
# Greystone

Founded 673 years ago.

Race Population
Total ~40000
Human Dominant
Elven Minority
Dwarven Minority
Half-elven Minority
Halfling Minority
Gnome Minority
Tiefling Enclave

The walled city of Greystone lies where the Quickwater river meets the sea. Inside its high walls lie a bustling trading port. The native population is mostly human, with a smattering of elves and dwarves. The city was founded 673 years ago as an Empire outpost, but has grown into a lively city.

# Landmarks

The old part of town, on the north side of the river is a mix of stone and wood houses. The newer part (Newside) is almost all stone houses. The wall that surrounds the city is 30ft tall, with the towers rising an extra 15ft above that. The wall is patrolled by the city guard, who also walk the streets in small squads of three or four guards.

The city is divided into 'sides'. The old part comprises Landside, Riverside and Seaside. Landside is the poorest part of town, Newside is the most expensive.

# Greystone Castle

On a jagged cliff overlooking Greystone Bay lies the fortified home of Count Aurius Dawnstar. Its towers are manned day and night by the City Watch. Count Aurius is the highest authority in town, and has considerable influence on Estia in general, but has recently acquired a political rivalry from the Governor of the Frontier Trade Company.

# Lighthouse Island

The 100-foot tall lighthouse atop the rocky cliff in the middle of the bay guides ships into the city and away from the rocky shores that lies north of Greystone Bay. A low chain of islands leads out to the lighthouse, and a massive breakwater has been constructed along them in order to protect the Lord's Harbor and the shipyard's docks from nature. The breakwater is also a continuation of the city's walls, and although it is lower than the rest of the wall it has plenty of anti-ship defenses atop its towers. The lighthouse keeper is an old gnome sailor with a strong dislike of other people, although he is probably one of the most knowledgeable individuals about the comings and goings of ships to the city.

# Riverside

Riverside is where much of the city's business is made. Goods is constantly being carted from the river harbor to the ocean-facing harbors, as boats cannot pass the low bridge. Rivergate leads past the Arena and on to Tembridge and the central mining region of Estia. Plenty of metal goods roll down this road when the river is unnavigable in spring.

# Merchant's Guild

No matter what you are in the market for, you can probably get it here. Cobblers, smiths, glassblowers and weavers and other artisans all have workshops within its halls. Some merchants complain about the Guild's falling admission standards and high revenue cuts and have taken to opening independant shops around town.

# Market Square

The center of an already busy town. Market traders have stalls here from dawn until long after dusk - just beware of the pickpockets. It is also a very good location for gossip and information, as the notice boards are usually crowded with announcements and proclamations.

# Elyana's Eldritch Emporium

The go-to place for magic items. Owned and ran by Master Artificer Elyana (high elf female) herself. She started out as a glass-blowers apprentice in the merchant's guild a hundred years ago, and has worked on her craft ever since. Can engineer, enchant or otherwise obtain almost any magic item for the right price.

Current items in stock:

Item Price Note
Most common magic items 2d4 * 10 gp Can be created in about an hour
+1 Weapon (any) 500 gp Enchants a provided weapon, takes 3 days to complete
+1 Armor (any) 1000 gp Enchants a provided set of armor, takes 5 days to complete
Uncommon Magic Item 2d6 * 100 gp Can take a while to acquire (around 3-7 days)
Rare Magic Item (15+2d10) * 100 gp Can take a while to acquire (around 10-20 days)
+2 Glaive 2500gp
Knotwork Knifebelt 700gp
Ghost Lantern 1800gp
Ring of Protection 950gp

If adventurers have particularly rare of valuable components, Elyana can be interested in a trade for some of her inventory.

# Temple of Freya

Facing the Market Square, the Temple of Freya is always open to those who wish to pray. A statue of Freya sitting on a throne is the centerpoint of the altar. Regular services to the Lightgiver's glory are held here by Charitors of the Pilgrim Knights. Any creature who meditates at the altar, if they do so out of conviction of faith, gains the effect of the Aid spell.

# The Temptation Tavern

Run by the Bluejay gang as a legitimate front for their illicit activities. The matron, Madame Mauvine, runs the place well. She takes good care of her employees, and the musicians and bartenders alike are good at their jobs. A night of drinks are about 2gp normally, and up to 20gp for top-shelf stuff. Lodging is limited, but could be arranged for 10gp per person.

The large common room is frequented by lower-level members of the Bluejays as well as a smattering of townsfolk. In the evenings, the stage that dominates one of the walls hosts musicians and scantily clad dancers. The dancers will perform a choreographed number on-stage and then mingle among the audience, hoping to find (paying) company for the night.

Some of the dancers employed by the tavern (they are available for the night for 20 gp):

d4 Name Race Note
1 Aurora Kalashtar Tall blonde with friendly golden eyes that could charm anyone, and she usually does.
2 Tails Tabaxi With striped tiger-like fur and a large bushy tail fur her graceful acrobatics ensorcells anyone who watches.
3 Whisper Half-elf Her most attractive feature is her velvety voice and supreme listening skills, which transfix anyone she talks to.
4 Maverick Human Male dancer with well-defined muscles who will show anyone who pays a good time.

