
# Paragon items

Some items evolve over time as they grow with their wielder, either through magical symbiosis, adding more or better components, or simply understanding the item better. Usually, the first stage of such an item is about on par with a rare item, the second stage is very rare, and the final stage is of the same power as a legendary item. Unlocking an item's full potential requires adventuring far and wide, researching its history, and truly understanding it.

Some paragon items are long-dormant items forged in empires of eras past whose usefulness is not obvious from the start, others are the inventions of mad (or genius?) artificers with too much imagination for their own good that require testing and iteration before they are perfected.

The names given to the different stages of these items differs depending on the source. An artifact of an old god that has laid latent and unclaimed for eons might start out Dormant, progressing through Awakened to Exalted. A mad contraption of artifice or engineering might start out as a Prototype, before becoming Upgraded and ending up Perfected. An item whose powers corresponds to the wearers rank in an organization goes from Initiate to Adept to Master.

Importantly, Paragon items are not the only ones that can be upgraded or improved, but they are designed with that journey in mind.

This system is inspired by the Vestiges of Divergence from Matt Mercer's Exandria setting.

# Weapons

Trickster's Deck

# Trickster's Deck

Weapon, rare (requires attunement)

Cards drawn from this magical deck of cards can be thrown as a weapon. When attuned, it counts as a simple ranged weapon with a short range of 30 feet and a long range of 60 feet. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon and you are considered proficient with it. On a hit, it deals 2 (1d4) slashing damage, with an extra effect depending on the damage die roll. On a critical hit, you throw a Joker card, dealing 7 (2d6) slashing damage instead, but with no extra effect. Thrown cards fly back to the deck after hitting or missing.

You can also use this deck as a regular set of playing cards, in which case you count as proficient with the Playing Card Set and have Advantage on any related checks, such as a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to cheat by swapping a card without your opponent noticing.

d4 Effect
1 Clubs: You deal an additional 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
2 Diamonds: The first attack the target makes until the end of its next turn has disadvantage.
3 Hearts: You gain temporary hit points equal to 4 plus your Dexterity Modifier.
4 Spades: The target's movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.

# Alley-fighter's Karambit

Weapon (sickle), uncommon

A short curved blade with simple wooden handle scales, able to be hidden in the hand. It can be wielded in several different ways and is used to attack an opponents joints and weakspots in a devastating series of attacks.

You gain a +1 bonus to attacks and damage rolls with this magic weapon, which has the Finesse property. When you hit an enemy you have already hit this turn with this weapon, you deal an additional 2 (1d4) damage.

# 'Trusty Betsy', the Two-bore Blunderbuss

Weapon, uncommon

An over-sized firearm, constructed by a gunsmith as an exhibition piece rather than as a functional weapon. It weighs almost 25 pounds in its unloaded state, making carrying it rather awkward, to say nothing of firing it.

It counts as a simple ranged weapon (range 10/30) with the two-handed and heavy properties. It deals 8d6 non-magical piercing damage on a hit. Attacking with this weapon uses your whole Attack action, regardless of other features.

When you fire this weapon, make a DC 12 Strength saving throw. On a failure, you take 2d6 bludgeoning damage from the recoil.

If you roll a natural 1 on the attack roll, the weapon explodes, as if you had cast Fireball centered on yourself. This destroys the blunderbuss. After it has been fired, the blunderbuss requires a short rest and 5gp worth of materials to reload.

# Mindsaber

Weapon (rapier), very rare (requires attunement)

Mindsaber hilt

This item appears to be a metal rapier hilt with no crossguard. Instead of a blade, the hilt has a jagged amethyst crystal. While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause a blade of crackling psionic energy to coalesce, or disperse the blade. Attacks with the deep purple blade assaults your enemies' minds as much as their bodies.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which deals psychic damage instead of piercing damage. You also add the target creature's intelligence modifier to the damage (minimum of 0).

When active, the blade emits purple dim light in a 10 foot radius.

