Hermod, god of Luck


Alignment Cx
Clerical Domains Trickery, Knowledge
Classes Rogue, Sorcerer
Backgrounds Charlatan, Urchin, Entertainer
Other names The Messenger, Wingfoot, Herald of the Gods
Symbols and materials Winged Boots, Getho (g), Tulip

While Hermod the Messenger is more often cursed when events go poorly than praised, his domain is ever present. Anyone with Hermod on their side can be sure to have all those little things just go their way, which could add up to something much bigger in the end.

As the herald of the gods, his image is that of a traveling minstrel with a winged cap and winged boots, traveling the countryside delivering news and gathering tidings.

One of the most jovially dispositioned of the gods, he enjoys meddling in every day affairs of ordinary people - some extra coin here, a fire started there.

# Ideals of Hermod

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stands for. (Any)

Mystery If no one knows my true intentions they can not work against me. (Any)

Chance What is life without leaving some things to fate? (Chaotic)

Balance Those who have much can spare some for the less fortunate, and I will facilitate this exchange. (Chaotic)

Confidant People can rely on me to keep their secrets. (Lawful)

Opportunity All victories must be seized, even at the cost of others. (Evil)

# Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Hermod when you expand the influence him by committing acts such as these:

  • Win or lose, play a game of chance
  • Deliver tidings of the realm to a remote settlement
  • Be charitable towards the poor

Your piety score to Hermod decreases if you diminish him influence, contradict his ideals or otherwise ridicule him through acts such as these:

  • Cheat in a game of chance
  • Reveal a secret you were entrusted with

# Hermod's Devotee

Piety 3+ Hermod trait

Message, Fortune's Favor 1/lr

# Hermod's Adherent

Piety 10+ Hermod trait

Sending, 1/lr

# Hermod's Disciple

Piety 25+ Hermod trait

Scrying, 1/lr

# Champion of Prosperity

Piety 50+ Hermod trait

You can increase your Intelligence or Charisma by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.