Humans of Estia

This variant human race is available to use, since the PHB variant human is disallowed. Additionally, half-elves can chose to forgo their Skill Versatilty trait and instead gain any culture trait from the cultures below.

# Human

The strength of humans does not come from excellence in any single area. Instead it comes from their extreme versatility, and their ability to organize themselves to perform great works.

# Human traits

All humans have some traits in common, in addition to those given by the culture they were raised in.

# Size

Humans come in all shapes and sizes. Most stand between 4'8" and 6'6", with men generally taller than women. Their weight can vary between 100 lbs and 250 lbs, depending on gender and body type. Regardless of build, your size is Medium.

# Age

Humans become adult around age 20. They very rarely live beyond 100 years.

# Speed

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

# Ability Score Increase

You gain a +1 bonus to three different ability scores of your choice.

# Human Versatility

Humans can set their mind to anything. You gain proficiency in two skills and one tool of your choice.

# Languages

You can speak, read, and write Common, and one language of your choice. This is typically a language of another people you have interacted with growing up.

# Cultures

All humans are influenced by the culture they grew up in. This affects your way of thinking, their values, and their goals. Cultures are not necessarily geographically bounded, but instead a question of how you were raised. The nobility might raise their children very differently from the regular people, despite living in the same city or village. It is also not a determining factor for your future - nothing says a farm boy can't become a great wizard, or the fisherman's daughter a paladin.

Consider what traditions and customs your culture has, such as clothing, rituals, or celebrations. Do they welcome outsiders or try to keep to themselves? What deities are most important to them, and how is this worship expressed?

# Maritime

These cultures usually live by rivers, lakes, and oceans, where they make their living from fishing or by trading. Maritime societies value exploration above all, always desiring to find out what lies beyond the horizon. This leads many of them to become adventurers. The most common gods within maritime cultures are Aegir, Thor, or Hermod.

In the Estian Islands, this is the largest culture among humans. Greystone is a largely maritime society, as well as most settlements along the Estian coast.

# Eyes on the Horizon

It is important to always keep an eye out for dangers. You have advantage on Initiative rolls unless you are Incapacitated.

# Sea Legs

You gain proficiency with Water Vehicles. Additionally, you gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed.

# Martial

Martially minded societies value combat prowess and bravery. They train their children from a young age to fight and hunt. The path to the adventuring life lies wide open for these people. Tyr, Sif, and Uller are commonly revered deities in these cultures.

Many nobles in the Estian Islands are raised in a martial culture. It also dominates among the humans of Salmy, living under the rule of the Pilgrim Knights.

# Powerful Build

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

# Trained for War

You gain proficiency in Light and Medium armor and two simple or martial weapons of your choice.

# Agrarian

An agrarian culture lives by the harvest. Some are farmers, whose efforts of the spring and summer pay off in the fall. Others are artisans, who spend their time and energy to refine what nature provides into useful and valuable objects. Members of these societies value friends and family, as well as the nature that provides them their livelihood. Many of those raised in agrarian societies value the quiet life, but some of them have need for adventure in order to find what lies out there. The goddess Freya is commonly worshipped by agrarian communities, but some turn their faith to Heimdall or Skadi instead.

The majority of people who live on Cottenhorn have an agrarian culture, as well as a sizable portion of those living inland on Estia.

# Masters of their Trade

You gain Expertise in one skill and one tool that you are already proficient with.

# Harvest Revelry

When the work is done, it is time to celebrate with drinking and music! You gain proficiency with one instrument or gaming set of your choice.

# Mystical

Some cultures are more drawn to knowledge and the magical arts than others. These cultures usually value scholarly accomplishments and curiosity. People of this culture might follow the teachings of Odin, Balder, or Loki. Perhaps the culture values religious zeal and proselytizes their chosen god with divine fervor?

Pockets of mystical culture can be found all over the Estian Islands, mostly centered around magical facilities, such as an Archive.

# Exposed to the Weave

You learn one cantrip of your choice. You choose either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as the spellcasting ability for it.

# Well Read

Most knowledge is contained in books, and you have read plenty. You learn an additional language of your choice.

# Nomadic

Some cultures prefer not to live in permanent settlements, and instead wander the world at large. Perhaps you grew up on the plains, following great herds of animals that you hunted for food. Perhaps you paddled in small canoes from island to island in some far away archipelago. Regardless, your upbringing has left you well prepared for a life in the wilds - you have been an adventurer since the day you were born.

Tribes of nomadic people roam the northern coasts of Estia, herding reindeer in the colder climates. There are also wandering clans on the Turquoise Islands.

# Determined Wanderers

Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.

# Will to Survive

Life on the frontier is tough, but all you can do is push on. When you receive a level of Exhaustion, you can ignore it. Once you do so, you must finish a long rest before you can do it again.