# Inscribed Bo Staff

Weapon (quarterstaff), paragon (requires attunement by a Monk)

Fighting staves like these are crafted by young monks following the Way of the Runes as part of their initiation rituals. One of few allowed possessions, it is used as a meditation focus, and monks come to learn every subtle bend and knot of their particular staff. As they progress in their monk training, they inscribe their staff with runes and symbols, representing mastered aspects of their self. With training and meditation, their mastery with the weapon deepens, and new techniques are unlocked.

# Initiate

  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
  • If you attack with advantage using this weapon and trigger Stunning Strike, the enemy has disadvantage on their save.
  • You learn the Guidance cantrip, and can cast it at will.

# Adept

  • The staff's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2.
  • After dealing a critical hit with this weapon, your abilities cost no Ki until the end of your turn.
  • Once per long rest, you can meditate and replicate the Augury spell as you recall previous insights.

# Master

  • The staff's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3, and it deals a critical strike on a 19.
  • You can use your reaction to deflect melee attacks while you are wielding this staff. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend a Ki point to make one attack with this staff.
  • Once per long rest, you can meditate and replicate the Divination spell as you come to new insights.

# Mercurial Blade

Weapon (various), rare (requires attunement)

The blade of this weapon appears to be made of swirling liquid mercury-like metal, held back by an invisible force in the shape of a blade. Its hilt contains a reservoir of the metal.

As a bonus action, you can change the shape of the blade between a dagger, shortsword, longsword (has the Finesse property), or whip. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which deals an additional 1d6 poison damage on a hit.

# Assault and Battery

A pair of throwing hammers wielded by a ruthless street thug from Aphenor's outer circle.

# Assault

Weapon (light hammer), uncommon (requires attunement)

If you throw this weapon, it flies back to your hand after hitting or missing its target. Once per long rest, you can cast Wrathful Smite while holding this weapon.

# Battery

Weapon (light hammer), uncommon (requires attunement)

If you throw this weapon, it flies back to your hand after hitting or missing its target. Once per long rest, you can cast Thunderous Smite while holding this weapon.

When Assault and Battery are wielded together by the same character, they require only a single attunement slot. In addition:

  • The hammers gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and their damage dice increases to 1d6.
  • You can cast Blinding Smite while holding the hammers, and their spells recharge on a short rest.

# The Volcanoes' Edge

Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement)

This is a macuahuitl blade, a wooden sword lined with razor-sharp obsidian shards. The wood carries pictograms that tell of a volcano that erupted three times in a single year, each eruption more violent than the previous.

When you hit with this weapon, you can cause the blade to erupt, dealing an additional 1d8 fire damage. Each time you do this, the damage of the eruption increases by 1d8. Once you have erupted three times, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest, at which point the damage of the eruption resets to 1d8.

# Dawnrender

Weapon (glaive), very rare (requires attunement)

An eight-foot spear shaft of pure silver. Instead of a regular spearhead, it has an ornate bulb of blueish metal with a luxite emitter crystal. The other end has a large amber gem. It was once the weapon of Halvdan the Bold, one of the founders of the Pilgrim Knights.

You can use a bonus action while wielding the shaft to cause a spearhead of pure light to spring into existence from the luxite emitter. The greatspear's radiant head emits bright light in a 15ft radius and dim light for an additional 15ft. The light is sunlight. You can use an action to make the radiant head disappear. This weapon is easier to handle than a regular glaive, and does not have the Heavy property.

While the radiant head is active, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, and attacks with the weapon deal radiant damage instead of slashing damage. An undead creature hit by the weapon takes an extra 5 (1d10) radiant damage. In addition, once per long rest you can use an action to cast the Destructive Wave (opens new window) spell (your spellcasting DC, only radiant damage) by impaling the greatspear into the ground.

# Fiendfell

Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement by a Paladin)

This was the sword of Arwyn Elsiter, one of the founders of the Pilgrim Knights. The sword is beautiful, with a relatively slender curved single-edged blade of gleaming bright steel, making it almost rapier-like. The guard follows the curves of the weapon and is wrapped with dark brown leather. A tassel of silver pegasus mane hairs, taken from Arwyn's loyal steed upon its death, hangs from the pommel. For a long time, the sword was an heirloom of House Elsiter, but it was stolen in the chaotic years after the empire fell.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with Fiendfell, which can be used as a holy symbol. When you use Divine Smite on an attack from Fiendfell, all damage dice dealt by the attack explode (as long as you roll the maximum number on any of the dice, you get to roll it again and add it to the total).

Additionally, as an action you can hold the weapon aloft and cast Spirit Guardians, summoning a flock of tiny radiant pegasi. Once you do this, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

# Elyana's Experimental Energy-repeater

Weapon (hand crossbow), paragon (requires attunement)

This crossbow does not fire bolts, instead it uses an enchanted diamond as its power source. Each pull of the trigger causes some of the gem's energy to propel forward towards the point of aim as a small ball of sparkling plasma. Its ashresin limbs might at first glance appear superfluous, but they aid in guiding the magical energy in a straight line.

Elyana built this extra-ordinary weapon, but since she is no longer in the adventuring business herself, she is looking for someone to test it out for her.

To upgrade it, she requires upgrades to several of its components:

  • Firstly, a more stable luxite crystal. The elves of Iacaris are masters of working with Luxite.
  • Secondly, the ashresin limbs need to be reinforced. Elyana suggests adding a sky-iron lattice.
  • Thirdly, she suggests adding a scope.

Possibly add a second crossbow for dual-wielding awesomeness?

# Prototype

  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which deals radiant instead of piercing damage. It also does not have the ammunition or loading properties.
  • If you score a critical hit with this weapon, the target creature is Blinded until the end of your next turn.
  • On a natural 1, you are Blinded until the end of your next turn.

# Upgraded

  • The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2.
  • When you hit with Sneak Attack, your damage dice for that attack explode (as long as you roll the maximum number on the dice, you get to roll it again and add it to the total).
  • A small scope is added, removing the penalty for attacking at long range and removes the self-blind on a natural 1.

# Perfected

  • The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3.
  • As an action, you can overcharge the diamond, creating a massive ball of plasma. This has the effects of the Flame Strike spell. Once you do this, you need to finish a long rest before you can do it again.
  • The scope gains some magnification, causing it to deal a critical hit on a 19.

# Broken Promise

Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

A dagger with a hilt that is far too large for its size, its adamantite blade broken less than a foot above the crossguard. Runes are carved on the blade, reading 'Promise of...' before ending abruptly at the break.

You gain a +2 magical bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon. Once per long rest when you miss an attack using this weapon, you can turn it into a hit.

# Restoring the Blade

The blade can be reforged into a longsword. This requires several expensive components, as well as the services of a very skilled crafter:

  • An ingot of untreated adamantite for the blade.
  • A gallon of blood from a Fire Giant for quenching.
  • 5000gp worth of crushed gemstone for the runic inlay.

The reforging ritual takes 24 hours to complete, during which the prospective wielder makes a renewed promise that the blade will help keep.

# Renewed Promise

Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)

The reforged blade, now a full-length longsword. Glowing runes adorn the entire length of the blade.

You gain a +3 magical bonus to attack and damage rolls. Depending on the promise made upon its reforging, the wielder gains advantage on ability checks and saving throws using a specific attribute. The wielder also gains a flaw depending on the promise made.

Once per long rest when you hit an attack using this weapon, you can turn it into a critical hit.

Promise of... Ability Flaw
Vengeance Strength I do not easily forgive those that have wronged me, even slightly.
Fervor Dexterity I quickly grow restless when doing nothing.
Courage Constitution I will not abandon a fight, even if it goes against me.
Piety Intelligence I am slow to change my opinion, even if new information is presented to me.
Honesty Wisdom I will not tell a lie, cheat, or win by deception.
Loyalty Charisma I will not break contracts or bonds I make.

# Windsilk Slingshot

Weapon (sling), rare (requires attunement)

The band of this slingshot is made from woven ribbons of windsilk, which gives its projectiles extra speed and stability.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, and attacking with it at long range does not incur disadvantage.

# Sky Iron Wakizashi

Sky Iron Blades Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement)

This sword is forged from a single piece of sky iron. It is the prized heirloom of House Silionbar, who named their house after it.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

When you take the Attack action, you can teleport up to 30 feet to a space adjacent to the target creature before attacking. You have advantage on your next attack when you do so. You can only do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all spent uses on a long rest.

# Sky Iron Kunai

Weapon (dagger), rare

A razor sharp kunai made from sky iron, its handle wrapped with a ribbon of blue cloth.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon. Additionally, the dagger scores a critical hit on a 18 or higher.

# Bow of Seasons

Weapon (shortbow), legendary

This shortbow is made from living ironwood, the rarest of all living woods. Vines and flowers run along its limbs. It comes with a special quiver, made from living birch bark. This quiver grows an endless supply of arrows. These arrows are tipped with large thorns and fletched with thin leaves.

You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon. In addition, its attacks deal an extra 1d6 piercing damage and deals a critical hit on a 19. The quiver also contains four special arrows. Each arrow can be fired once per day, and regrows at each noon. The arrow that corresponds to the current season can also be drawn and shot normally. This attack has advantage and deals an extra 10d6 damage, but does not trigger the seasonal effect.

Season Effect
Spring Cast Plant Growth at the target location. If the arrow is left in the ground for 8 hours, the ground gains the long-term benefits of the spell.
Summer Cast Greater Restoration at the target creature. An attack roll is required if the creature is unwilling.
Autumn Cast Scatter at the target location. Creatures who are teleported disappear and reappear in a swirl of autumn leaves.
Winter Cast Freezing Sphere at the target location. The arrow remains in the ice for up to one hour, preventing it from dissipating.

# Oblivion

Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement)

A massive sword whose blade is carved from a single piece of deep purple obsidian. Its pommel is a large amethyst crystal.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with Oblivion. In addition, it has 4 charges that restore each day at midnight. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can expend one of the charges to deal 2d6 additional psychic damage. The target also needs to make a Intelligence saving throw (DC 15) or become mind-whipped until the end of their next turn. A mind-whipped creature can't take reactions and must choose between using an action, a bonus action or moving on their turn.

# Trinity

Weapon (glaive), rare (requires attunement)

Three tassels of different color, orange, white, and cyan, hang from the top of the handle of this mithral glaive.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with Trinity. In addition, when you hit with an attack using it, the attack deals an extra 1d4 damage of either fire, lightning, or cold. As a bonus action, you can change which damage type it does. On a critical hit, it deals 1d4 of each damage type instead.

# Zephyr Shortbow

Weapon (shortbow), uncommon (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

While attuned to the bow and holding it, you can cast Zephyr Strike (opens new window). Once you do this, you must finish a long rest before you can do it again.

# Glaivebow

Weapon (longbow and double-bladed scimitar), varies

This weapon can be used either as a longbow, or as a double bladed scimitar. If you have the Extra Attack feature, you can use either weapon type for any combination of attacks. You need proficiency with both Longbow and Double Bladed Scimitar to count as proficient with the Glaivebow.

Some Glaivebows are magical and grant a bonus to attack and damage rolls. The rarity varies as follows:

Magic Bonus Rarity
- Uncommon
+1 Rare
+2 Very Rare
+3 Legendary

# Smallkin Staff-sling

Weapon (quarterstaff and sling), uncommon (requires attunement)

A favored weapon among the Smallkin for its versatility and simplicity.

Can be used as a quarterstaff or sling interchangeably, even during the same Attack action, provided you have Extra Attack. If you wield it with two hands when using it as a sling, the sling bullets deal 1d6 damage, and the sling's normal and maximum range is doubled.

Once per turn, when you hit a creature that is larger than you, you can deal an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage to it.

# Flail o' Nine Tails

Weapon (flail), uncommon

This flail has multiple heads attached to its handle. Each head is shaped like a cat's head with exposed fangs.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magical weapon. On a hit, it deals 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage instead of the normal 1d8.

# Diana Jones' Whip

Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)

This bullwhip, belonging to the renowned archeologist Diana Jones, is expertly crafted from cured Aurochs hide. The tip has been reinforced with a dark steel cap.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magical weapon. You have advantage on any Athletics check made to Grapple using this whip, and targets Grappled by the whip are also Restrained. While a target is grappled this way, you cannot attack with the whip.

In addition, once per short rest, you can attempt to disarm a creature when you hit them with an attack from the whip. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + your hit modifier for this whip) or drop the object. If you have a free hand, you can catch the object in your free hand, otherwise it falls to the ground at your feet.

Cursed: While attuned to this item, you gain the following flaw: You have a deep fear of snakes.

# The Silver Scythe

Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement)

A large scythe with a silver blade mounted on its wooden handle. It was used to kill a werewolf that was rampaging on Cottenhorn.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magical weapon. If you hit a Shapechanger with an attack from this weapon, they must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or return to their original form.

# Windstrung Longbow

Windstrung Longbow Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement)

An ornate longbow of elvish design, its limbs are made from bright jungle woods and the handle is carved dragon ivory. The string is spun from translucent windsilk fibers, making its pull remarkably light for a weapon this size.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which does not require ammunition. Instead it creates an arrow of rushing air when drawn, which deals force damage on a hit. Additionally, a Medium or smaller creature is pierced by the arrow, dealing 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier force damage to another creature directly behind it. A Large or larger creature instead takes an additional 1d8 force damage, as they absorb the full impact.

# Mageguard's Baton

Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)

Designed to give guards with no magical training a chance to apprehend those with magic, this mace has an electrified head, which causes a painful shock. It deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. Additionally. when a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, you can use your reaction to disrupt that spell by whacking them with the electrified head. The effect of this is as if you had cast Counterspell (opens new window) at 3rd level, using Strength as you spellcasting stat. Once you do this, you need to finish a short or long rest before you can do so again. In addition, if a creature you hit with this weapon has to make a concentration check, they do so at disadvantage.

# Sudden Strike Katars

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a Rogue)

These hand-blades are exquisitely crafted with jet inlay in the grips and pattern-welded blades in an exotic style.

The katars are a pair of shortswords that grant you +1 to attack and damage rolls with them while you are wielding both.

When you hit with your Sneak Attack using one of the katars, the weapon damage dice and the Sneak Attack damage dice explode (as long as you roll the maximum number on any of the dice, you get to roll it again and add it to the total).

# Arc Whip

Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)

This whip was wielded by a high-ranking Air Elemental Myrmidon (opens new window). Its handle is made from solid glass. When used to make an attack, a crackling thunderbolt erupts from a quartz crystal affixed to the end of the handle.

This magic weapon grants you a +2 bonus to attacks and damage rolls made with this weapon and it deals lightning damage instead of slashing. On a critical hit, it emits a thunder-crack that can be heard out to 300 feet and deals an additional 2 (1d4) lightning damage to the target. If the attack roll is a natural 1, you zap yourself, taking damage as if you hit yourself. If you use this weapon as the material component to cast Booming Blade (opens new window), the range of the spell is increased to Self (10 feet).

# Crystalline Xiphos

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

A narrow, incredibly sharp, translucent bluish crystal forms the blade of this sword. The blade looks fragile, but this is not the case. Looking closely, the interior of the blade swirls with magical energy. There are legends of ancient elven legions having squads of battlemages equipped with xiphe like this, but very few blades have survived, and the secret of their crafting is lost to the ages.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It can also be used as a spellcasting focus. After you attack with this weapon on your turn, you can cast a spell of 1st level or higher with a casting time of one action as a bonus action until the end of your turn. Once you do this, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do it again, as the weapon's latent magic recharges.

# Nilisnebar, Amber Xiphos of Aerilwyn

Nilisnebar Weapon (shortsword), paragon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

A translucent leaf-shaped blade made from a single crystal of amber. The hilt is made from bronze, with an ornate circular guard set with a large polished amber sphere. The blade carries an inscription in elvish: nilisnebar - Nilisnebar, 'Storm-Glass (Amber) Blade'. Magic swirls throughout the crystalline blade, and sometimes small jolts of lightning can be seen inside the amber.

