Restrained - 0 feet movement
- Dis on atks+dex ST
- Adv on atks vs it
| Poisoned - Dis on atks
- Dis on checks
| Hex | Invisible - Can't be seen, can be heard
- Atks have adv
- Atks vs it have dis
| Paralyzed - Is Incapacitated
- Fails str+dex saves
- Atks vs it has adv
- Atks are auto crits
| Exhaustion - dis on checks
- speed is half
- dis on atks+saves
- hp half, 5. speed 0
Frightened - Can't move toward src
- Dis on checks+atks
| Deafened - Auto fail checks that req hearing
| Blinded - Auto fail checks that req sight
- Adv on atks vs it
- Dis on atks
| Hunter's Mark - +1d6 damage on hit
- Adv on percep/surv checks to find it
| Unconscious - Is Incapacitated
- Is Prone
- Is Paralyzed
| Stunned - Is Incapacitated
- Fails str+dex saves
- Adv on atks vs it
Grappled - Speed is 0
- Action to escape
| Charmed - It can't target src
- Src has adv on social checks vs it
| Incapacitated | Petrified - Is Incapacitated
- Weight x10
- Resistance to all
- Immune to poison/disease
| Prone - Half movement to stand up
- Dis on attacks
- Inc melee has adv
- Inc ranged has dis
| Concentration - Con check on dmg
- DC=max(10, dmg/2)
- Ends if Incap'd