Way of the Jungle
Monks who walk the Way of the Jungle emulate the fighting styles used by apex predators of the rainforest. They forgo the use of weapons, preferring to stalk their prey with their bare hands and feet. In meditation, these monks will try to commune with spirits of these animals in hopes of learning what it takes to survive the jungle.
# Strength of the Tiger
3rd-level Way of the Jungle feature
Starting at 3rd level, you have learned from the tiger spirits the need to be strong and decisive in your attacks. You gain extra benefits if you hit the same enemy multiple times in quick succession.
If you deal a critical strike, it counts as hitting twice for the purpose of your combo strikes.
Tiger Strike: If you hit an enemy three times with unarmed strikes on the same turn, the attack deals an extra Martial Arts die of damage.
# Jungle Magic
3rd-level Way of the Jungle feature
You have learned to harness some of the primal magic that permeates the jungle and its inhabitants. You can spend 1 Ki point to cast Speak with Animals or Animal Friendship. Spells cast through this feature does not require material components.
# Fortitude of the Bear
6th-level Way of the Jungle feature
Meditation has revealed the importance of being tenacious like the bear. When a creature misses you with a melee attack that is not an opportunity attack, you can use your reaction to spend 1 ki point and make a unarmed strike against them. If it hits, the attack counts towards the number of attacks you have made against that creature until the end of your next turn.
Bear Throw: If you hit an enemy four times with unarmed strikes on the same turn, you can spend a Ki point to deal an extra Martial Arts die of damage and move the target 10 feet in any direction. You may move along with your enemy, ending up adjacent to it in any orientation you choose (this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks). You can only move enemies that are up to one size larger than you.
Additionally, you can cast Locate Animals or Plants (2 ki) and Beast Sense (2 ki) using your Jungle Magic.
# Speed of the Jaguar
11th-level Way of the Jungle feature
The spirit of the jaguar has granted you understanding of its speed. When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can make three extra attacks instead of two.
In addition, when you hit a creature with your Tiger Strike, you have advantage on the next attack you make against that creature until the end of your turn. You can also cast Dominate Beast (4 ki) using your Jungle Magic.
# Power of the Crocodile
17th-level Way of the Jungle feature
You have communed with the spirits of the great river crocodiles and they have taught you how to finish your prey with a powerful death roll.
Crocodile Death Roll: If you hit an enemy five times with unarmed strikes on the same turn, the attack deals extra damage equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts die. You also regain Ki points equal to your Wisdom Modifier (minimum of 1).
Additionally, you can cast Commune with Nature (5 ki) using your Jungle Magic.