Balder, god of Poetry


Alignment xG
Clerical Domains Life, Knowledge
Classes Bard, Wizard, Rogue
Backgrounds Sage, Entertainer, Charlatan
Other names The Beautiful, The Lustful One
Symbols and materials Lyre, Jera (j), Rose, Mahogany

# Ideals of Balder

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stands for. (Any)

Vanity I am the most beautiful person to ever walk this earth. (Any)

Eloquence What is the point unless you can convince others of it? (Lawful)

Pleasure A pretty face and a mug of wine will make me abandon all else. (Chaotic)

Leadership The true measure of someone are those who follow them. (Good)

Imagination Whatever you can think of, make a story out of it. (Any)

# Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Balder when you expand the influence of eloquence and beauty by committing acts such as these:

  • Create a work of art, whether it is poetry, song or statue
  • Avoid bloodshed by talking your way out of a sticky spot
  • Gain the admiration of others through your actions
  • Find a new partner for the night
  • Build or defend a temple of Balder

Your piety score to Balder decreases if you diminish her influence, contradict her ideals or otherwise ridicule her through acts such as these:

  • Destroy a work of art
  • Disrupt a feast or celebration
  • Wear dirty or worn clothes, allowing your appearance to falter

# Balder's Devotee

Piety 3+ Balder trait

Disguise Self, cha/lr

# Balder's Adherent

Piety 10+ Balder trait

Motivational Speech, 1/lr

# Balder's Disciple

Piety 25+ Balder trait

Advantage on Charisma checks to interact with non-hostile creatures.

# Champion of Beauty

Piety 50+ Balder trait

You can increase your Intelligence or Charisma by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.