Organization Emblems
Most organizations across Estia give out small tokens to its members. The most common emblems are about 2 inches across, but both smaller and bigger versions exist. They are used primarily for identification, but it is not unheard of for a member to give their emblem to someone who has done a service for them as a symbol of their debt. The token can then be traded in for return favors or gold.
All insignias from the major organizations carry some identifying mark of the person to whom it was originally issued, as a way to trace the provenance of an emblem. This is not always a name, but might be a seal or a simple number.
As an example, a Pilgrim Knight might carry a 'true' emblem, made of precious metals and real gemstones as their identifying insignia, as well as a pouch of smaller, more symbolic emblems to use as currency.
The major organizations' emblems have almost become a secondary currency, and can readily be traded for favors and goods.
# Designs
The emblems are heraldic devices, and can be made from a variety of materials. The designs are guidelines, and emblems for different ranks might be subtly different. In a pinch, a simple scribble on paper with the signature of a member could also suffice as payment to be later reimbursed.
# Pilgrim Knights
A blue shield with a metal rim, in which is set a cross and a necklace of amber. Spears have an rhomboid shield while charitor emblems are round. Blackcloaks do not have a official design, and usually carry one of the other branches insignias as a cover.
Personal insignias are usually made of steel and real amber, and simpler ones made for paying expenses while on a mission are made from painted tin.
As a Pilgrim rises in rank, more amber stones are added to the necklace on their insignia, this symbolizes their progress in the hunt for the Brisingamen. The emblem on the right is that of the Templar-Marshal of the Spears, one rank below the High Templar himself.
# Archivists
Four interlocked glass rings in purple, affixed to a orange base, usually also glass. Archivists make their own personal insignia once they have learned enough magic to shape the glass into the intricate knotwork. Some members keep their first emblem throughout their career as a reminder of where they started.
# Frontier Trade Company
An arrow-head shaped piece of brass, with an embossed border and the FTC logo in the blue-painted center. The most valuable of the common insignias, they are usually only given to captains of FTC ships, and receiving one for services rendered is a very rare occurrence. Ranks higher than captain have stripes of rope added to the blue base (the pictured emblem is that of a commodore, since it has two ropes).
# The Wildguard
Three leaves made of jade, with three small red stones affixed at the base. Rarely seen in the major cities of Estia, but are still a recognized emblem for trade, as the Wildguard are trusted by everyone.
# Hel's Brigade
A bat over a dagger on a circular base, made from ceramic.