Uller, god of Hunting


Alignment xG
Clerical Domains Nature, Life
Classes Ranger, Barbarian
Backgrounds Outlander, Fisher, Hermit
Other Names The Huntsman
Symbols and materials Crossed Arrows, Aehaz (y), Yew

Uller represents the other side of nature than Skadi, his wife. Where Skadi is devoted to the protection and continuation of nature, Uller looks over the careful pruning of flora and fauna alike. Many hunters sacrifice part of their quarry to Uller as thanks for granting them a successful hunt.

He is said to lead a great hunting party across the sky atop the massive elk steed Ambara, armed with his bow Willowstrike and an endless quiver of arrows fletched with golden feathers.

# Ideals of Uller

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stands for. (Any)

Patience A single well-timed shot is better than five haphazard ones. (Lawful)

Temperance Do not take more than you need from nature. (Neutral)

Exploration I will go to the end of the map, and beyond. (Chaotic)

Harvest Nature provides for us, and all we must do is reach out for it. (Any)

Pursuit I enjoy the hunt more than the spoils. (Evil)

# Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Uller when you expand the influence of the huntsman by committing acts such as these:

  • Hit a particularly hard shot with a bow and arrow
  • Harvesting an animal with a clean kill, without making it suffer
  • Sacrifice part of your spoils to Uller
  • Hinder those that seek to exploit and destroy natural resources
  • Successfully track your quarry

Your piety score to Uller decreases if you diminish his influence, contradict his ideals or otherwise ridicule him through acts such as these:

  • Hunt animals for pleasure
  • Get lost in the wilderness

# Uller's Devotee

Piety 3+ Uller trait

Hunter's Mark wis/lr.

# Uller's Adherent

Piety 10+ Uller trait

Pass Without Trace 1/lr.

# Uller's Disciple

Piety 25+ Uller trait

Locate Creature, 1/lr.

# Champion of the Hunt

Piety 50+ Uller trait

You can increase your Dexterity or Wisdom by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.