
Atop the high shore-cliffs in the far southern Wheatplains of Estia lies Arastfjord, a protected cove where ships can find safe harbor. This is the seat of House Keswick.

# Arastfjord

Founded in 217 AE.

Race Population
Total ~1500
Human Dominant
Dwarven Minority
Halfling Minority
Elven Minority
Half-elven Minority
Gnome Individuals
Tiefling Individuals

# Landmarks

Arastfjord lies right at the edge of the white cliffs that fall several hundred feet into the water below. Atop the cliffs lies the flat expanse of the Wheatplains, named for its highly fertile soil and lack of trees. Wild birds are plentiful, making roosts in crevices of the cliffs.

Most houses have a stone foundation with half-framed upper floors, as good timber is scarce on the Wheatplains. The roofs are either thatched or tiled.

# Manor Keswick

The large mansion at the highest point in the town, overlooking the ocean to the south, is the ancestral hall of House Keswick, who holds a barony encompassing the surrounding lands. The current Baroness is Miranda Keswick, who was a Charitor of the Pilgrim Knights before her older brother died and made her the heir apparent to the title. Her younger brother, Raymond, is married to Portia Tuveren, the current Duchess of Estia. Should Baroness Miranda die with no heir, the Keswick lands will fall under the direct sway of the Tuveren family, something the locals are very keen to avoid.

Outside the mansion stands a large runestone inscribed with the Keswick crest (a diving falcon holding a ribbon) and motto ('Ever Steadfast') along with the names of all the previous Barons of Arastfjord.


Baroness Miranda Keswick (human cleric, LG): A devout follower of Freya and a patron of Halvdan's Temple, which she often visits. She is kind and courteous, eager to reward service to her fief, which has made her much loved by the community. She is childless, and her barony makes her very sought-after by suitors.

Freida Goldmantle (dwarf, LN): Majordomo in the Baroness' household. Is highly trusted by the baroness, and Freida runs day-to-day business in the longhouse if the Baroness is travelling.

Malvar nan Estiae (Half-elf ranger, CG): Head falconer of the baroness. Raises and tends to peregrine falcons, which are used to hunt on the plains. Married to Caeran, the harbormaster.

# Harbor

Below the sheer cliffs, in a small cove that gives the town its name, lies a small but functional harbor has been built. It is accessed either by winding wooden stairs, or by the giant magically-powered elevator - although the elevator is mostly used for cargo.

The elevator is a 20x20 foot platform with ropes in each corner that via two giant wheels lead into a house at the top of the cliffs, where loading and unloading is done, and where the magical mechanism that powers the elevators is kept.

At the bottom of the elevator lies the Arastfjord Trading Post, where various adventuring goods can be bought and sold, both in quantity and to individuals. This is also where the seedier elements of town hang out.

Salston Starkhide (gnome artificer, TN): The artificer in charge of the elevator. Cares for little except keeping his elevator going, come hell or high water.

Clement Harren (human, LE): Proprietor of the trading house. A penny-pincher who always tries to get the best deal possible for himself.

Elina Darkhands (human, CN): Thief who is always interested in the next score. Works for Clement, using her access to listen for opportunities.

Caeran nan Estiae (elf, LN): Harbormaster. Can provide basic ship services, such as repairs or arranging of transport to another town, but his resources are scarce. Married to Malvar, the Baroness' head falconer.

# White Cliff Tavern and Brewery

The White Cliffs Tavern likes to boast that they have the best views of any inn on Estia, and few who have been there disagree. Placed right at the edge of the cliffs, the large outdoor deck area serves as the towns prime gathering spot and watering hole.

The main room of the tavern is dominated by a life-size semi-nude portrait of Mallus, painted by Brinie Thalmaer. Rooms are available here for rent.

The attached brewery makes Arastmead and White Cliff Barleybrew, the specialty brews served at the tavern and traded to ships who pass through. The honey for the mead is supplied by Johanna Rowley.

Nellie Softstep (halfing rogue, NG): Proprietor of the tavern. While her miniature stature might say otherwise, she is fully capable of throwing out any troublemakers from her tavern.

Mallus the Fair (half-elven bard, CG): The resident troubadour is a laid-back half-elf who spends his days at the inn playing his lute and drinking Arastmead while hitting on customers, much to Nellies chagrin. It is well known that he owes Nellie a great debt for something that happened while they were adventuring.

Duncan Anvilbrew (dwarf drunken master monk, NG): The master brewer, and the only one who knows the recipe of Arastmead, which he inherited from his father. Has no heirs and is becoming quite old, and the question of who should take over the brewery weighs heavily on his mind.

Nellie, Mallus, and Duncan used to adventure together. They used the money they earned from a long career adventuring to settle down in Arastfjord and start the businesses they always dreamed of running.

# Tomb of Halvdan the Bold

Halvdan the Bold, one of the founders of the Pilgrim Knights lies interred in a tomb here. It is an important pilgrimage site for the knights, who have a sizable number of people stationed here of all branches, endorsed by Baroness Miranda Keswick who is a trained Charitor herself. Until recently it was also the resting place of Dawnrender, Halvdan's fabled greatspear, but it was given to a member of the Spears who had a vision upon praying here. She subsequently restored the power within the spear and now wields it against evil.

Disciple Leifar Ironhammer (dwarf cleric, NG): The highest ranking Charitor at the temple. Born in Greystone, but considers Arastfjord home now. He provides food and minor healing services to people in need.

Captain Stephanie Fairbanks (human paladin, LG): The highest ranking Spear at the temple. Born on Cottenhorn, she is trying to advance in the ranks of her order quickly.

# Seer's Hut

On the outskirts of town is a small cottage, surrounded by small garden of various alchemical herbs. This is the home of Luthel, the village wise-woman. She provides her divination and alchemy services for a cost.

Aeniwyn nan Iacaris (Elven Druid of the Stars, LG): An elven sage who watches the stars for signs and portents. Can appear aloof to others.

# The Standing Stones

A couple miles inland lies a small copse of low trees that surrounds a clearing where two 15-foot tall standing stones of black basalt tower, joined by a third stone lying on top. It is not known who or what constructed this landmark. Local wildlife and townsfolk alike avoid the area, and only thorny bushes grow in the clearing. Passing between the stones at midnight during a moonless night acts as a planar crossing to the Shadowfell.

# Merchants and Trade

The clang of hammers and sound of bartering can usually be heard coming from the local market. Townsfolk and passers-by alike can find goods for sale here.

Arastfjord is well known among mariners as one of very few safe havens on the Windward Coast. Many ships have perished against the white cliffs, but the natural harbor here can provide much needed protection against sudden winds.

Tobin Cliffer (human, NG): The town's blacksmith. He is a reliable and honest man who is the happiest when his fire is the hottest. He or his apprentices can provide everything from nails, to horseshoes, to swords.

Alvill (human thief, NE): Ne'er-do-well teenaged pickpocket who hangs around the market.

Brinie Thalmaer (half-elf, CG): Master painter whose studio overlooks the market. Very highly regarded for her landscapes, which hang on the walls in many noble mansions across the archipelago, but will also do portraits when commissioned. Mallus the Fair is her long-term muse.

# Surrounding Farms

The landscape around Arastfjord is dotted with grain farms and windmills. Only a few farms breed livestock for meat, as the soil is more suited for farming. The harvest is sold and shipped off to Greystone and Aphenor, providing the majority of the towns income. Some of the grain is further refined into beer or bread before being sold. The brewery is well known across Estia for its excellent beer.

Johanna Rowley (human sorceress, NG): Beekeeper who supplies the White Cliff Brewery with all its honey. She is a sorcerer who uses her magic to grow rawsley, which her bees pollinate. This magical influence gives her honey a slight iridescent sheen and improves the taste. Sister to Guard Captain Winston Rowley. Has a magisquirrel familiar named Tails.

Edward Windridge (human, LN): The owner of the largest farm on the Wheatplains. Probably the richest person in town. He likes to entertain nobles at his estate, especially Baroness Miranda Keswick, who has thus far left his romantic courtship unrequited.

# Defenses and Guards

Arastfjord does not need to worry about invasion from the sea. The stairs to the harbor can be held by a dozen men against a thousand, and the elevator is controlled from the top. A land-borne force would be another matter, but the surrounding plains are home to nothing more serious than bandits.

The center of town is surrounded by a low stone wall, while not enough to repel invaders on its own, could atleast feasibly be manned in an emergency. The main road north is flanked by a guardhouse as it enters Arastfjord. The guardhouse has a small jail, but it is rarely used except to house those who have drunk too much Barleybrew at the tavern. Should anything very serious happen, the guards would seek the aid of the Pilgrim Knights at the Tomb of Halvdan.

Winston Rowley (human, LN): Captain of the Guard. Works closely with the Baroness' household to maintain order in the town. Commands a force of two dozen guards, which can handle the petty crime and occasional bandit that troubles the town. Brother to Johanna Rowley.

# Quests

  • Investigate a suitor for the Baroness. Preferably without drawing any attention to yourselves.
  • Murder mystery.
  • A necromancer has been seen by the standing stones. See them off, by force if necessary.
  • The secret recipe for Arastmead has been stolen!
  • The elevator is broken and requires a magical widget to repair it.
  • The seer needs help to cure a woman who drank too much of a potion. A specific herb might help, but it only grows...
  • Pirate ships have been spotted passing worryingly close. A force is being assembled to go after them, will you help?