13, she learned that she was a Kalashtar and that the source of these dreams was Fein, her Quori spirit. After this revelation she became Tyrafein and eventually gained control of her mind, unlocking her latent psionic powers. Tyra has gained such control of her powers she can force her mind into the shape of a blade that leaves no mark on its victims.

The gods were never very present in the slums of Riverside, but when others told of the misdeeds of Loki, she could not help but feel admiration of his cunning and guile. She keeps this seed of faith to herself, as she knows how Loki is usually viewed. Tyra has never cared much for the fortunes of others, but she wants to find a place where she belongs and people who will accept her. She adventures around the Estian Sea, where jobs that require her skills of infiltration and assassination are plentiful, if you know who to ask.

Tyra usually wears practical leather armors and knee-high laced boots (to avoid the muck of the slums), but no visible weapons. She keeps her raven hair braided to the sides.

# Aenilie

F Half-elven Monk of Mercy (Acolyte, NG) (ddb) (opens new window)

Aenilie was raised at the Pilgrim orphanage in Aphenor after her (human) mother abandoned her there as an infant. She does not know her father, except that he is an elf. She fared better than many other children she saw come and go through her orphanage. When she was too old to stay at the orphanage the Charitors, who saw her willingness to help others, arranged for her to enter the Knights as an Initiate earlier than is usually allowed. She studied hard under their tutelage while attending every mass to Freya that was held at the temple. She is a devout follower of Freya, as without the help of her knights Aenilie would have been left to fend for herself.

Now a trained Charitor Initiate, Aenilie has never seen the world outside the cloistered walls of the Pilgrims, she has been sent to travel around the Estian Islands to learn how the world works, before she takes up service at one of their hospitals. Perhaps she could visit some of the sacred shrines of her order? She would also like to know if her parents are still alive, and how she ended up in the orphanage, more out of a need for closure than revenge - she firmly believes this was Freya's plan all along.

Aenilie has auburn hair and green, friendly eyes. She wears the simple blue robes of her order, preferring the freedom of movement they provide to any armor. In combat she favors accuracy over brute strength, hitting her opponents' pressure points with her staff or a well placed kick. She also aids her allies with quick healing magic and encouraging words.

# Silwen nan Maeral

F High Elven Druid of the Stars (Sage, TN) (ddb) (opens new window)

Silwen (Silwen 'Star-lady') proved adept with magic at an early age and was accepted to the Stargarden, the elven magic school in Tel Edhil, where she learned to map the secrets that the skies hold. She is a follower of Odin, as his knowledge of the worlds above is without equal.

She wields the natural power of the heavens, channeling it through her star chart. The star chart is a six-inch circular disc of rare hardwood decorated with intricate marquetry depicting star patterns. The disc projects (obviously illusory) images of constellations above it when used.

# Phoebix

M Tiefling Paladin of Vengeance (Soldier, LN) (ddb) (opens new window)

War-weary tiefling who uses his combat prowess to protect those who have been unjustly affected by war and other conflicts. Like most tieflings, grew up an outcast and decided to join the military where he saw how badly the populace suffered wherever armies walks. Once his service-time was up, Phoebix tried to atone for his perceived sins by dedicating himself to Freya. Now he walks the land looking for rights to wrong and weak people to protect.

# Less developed characters

# Lucky Pete

M Stout Halfling Hexblade Warlock/Lore Bard (Urban Bounty Hunter, LN)

Bounty hunter cowboy. Eldritch Blast is a revolver. Hold Person is a magical lasso. His steed is a pony from Find Steed, gotten via magical secrets.

# Caius Steelhammer

M Hill Dwarf Forge Cleric (Guild Artisan, NG) (ddb) (opens new window)

Caius is obsessed with the old Teccan Empire. He hunts relics from it and gathers research on their way of living and why the Empire fell.

# Quill Blackfeather

F Wildhunt Shifter Grave Cleric (Acolyte, LN) (ddb) (opens new window)

Quill serves Odin, giving funeral rites to all those who fall on the battlefield. Her spell casting focus is a lantern.

# Marigold Greenbark

F Gnomish Moon Druid/Monk 1 (Hermit, NG) (ddb) (opens new window)

# C-00-K1E

M Warforged Evoker Wizard (Sage, LG) (ddb) (opens new window)

Wants to catalogue all the recipes of the world in his recipe book, which is also a spellbook. Fights with fire spells, which he flings with reckless abandon. Was made to serve as a chef for a rich nobleman.

# Dancebot 5000

F Warforged Glamour Bard (Entertainer, CG)

Built to entertain guests at a high-end club in Aphenor. Her robotic body is covered in lights that flash when she uses her magic.

# Amber 'the Angelic' Whitetemple

F Aasimar Zealot Barbarian (Gladiator, LN) (ddb) (opens new window)

Earned some fame fighting in arenas across the Estian Islands. Devout follower of Tyr - she thinks of herself as his sword in this world, doing what she imagines her god wants her to do. A very skilled combatant in close quarters, wielding a heavy greatsword to devastating effect.

Her angelic heritage gave her platinum hair and glowing amber eyes. This, combined with a fighting style that did not utilize armor made her quite popular among the arena spectators. Amber won her first fight in an underground fighting pit in Myrknes when she was 17. By 22 she regularly fought in the Greystone arena in front of crowds full of nobles.

  • Lost-from-the-feywild CG eladrin oath of ancients dex paladin
  • NG genasi Tempest Cleric sea-priest.
  • Hexblade/Swords Bard
  • Chronurgist
  • Echo Knight
  • Twilight Cleric
  • Wildfire Druid (red panda fire spirits or smallkin?)
  • Eladrin Way of the Astral Self Monk (Astral self looks like an archfey)
  • Aasimar Way of the Astral Self Monk (Astral self looks lika a valkyrie)
  • Sorlock eldritch blaster (possibly flavor eldritch blast as a gun)

Female names: Leah, Kaisa,

Male names: