Tyr, god of War


Alignment Lx
Clerical Domains War, Order
Classes Paladin, Fighter
Backgrounds Soldier, Gladiator
Other Names Thingsguard, Justicemaker
Symbols Spear

Tyr is the god of just war. A well fought conflict brings honor to both sides.

Tyr is usually depicted as a warrior wielding a spear and shield. His shield is affixed to his right arm with straps, for his right hand was lost when he fought Fenrir, the Great Wolf of the Shadowfell. Despite losing his hand, Tyr won the fight and banished Fenrir into the Shadowfell.

# Tyr's Favor

The champions of Tyr are bringers of fair justice or mighty warriors. Some communicate what they have learned back to the All-father via his ravens, others are completely unaware that Tyr has taken an interest in them. Regardless, these are some of the ways Tyr could have taken an interest in a person:

  • One or both of your parents were champions of Tyr
  • You were trained as a warrior from an early age
  • You bring justice to criminals in your hometown
  • You were born on the day of a great nearby battle
  • You found a magic sword and suddenly knew how to use it
  • You have no idea why Tyr has taken an interest in you, and frankly you don't care

# Ideals of Tyr

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (Any)

Honor The acclaim of my people is the most important thing to me. (Good)

Victory Whatever happens, I will never surrender to my enemies. (Chaotic)

Glory Only by defeating our enemies can we achieve eternal glory. (Evil)

Justice I will deliver judgment to those who deserve it. (Lawful)

Protection Those that cannot defend themselves need a champion. (Good)

# Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Tyr when you expand the influence of knowledge by committing acts such as these:

  • Emerging victorious in combat, especially if outnumbered
  • Bringing a criminal to justice or carrying out the sentence
  • Rescuing civilians from a warzone

Your piety score to Tyr decreases if you diminish his influence, contradict his ideals or otherwise ridicule him through acts such as these:

  • Winning a battle by subterfuge or deceit
  • Willingly letting a criminal get away without justice, or framing an innocent person
  • Backing down or running away from a fair fight
  • Slaughering or stealing from civilians, or other third parties to a conflict

# Tyr's Devotee

Piety 3+ Tyr trait

The god of justice has taken an interest in you. You can cast the Compelled Duel spell once per long rest.

# Tyr's Adherent

Piety 10+ Tyr trait

Tyr has deputized you in the bringing of justice. You can cast the Zone of Truth spell once per long rest.

# Tyr's Disciple

Piety 25+ Tyr trait

Tyr grants his champions immense combat ability. You can cast the Steel Wind Strike spell once per long rest.

# Champion of the Thingsguard

Piety 50+ Tyr trait

You can increase your Strength or Wisdom by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.