The dancers are an excellent source of information and rumours about the people who frequent the Tavern.

# The Arena

This is where bloodsports are held. When there is an arena match coming up, the city empties and everyone watches.

# Lakeside

The most expensive part of town. Most nobles and wealthy merchants live here in large two- and three-story houses.

# School of Rhetoric and Oratory

In Seaside, not far from the Lord's Harbor lies a grand building that houses the venerated School of Rhetoric and Oratory, the premier education establishment for the children of nobles and other wealthy citizens of Estia. Many of the Councilmen who serve in Aphenor have been educated here, as have the most famous poets and actors. The headmaster is Callia Jane (NG Human Bard of Eloquence).

# Boar's Head Inn

If you are looking for (slightly pricey but comfortable) lodgings, you can't go wrong with the Boar's Head. Rooms are 5 gp per person and night. The common room is usually full of interesting people to meet. Most nights a troubadour or poet entertain the crowd in the common room.

# The Ember Club

This is where the rich and powerful meet to discuss the events of the day, usually over an imported cigar. You can only enter with an invitation or as the guest of a member.

# Lords' Harbor

The Lords' Harbor is a base for the Estian navy.

# The Shins

The poorest part of town, with small houses and narrow alleys. The air always smells of something in the Shins. Northgate leads out of the city towards Myrknes and Frosthollow.

# The Jolly Fowl Bar

The watering hole of choice for the towns poorer population. The beer isn't good, but it is cheap.

# Quickwater Bridge

A wide stone bridge that crosses the Quickwater river, joining the old and new parts of Greystone. The bridge is 45 feet wide and has several arches, with its middle pillar sits on a low island that frequently floods in spring. Each side of the bridge has a gatehouse with a portcullis. The bridge is too low to let sailing vessels pass, forcing goods to be unloaded and carted between the Riverside docks and one of the other docks in the city to continue their journey.

# Newside

Built in the last 150 years, Newside has the tallest buildings of any part of the city. At first, it was only a couple of buildings, but eventually the wall was extended. This is where the majority of people live. Wheatgate leads south out of the city, to Aphenor and the fertile farmlands that lie around Grenyard.

# Greystone Archive

The main headquarters of the Council Archive. The central building contains a massive library, and the wings hold arcane research laboratories and teaching halls where those with a gift for magic are taught. Greenhouses, where magical ingredients are grown, and other facilities occupy the grounds.

# Pilgrim Knights Hospital

Anyone is welcome to the Charitors of the Pilgrim Knights. They run a hospital where anyone can come for aid with what ails them, free of cost.

# The Freemerchants

A collective of merchants who do not like the Merchant's Guild policies and revenue cuts.

Bianca Pandolfo (gnome alchemist, LN): has a alchemy workshop here. She is probably the most skilled alchemist in Greystone, brewing potions of all kinds. She was one of the leading figures in the exodus from the Merchant's Guild. Her current stock:

Item Price Note
Healing Potion 50gp Usually has 2-3 of these
Greater Healing Potion 250 gp Usually only has one of these
Various Common potions 50gp Can be ordered, brewing usually takes 1-3 hours
Various Uncommon potions 250gp Can be ordered, brewing usually takes 1-3 days
Various Rare potions 1000gp Very few in stock, can be brewed to order in 7-10 days

# Odin's Hall

What started as a rich merchant buying a building and converting it to a temple of Odin has turned to something of a cult. The members of Odin's Hall are seen coming and going at strange times, and they do not readily talk of what goes on inside.

# Smallharbor

Visiting ships can usually find a berth here.

# Midsummer Park

The largest green area in the city. Festivals are usually held here.

# Frontier Trade Company Headquarters

When the FTC came to town, the power dynamics shifted rapidly. They brought their own economy, their own guard force and the mainland way of life. Few in town trust them, but they do good business here regardless. More popular with the lower classes, as they bring ample employment opportunities. They have their own city gate, which lets them avoid paying the import duties on goods transported out of the city.

# Greatharbor

The harbor of the FTC. Only FTC ships are allowed to berth here. A small army of dockworkers take goods on and off the ships.

# Trade Company Governor's Mansion

The seat of Governess Draythe Aubreck, the Dragonborn in charge of the FTC on Estia.

# Local Factions

# The Nobility

Led by Count Aurius Dawnstar, they enjoy the status quo and fight to keep it that way.

# The Merchant Guild

Recent takeover by new leadership who tries to squeeze the members to enrich themselves.

# The Frontier Trade Company

Their trade threatens to undermine the local merchant guild.

# Bluejays

The local thieves' guild. They rarely target the ruling nobles directly (except for some well-chosen blackmail schemes), preferring to earn their gold by smuggling and selling contraband.