
Salmy is controlled by the Pilgrim Knights, who use it as their base of operations. A mountain range divides the island in two. The northwestern part, where Temple Haven lies, is busy farmland. The southern part, around the Darkmere lake, is a barren hillscape where few people live.

It is sparsely populated except around Temple Haven.

# Temple Haven

# Temple Haven

Race Population
Total ~25000
Human Dominant
Dwarven Dominant
Elven Minority
Halfling Minority
Gnomish Minority

Temple Haven is the largest city on Salmy, and it is dominated by the Grand Temple, where the Pilgrim Knights are headquartered. The town sprung up around the large fortress when it was built, but has become a bustling trade hub in its own right.

The city is one of the most racially mixed in the Estian Sea, with a roughly even split of humans, dwarves and elves, as well as a sizable proportion of other races.

# The Grand Refuge

The Grand Refuge The central temple-fortress of the Pilgrim Knights which the city is built around. Houses a large garrison of Spears, as well as the research libraries of the Blackcloaks.

The complex is build on top of a hill which overlooks the rest of Temple Haven. The north and east walls are hill sides, two hundred feet tall. The Refuge is built in tiers, each higher than the rest. The main entrance is flanked by two thick-walled towers and the gates of enchanted oak can be closed on a moments notice if the watch commander should order it.

# First tier: The Market Yard

The first tier is level with the city outside, and protected by a 30 foot-high wall with several towers. Patrols of Spears man the towers day and night. This is the only tier that is open to non-members and houses a large market where inhabitants of the city do their business. It also holds the entrance to the Charitor Hospital, where the sick and hurt are aided, free of charge.

Those that wish to join the ranks of the Pilgrim Knights are considered at the recruitment center. Regular services to Freya are conducted from a small altar by the ramps to the next tier.

# Second tier: The Exercise Yard

The second tier is only accessible by ramps, through a gatehouse with a heavy portcullis. It stands about 30 feet above the first tier, level with the outer wall. All tiers of the Refuge are strong defensive positions, but the second tier especially so. Along the walls, and on top of the outer towers, are large ballistae and scorpions intended to be used against besieging armies and airborne threats. The second tier also houses the armory, where blacksmiths make weapons and armor for the Knights. The roof of the armory serves as the castle's siege workshop where the emplaced weapons are built and maintained.

South of the main exercise yard lies the living quarters, where both newly enlisted disciples and seasoned officers sleep. There are both bunk halls and private rooms of various size, for those officers and married couples of the Order that desire privacy or have children. The mess hall serves simple but good food, prepared from massive stockpiles in underground cellars. Approximately eight hundred order-brethren live in the Refuge.

The griffon roost, on the east side of the yard, is where the Pilgrim's flying cavalry, the Amber Riders, is based. The griffons are kept in large outdoor pens, and each rider is responsible for the care of their gryphon. The riders are mostly spell-swords, flinging ranged magic from high above the battlefields.

# Third tier: The Temple Yard

A single ramp leads from the exercise yard to the third tier, where the massive central temple stands. Large enough to house a thousand people for sermons, which are held daily. The eastern wall of the temple is open and supported by pillars. This lets the light in during sunrise and displays the colossal statue of Freya that stands outside, overlooking the city from the hill. The statue is over 120 feet tall and made from white marble. She is depicted with her arms outstretched wearing an elegant dress and wearing Brysngamen, her legendary lost necklace, along her falcon cloak and circlet. The altar of the temple features a large brazier which holds an imperishable radiant fire.

North of the massive temple building lies the administrative wing, where scribes keep the Order's finances and negotiate potential contracts. The tallest tower in the whole fortress complex is the Grandmaster's Tower, where High Templar George Grenwen has his offices and private apartment. On the top floor of the Grandmaster's Tower the Solar Observatory is situated, mapping the sun and stars with telescopes and astrolabes.

