
Tembridge is a mining town on Estia. It sits on the edge of lake Tema, where the Quickwater runs towards Greystone. It is a mining town, almost all ore from the mines in the surrounding mountains pass through here and there are several big smelters and smithies in town.

Surrounding Tembridge lies the Halcyon Glades, a vast marshland through which there is only a single road, built by the Empire long ago to ensure the supply of ore. Non-fragile goods from Tembridge and the surrounding areas are usually rafted down to Greystone when the conditions are right, a dangerous job done by brave and agile raftsmen. The more delicate items must be taken by the road, which presents its own dangers.

With its location in the Estian heartland, Tembridge and its surrounding mines is a huge source of income for the ruling class on the island. Ore, metal and resulting products are all exported, both to other islands and to the mainland.

# Leadership

The mayor of Tembridge is a Katrina Reese, a middle aged human woman. She is a deft politician, but is deep in the pockets of the mine owners and the Frontier Trade Company. Mayor Reese is not well liked by the working class, but there is little they can do about it. Knows something is up within the Miners' Union but has no proof.

# Miners Union

Recently, the miners union has changed their leadership. Their new leader is a Boram Grumblepick, a dwarf who was relatively unknown before being elected union boss, but has proven himself among the members with populist promises of better working conditions and more pay.

# Locations

Small houses on poles are connected by wooden walkways, and a haze is in the air. Ox-drawn carts pull ore from the mines in the surrounding mountains. Only the central parts of town is paved, everything else is on stilts.

# The Miner's Pick

Loud alehouse with cheap ale and decent accommodations. The first choice among the working class in town, and is usually packed once shifts end. Ran by a burly dwarf woman named Bernice Strongbelly, who is not afraid to knock some heads to stop a bar fight. Beers are 1 gp per night, and rooms another 5gp.

# Trusty Hammer Bar

Slightly more upscale inn. Caters to travelers and people who are not working in the factories. Ran by Gregory 'Grog' Turner, male human in his 30s who is an expert mixologist. Cocktails are 4gp a night and comfortable rooms are available for 10 gp per person.

# City Hall

Seat of Mayor Reese. One of the few stone buildings in town.

# Granite Guildhall

Office of the Miners Guild. Boram Grumblepick works here.

# The Rafthouse

Lies by the river. Currently inactive due to the season being wrong for rafting things down to Greystone.