Way of the Sun Soul

# The Sun Soul, Reborn

This is a redux version of the subclass from Xanathar's Guide to Everything. That subclass has several glaring issues, which this version aims to improve.

It is more powerful than the original, but not overly so. It fills a hybrid niche between ranged damage dealer and single-target controller.

Monks who follow the Way of the Sun Soul harness their inner light into radiant energy they turn against their enemies. They are sworn hunters of undead and other darkness-dwellers in the service of Freya, the Lady of Light and Goddess of the Sun.

The only known temple where the Way of the Sun Soul is taught is Aurora's Sanctum, where a small number of high-ranking Pilgrim Knights are taught by a Solar named Aurora. Initiates are chosen among Pilgrim Knights' priestesses, (which makes Sun Soul monks almost exclusively female) preferring those who most embody her light in the world.

The traditional vestments of these monks is a flowy white stela. Higher-ranking members can be identified by the decorations on their stela, in the form of Glimmersilk edge-bands, gold embroidery, or beads of amber and pearls.

High ranking monks of the Sun Soul are also tasked with judging criminal proceedings, as they are considered incorruptible. During these proceedings, they wear ceremonial veils that hide their faces.

# Radiant Sun Bolt

3rd-level Way of the Sun Soul feature

Whenever you make an unarmed attack, you can replace it with a Radiant Sun Bolt.

Radiant Sun Bolt: You gain a special unarmed ranged weapon attack, slinging a searing bolt of solar energy at the target. It has a normal range of 30 feet, and a long range of 60 feet. You are proficient with this attack, which uses your Dexterity modifier for attack and damage. On a hit, it deals one Martial Arts die of radiant damage.

When attacking Undeads, Shapechangers, or creatures with Sunlight Sensitivity, your Radiant Sun Bolts deal a critical strike on a 19.

Additionally, you learn the Dancing Lights cantrip, and can cast it without providing material components.

# Resplendant Presence

3rd-level Way of the Sun Soul feature

The sun itself shines through you, giving you a extraordinary presence. You can add your Wisdom modifier to any Charisma ability check you make.

In addition, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion, Intimidation, or Insight skill.

# Solar Flare

6th-level Way of the Sun Soul feature

When you hit a creature with your Radiant Sun Bolts, you can spend 1 Ki point to bathe the target in purging light. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become Blinded until the end of your next turn. Undeads, Shapechangers, and creature with Sunlight Sensitivity have disadvantage on this save. If the triggering Radiant Sun Bolt attack was a critical strike, the target automatically fails its save.

A creature blinded by this feature is considered to be in sunlight for the duration. A shapechanger who is not in its true form who fails its save reverts to their true form, but is not blinded.

Additionally you can spend 2 Ki points to dispel a source of magical darkness by attacking it with a Radiant Sun Bolt. If the magical darkness is caused by a spell of a level equal or lower to your proficiency bonus, it is immediately dispelled. If it is from a higher-level spell, you must make a Wisdom check, the DC of which equals 10 plus the level of the spell. On a success, the darkness is dispelled.

# Searing Sunburst

11th-level Way of the Sun Soul feature

As an action, you can spend 3 Ki points to hurl an incandescent orb of sunlight at a point within 150 feet. Each creature within 20 feet of that point must make a Constitution saving throw or take 8d6 radiant damage, or half as much on a successful save. The area is bathed in bright light, and dim light for 20 feet outside the radius, until the end of your next turn. This light is sunlight.

Additionally, you can now add your Wisdom modifier to the damage of your Radiant Sun Bolts.

# Brilliant Halo

17th-level Way of the Sun Soul feature

As a bonus action, you unleash the light within you, causing your eyes to glow and a golden halo of light to form around your body. When you unleash this effect, all creatures of your choice within 30 feet must make a Constitution saving throw or be Blinded until the end of your next turn. For one minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • You shed bright light for 30 feet, and dim light for an additional 30 feet. This light is sunlight.
  • Creatures that hit you with a melee attack takes radiant damage equal to half your level plus your Wisdom modifier.
  • When you take the Attack action, you can make three attacks with your Radiant Sun Bolts.
  • Your Radiant Sun Bolt deals a critical strike on a 19. Versus Undeads, Shapechangers, and creatures with Sunlight Sensitivity, it deals a critical strike on an 18.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend 7 Ki points to use it again.