# Fourth Tier: The Blackcloak Yard

The final tier is the smallest. It is the domain of the Blackcloaks, the Pilgrim Knights' intelligence gathering branch. Their library contains much knowledge of the world, and the mages who make their home in its tower carry out advanced magical research. Blackcloak enchanters also create magical equipment for the Order's use.

The fourth tier is also home to the Botanical Gardens, where healing herbs are grown and packaged for Charitor hospitals throughout the Estian Sea and beyond. There is a small alley that leads from the fourth tier to the exercise yard on the second tier, but it is only open to Blackcloaks.

# Harbor

A natural harbor that leads into the river makes Temple Haven an easy port for most ships, and has solidified its position as a trading hub, but it does not rival Greystone or Aphenor in trade volumes.

# Elderholm

Off southwestern Salmy, lies a fortified settlement built in the water, connected to the Blackcoast Isle only by a narrow causeway traversable during low tides.

Blackcoast Isle is named for its signature black volcanic soil, spewed out from Heimdall's Anvil, the volcano in the middle of it. The Anvil erupts occasionally, making permanent settlements on the island a risky proposition, despite the very rich soil. The island is none-the-less in a very strategically important position for the defense of Salmy. Elderholm started as a simple monastery, but was fortified to the town it is today.

Almost all buildings are made from black volcanic stones taken from the adjoining island and hewn into shape. A sea-wall surrounds the island, which slopes upward towards the monastery in its center.

Below the surface, a maze-like network of catacombs provide a quick way of getting around the island, if one knows how to navigate them. Most catacomb entrances are guarded or locked, but the network sprawls deep and far, with many hidden entrances. The monastery have several facilities in the catacombs that the monks use for storage, study and sleep.

The Elderholm coat of arms is a red saltire on a white field. In the center of the saltire, a white emblem with a red five-petalled flower. Banners with the coat of arms hang from the gatehouses and towers of the town.

# Anvilwatch Monastery

In the center of the island, on a steep hill, lies the Anvilwatch Monastery, which dominates the island when seen from afar. Monks are trained here in the Way of Mercy for service as Charitors of the Pilgrim Knights. The way of mercy focuses on understanding the body in order to manipulate its life energies, in both positive and negative ways. The monastery also trains clerics of the Light Domain. The mercy monks trained here wear a navy blue robe, and a layered blue-and-white habit that covers their hair.

The monastery was a seat of the Pilgrims long before they acquired the rest of Salmy. Its founder and first abbess was Sigrid Goldenmane, a dwarf monk who was one of the first recruits to the Pilgrim Knights at its founding. She is buried under the altar in the central chantry, along with all the other abbesses that have been in charge here.

The monastery is a sprawling complex of buildings, temples and alchemical gardens. Those who live in the town come here for Charitor services, which are freely given.

The central hub of the monastery is the Chantry of Charity, whose large circular amber-and-stained-glass window are famous. On the equinoxes, the sunrise refracts and lights up the entire chapel with an unreplicable orange glow. The chantry has a tall tower with a spire in the shape of a large sun. This is the islands highest point, and the spire is a point of navigation for sailors.

Abbess Leah Whiteridge (Human Mercy Monk, LN): The abbess of the monastery, ex officio countess of Elderholm. Holds the rank of Healer among the Charitors. She leads the ceremonies at the main temple during special occasions, such as during solstice or equinox.

# Mageblood Tower

Over a low stone bridge by the water's edge on the south side of Elderholm lies a lone, slender tower that tapers as it rises above the waves. This is the home and laboratory of Marietta Mageblood, a powerful wizard. The Pilgrim Knights have long tried to recruit Marietta to their cause, but she keeps rebuffing their advances. She has long been working on some project relating to the volcano, but keeps her research secret.

Marietta Mageblood (human wizard, TN): A very powerful transmuter who most of all desired a child. Utilizing high-level magic, she made herself pregnant and birthed her daughter, Jenny. Marietta is extremely protective of her daughter, despite Jenny being an able magic-user herself.