Nilisnebar was made by Aerilwyn Nilteril, the greatest Bladesinger the world has ever known, who used it to great effect. She lived a thousand years ago and served the Teccan Empire as Legate-Commander of the Bladesinger Guard, one of the most elite units in their legions and personal bodyguards to the Emperor.

Sentience. Aerilwyn's very essence has infused into Nilisnebar, making it sentient. It is Lawful Neutral and has an Intelligence of 22, a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 15. It has Darkvision with a range of 60 feet and communicates telepathically with the wielder, preferring to speak Elvish but will speak Common if needed. An attuned creature can respond telepathically.

Personality. Aerilwyn is very intelligent, calculating, and hungry for power. She knows much about magic and the history of the Teccan Empire, and will share these facts with wielders she considers worthy of continuing her legacy. A worthy wielder of Nilisnebar, in her view, is someone who is a accomplished arcane caster with ambitions (especially political or pertaining to an organization) and the drive to accomplish them. If the wielder is not worthy, she will try to guide them toward this path. Aerilwyn enjoys seeing evil destroyed by magic, especially lightning magic. Aerilwyn is still loyal to the Teccan Empire, and is shocked upon hearing of its fall. Her ultimate ambition would be to revive the empire, installing a worthy emperor once again.

As the wielder grows closer with the blade, Aerilwyn will grant them more of the sword's powers. This should occur at major plot points when the wielder takes steps towards becoming a 'second Aerilwyn', such as getting promoted into command of a military unit, defeating a powerful foe, or discovering a long-sought piece of arcane research. The sword might also unleash its power in dire circumstances if Aerilwyn finds the wielder worthy of her protection.

# Dormant

  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
  • The sword can be used as an arcane focus.
  • The weapon has 10 charges. The sword recharges 1d6+4 charges on a long rest. You can use the charges to cast the following spells: Shatter (opens new window) (2 charges), Thunder Step (opens new window) (3 charges). The spells use your spell save DC.
  • After you attack with Nilisnebar, you can cast a spell using a spell slot with a casting time of one action as a bonus action until the end of your turn by spending 5 of its charges.

# Awakened

  • The sword's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2 and when you hit with it the target takes an extra 1d6 lightning damage.
  • You can use your spellcasting modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls with this sword. If you can make multiple attacks, you can replace one of those attacks with a cantrip that uses your weapon.
  • You have resistance to lightning and thunder damage.
  • The number of charges increases to 15, and the charges restored on a long rest increases to 1d10+5. In addition, you can cast Lightning Bolt (opens new window) by spending 5 charges.

# Exalted

  • The sword's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3 and the extra damage on hit increases to 2d6 lightning damage.
  • If you use this sword as the material component to cast a cantrip, you have advantage on the attack.
  • You have immunity to lightning and thunder damage.
  • The number of charges increases to 20, and the charges restored on a long rest increases to 1d12+8. In addition, you can cast Chain Lightning (opens new window) by spending 12 charges.

# Armor

# Ashresin Armor

Armor (varies), rare (requires attunement)

Ashresin is a light and somewhat pliable, but very hard material made from alchemical spell-ashes that have been bonded together into black sheets. Armor made from ashresin does not have a strength requirement, nor does it impose disadvantage on stealth checks. It weighs half of what a regular metal suit of the same type would weigh.

The residual magical energy in the plates can absorb some of the energy whenever the wearer takes fire, cold, thunder, lightning, acid or poison damage. As a reaction to taking one of those types of damage when wearing the armor, you can reduce the damage taken by a number of d6 equal to your proficiency modifier. Once you use this reaction, you need to finish a long rest before you can do it again.

Very rare variant: You also gain resistance to the absorbed element until the feature recharges.

