Optional Class Features
These features can optionally be used when creating a character. All options presented in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything are also approved, with the exception of the Custom Lineage race option.
# Bard
# Master of Your Craft
Level 20 Bard feature, which replaces Superior Inspiration
Your connection with the weave has left you with a deeper understanding of the world. Your proficiency bonus increases by 1. Additionally, when you use your Jack of All Trades feature, you can round up instead of down.
# Barbarian
# Intimidating Roar
Level 10 Berserker feature, which replaces Intimidating Presence
When you enter a Frenzy, you let out a terrifying roar. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + prof + str), or become Frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
Additionally, Exhaustion levels gained from Frenzy are decreased by 1 when you finish a short rest.
# Sorcerer
# Bloodline Spells
Level 1 Sorcerer feature
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Bloodline Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Sorcerer Level | Draconic Bloodline spells | Divine Soul spells | Wild Magic Spells | Storm Sorcery spells | Shadow Magic spells |
1 | Command | Guiding Bolt | Chaos Bolt | Thunderwave | Disguise Self |
3 | Dragon's Breath | Lesser Restoration | Enlarge/Reduce | Shatter | Detect Thoughts |
5 | Fear | Spirit Guardians | Counterspell | Thunder Step | Enemies Abound |
7 | Fire Shield | Death Ward | Dimension Door | Storm Sphere | Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound |
9 | Dominate Person | Mass Cure Wounds | Bigby's Hand | Maelstrom | Seeming |
When you gain a level in sorcerer, you can exchange one of these spells for other spells on your spell list. The new spell must be of the same school.
# Sorcerous Recovery
Level 2 Sorcerer feature
When you finish a short rest, you can recover sorcery points equal to half your sorcerer level. Once you use this feature, you need to finish a long rest before you can do so again.
# Metamagic Master
Level 20 Sorcerer feature, which replaces Sorcerous Restoration
You have become a master of bending your innate magic to your will. All metamagic options are now available to you, and their costs decrease by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
# Unstable Magic
Level 1 Wild Magic Sorcerer feature, which replaces Wild Magic Surge
When you cast a leveled spell, roll a die as indicated by the following table. Add the result to a running total, called your Instability. If your Instability exceeds 20, you surge with magical energy: Roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect. If that effect is a spell, it is too wild to be affected by your Metamagic, and if it normally requires concentration, it doesn’t require concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its full duration.
After you have surged, your Instability resets back to 0.
Spell Level | Instability Die |
1 | d4 |
2 | d6 |
3 | d8 |
4 | d10 |
5 | d12 |
6+ | d20 |
Additionally, the player can also decide to roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to get Tides of Chaos back. These surges do not reset your Instability.
# Fluctuating Instability
Level 6 Wild Magic Sorcerer feature, which replaces Bend Luck
When another creature you can see makes an attack roll, an ability check or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to spend between 1 and 3 sorcery points, and roll the die that corresponds to that spell level on your Instability table. You choose whether to apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty to the creatures roll. You can do this after the creature roll but before any effects of the roll occur. Regardless, the number you rolled is also added to your Instability, potentially causing a Wild Magic Surge.
# Volatile Bombardment
Level 18 Wild Magic Sorcerer feature, which replaces Spell Bombardment
When you cast a levelled spell, you can choose to make it volatile. If you do, all damage dealt by the spell explodes, as long as you roll the maximum amount on a damage die, you can reroll it and add it to the total.
After casting a volatile spell, you roll and add two Instability dice instead of one.
# Monk
# Moment of Zen
Level 20 Monk feature, which replaces Perfect Self
You have learned to ready yourself for what is about to come. When you roll initiative, if you have less than half your maximum amount of ki points, you regain ki points until you have half your maximum.
# Fighter
# Improved Indomitable
Level 9 Fighter feature, which enhances Indomitable
Uses of Indomitable are only spent if the saving throw succeeds with the reroll.
# Improved Arcane Shot
Level 3 Arcane Archer feature, which enhances Arcane Shot
You can use your Arcane Shots a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier between rests.
# Ranger
# Foe Stalker
Level 1 Ranger feature, which replaces Favored Enemy
You learn the Hunter's Mark spell, and it does not count towards the number of ranger spells you know. You can cast it a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier without using a spell slot. It does not require concentration for you. Creatures marked by the spell counts as a Favored Enemy.
At 14th level, the damage dealt by Hunter's Mark increases to 1d8.
# Know your Enemy
Level 20 Ranger feature, which replaces Foe Slayer
Through bloody experience, you have learned your enemies' weak spots. You can add your Wisdom modifier to all damage rolls you make against your Favored Enemies.
# Warlock
# Elemental Remnant
Level 6 Hexblade feature, which replaces Accursed Specter
You can extract the elemental essence of creatures that you slay. When you slay a creature, you can cause its spirit to coalesce into a mephit, a small remnant of chaotic elemental energy. Roll on the table below to see what type of mephit the spirit forms (depending on the slain creature, the DM may decide which form the mephit takes instead). The mephit acts on your turn, obeying your verbal commands to the best of its ability.
The following changes are made to the Mephit's statblock:
- Its alignment changes to that of the warlock.
- It understands Common, but can't speak it.
- When the mephit appears, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level.
- Any attack roll the mephit makes is done using the warlock's spell attack modifier.
- Any saving throw it causes other creatures to make uses the warlock's spell save DC.
- Any ability the Mephit has with (Recharge X) instead becomes (1/Short Rest).
The mephit remains in your service until the end of your next long rest, at which point the magic that holds it dissipates. Once you bind a spirit with this feature, you can't use the feature again until you finish a long rest.