Geniweave 'Jenny' Mageblood: (human? weaveborn sorceress, CG): Born of the weave, Jenny has magic flowing through her blood. She is highly gifted in the magical arts, and assists her mother in her research and experiments.

# Amberpicker's Respite Inn

Elderholm does not get many visitors, those who come can stay in comfort at the Amberpicker's Respite. It is run by the charitors and serves hearty stews for those who have spent a long day on the Blackcoast Isle's wind-pined beaches.

Disciple Silynna nan Salmie (elf, NG): The proprietor of the inn. She is a motherly figure who makes sure everyone feels cared for and are well fed.

# Harbor

A small harbor provides access by sea to Elderholm, mostly ferrying novices to the monastery from Temple Haven.

# Defenses

A 15-foot sea-wall spans the entire island and the causeway is guarded by a gatehouse with a heavy portcullis. A large force of Spears protect the island.

Templar Liam Cassaro (human fighter, LG): In charge of the Spears on the island. He is a minor noble, from a cadet branch of house Cassaro.

# Resources and Trade

The strands of Blackcoast Isle is rich in amber, highly prized among the Pilgrim Knights for its association with Freya. Every day at low tide, many amber foragers go out and search the beaches for the orange stones before coming back when the tides are low again. A good amber-picker covers a vast distance in a day, and could come back nothing or a stone worth several month's salary for an unskilled laborer.

While the land is too rocky to farm, it is well suited to husbandry. Some shepherds live full time on the island, only coming to Elderholm to trade meat and wool. They live in constant fear of the volcano erupting, at which point they must make for Elderholm as fast as they can. During volcano eruptions, the town is packed full with livestock that otherwise graze on the island.

The rapids that flow from the central volcano are also rich in silphium, a valuable spice herb. The Blackcoast silphium is considered some of the best there is. Fire Laurel also grows on the slopes of the volcano, occasionally causing a small forest fire.

Adonvar Nilisnetirel (elven artificer, LN): Master jeweler who makes intricate pieces using the finest amber harvested from the surrounding shores. Makes both enchanted and mundane jewelry, which he sells. His workshop is near the causeway, and he lives on top of it with his wife.

Amos Duskpetal (halfling gloomstalker ranger, CN): Regarded by many as the best amberpicker in town. He works alone in order to not disclose his methods, which is to fly over the beaches using a Cloak of the Bat.

# Other Salmy landmarks

# The Whitepond

On the eastern side of Salmy, which is largely uninhabited, lies a large lake, named for the white marble that dominates the landscape around it. It is large enough that one cannot see the other side from the shore, and a rapidly flowing river connects it to the sea.

# Aurora's Sanctum

On a small island in the middle of the Whitepond, lies a secret monastery of Sun Soul monks, kept hidden from all but the highest ranking Pilgrim Knights. Aurora, a solar sent from Folkvangr by Freya herself, teaches a chosen handful of monks to be instruments of the Goddess' power and seek out and illuminate the darkest parts of the world. The monks here are technically Blackcloaks, but wear robes of the brightest white cloth, and carry no weapons except for their inner flame.

An outdoor, semi-circular amphitheater serves as a shrine, where the monks perform complex ceremonies praising the sun at dawn, usually completely naked. Pilgrims are welcome here, as with all of the Pilgrim Knights' temples and shrines, although the way here is long and arduous and the true purpose of the shrine is not revealed to outsiders.

Aurora (Solar (opens new window), LN): The leader of the monastery. Rarely speaks with outsiders, and she does not interfere with mortal concerns in person, but might send some of her devotees if she judges the situation demands it.

Seraphina, Justicar of the Eternal Flame (aasimar, LG): The highest-ranking Sun Soul monk on the island. Wears the Justicar's Veil.

Luthanna nan Iacaris (elf, NG): A sun soul initiate.