Skadi, goddess of Earth


Alignment NE
Clerical Domains Nature, Life
Classes Ranger, Druid, Sorcerer
Backgrounds Outlander, Hermit
Other names Landmother, Wildwatcher, Dragonbearer
Symbols and materials Dragon, Ehwaz (e), Eagle, Wildflowers

Skadi the Landmother is ever present in the vast wilderness. It is said she walks the lands as a fawn, watching over her domain. Her true form is said to be a raven haired elven woman wearing a grand headdress made from eagle feathers and a dress from oak leaves. Sometimes she is depicted with dragon scales. She is married to Uller, the god of the hunt. Legend has it the feathers for her headdress was a gift from Uller.

Skadi is the mother of the Chromatic Dragons, who she bore from her own womb, as a force to return Midgard to a time before civilization came. She is opposed by Heimdall, who made the Metallic Dragons in his forge to protect the mortal races. Skadi is not opposed to individual mortals living in the world, but she does not think they should receive any special status from the gods. She considers all chromatic dragons to be her children, and her most devout and powerful followers are sometimes granted the service of a dragon as a steed or bodyguard.

# Divine Relationships

As the guardian of the uncivilized wilds, worship of Skadi is orthogonal to worship of many other gods. The least liked by her is Heimdall, whom her worshipers view as corrupting nature for his own purposes. She has an uneasy bond with Freya the Lady of Light as the sun is what provides for her domain - but the civilization that Freya encourages is antithetical to what Skadi's own purposes.

She is more closely aligned to Aegir, her counterpart in the sea and oceans. Travellers would do well to have the favor of atleast one of them where their domains intersect, such as in swamps and wetlands.

Hates Heimdall and his followers, as they are sworn enemies in the Dragon War. Skadi is the mother of all chromatic dragons, as she bore the primordial dragons of old in her own womb. All chromatic dragons worship her.

# Stories of Skadi

The Eagle Headdress When the world was still young, Uller was courting Skadi but she was rejecting him. Only after showing his respect and understanding of nature by convincing a family of eagles to let him take four feathers undisturbed and crafting them into a great headdress did she see his love for her and nature. She still bears the headdress to this day, and finding an eagle feather is a sign of Skadi's favor.

Mother of Dragons In order to imbue the chromatic dragons with the power to raze civilization, Skadi travelled to the farthest reaches of the multiverse, granting the primordial dragons the powers of the cosmos. The first to be spawned were the primordial white dragon from the frigid plane of Helheim. Afterwards, she went to the great Swamps of Oblivion in the Elemental Plane of Earth and birthed the mother of all black dragons. The green dragon came next, the result of Skadi joining her body to the poisonous waters of the River Styx throughout the Nine Hells. The blue dragons came from the Elemental Plane of Air. Last, and mightiest of all, the red dragons were spawned by Skadi in the Fountains of Creation, deep in the Plane of Fire.

# Ideals of Skadi

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what she stands for. (Any)

Preservation Nature is not to be recklessly plundered. (Lawful)

Accuracy Precision in actions is everything. Beware hurting innocents. (Good)

Turbulence Nature is unpredictable, and so am I. (Chaotic)

Guard the Realm The wilderness protects civilization from what lies beyond. (Neutral)

No Mercy Nature does not take prisoners. (Evil)

# Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Skadi when you expand the influence of nature by committing acts such as these:

  • Stopping those who hunt for sport of profit
  • Keeping wild animals for husbandry
  • Slaying non-natural threats such as undead, fiends or aberrations
  • Slaying metallic dragons and other enemies in the Dragon War

Your piety score to Skadi decreases if you diminish her influence over the wilderness or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:

  • Killing an animal unnecessarily, especially chromatic dragons
  • Cutting down a forest to expand a settlement
  • Interfering in the natural cycles of the wilderness
  • Build a large temple to any god, including Skadi herself

# Skadi's Devotee

Piety 3+ Skadi trait

Animal Friendship wis/lr

# Skadi's Adherent

Piety 10+ Skadi trait

Advantage on any Charisma checks to interact with chromatic dragons.

Plant Growth 1/lr

# Skadi's Disciple

Piety 25+ Skadi trait

Wrath of Nature 1/lr

# Champion of the Wild

Piety 50+ Skadi trait

You can increase your Dexterity or Wisdom by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.