Type AC
Plate 18
Half-plate 15 + Dex(max 2)
Breastplate 14 + Dex(max 2)

# Ashresin Bulwark

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

This large heater shield is made from a single sheet of ashresin and is decorated with runes around the edges. It is very light for a shield this size.

While holding this shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

Whenever you succeed on a saving throw versus a spell or other magical effect that lets you take half damage on a successful save, you gain resistance to the damage taken from that effect as the shield absorbs some of the energy.

# Blackened Armor

Armor (studded leather), rare

This supple armor is form-fitted and has many straps for carrying weapons and useful items. The leather has been dyed black, and much care has been taken to reduce the amount of noise it makes when moving, making it a preferred model for infiltrators, thieves and assassins.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. In addition, you also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while in dim light or darkness.

# The A.E.G.I.S.

Armor (shield), paragon (requires attunement)

The A.E.G.I.S (Arcane Emitter: Guardian Impact-Shield) is the latest invention of Artificer Elyana. When inactive, it appears as a leather bracer adorned with crystals in concentric circles on the outside. Pressing a button on the inside activates the crystals which emit a force-field that will stop almost anything aimed at it, with no impact felt by the wearer.

# Prototype

  • As a bonus action, you can toggle a translucent shield of force. While it is active, it counts as wearing a regular shield which you are considered proficient with, and which leaves a free hand for spellcasting (but not for wielding a weapon).
  • While the A.E.G.I.S. is active, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.

In order to upgrade the A.E.G.I.S., a new power source is required, such as the core of an elemental myrmidon or the heart of a golem, along with gem dust to inscribe new runes.

# Upgraded

The power source has been improved, and can now expand momentarily to give more protection.

  • While active, the shield gains a +1 bonus to AC.
  • The shield gains 4 charges. While it is active, you can cast the Shield spell by spending a charge. The A.E.G.I.S. regains 1d4 charges each dawn.

To upgrade the A.E.G.I.S. further, a component that protects from magic needed. This could take the form of exchanging the lining with leather made from a rakshasa or making inlay from the mother-of-pearl shell from a dire flail snail.

# Perfected

The enchantments now protect from magical attacks as well as martial ones.

  • While the shield is active, you have advantage on saving throws versus spells.
  • The number of charges increases to 6, and it regains 1d6 charges each dawn. You can also cast the Absorb Elements spell by spending a charge.

# Elyana's Steelskin

Armor (plate), paragon (requires attunement)

# Prototype

  • Your strength becomes 19 unless higher
  • no incoming crits

# Upgraded

  • +1 to AC, str becomes 21 unless higher,
  • 1/lr: Overcharge the power core to cast Fireball centered on yourself. You are immune to the damage caused by this spell.

# Perfected

  • +2 AC, str becomes 23
  • BA to toggle a flight speed of 60 ft (jetpack), for a total of 10 minutes/day?

# Warplate of the Stormlord's Chosen

Armor (plate), paragon (requires attunement)

Sky iron plate armor lined with fur from a snow leopard. It is exceptionally well-fitting, its dark metal plates barely interfering as they move. The armor was once forged for Jarmo Snowgale, a Goliath battle-priest of Thor in an age long past. Jarmo went on an expedition to the Shadowfell but never returned, and his armor was lost.

This armor is lost in the Shadowfell. Possibly even in one of the Domains of Dread. Lamordia?

The cleric is long-dead, unceremoniously killed and thrown to the side in a forsaken cavern inhabited by a then-Beholder turned Death Tyrant.

Square motifs, with goat horns on the pauldrons. Rune-inscribed bands adorn the dark metal. Brighter fur, especially around the neck area and gauntlets.

# Dormant

  • This armor does not give disadvantage on Stealth checks.
  • When you hit a creature with Booming Blade, one other creature of your choice within 5 feet of the original target also boom.
  • Once per long rest, you can cast Gust of Wind (opens new window).
  • You are considered acclimatized to high altitudes and cold weather.

# Awakened

  • The armor gains a +1 bonus to AC, in addition to its normal AC.
  • You do not provoke attacks of opportunity from creatures affected by your Booming Blade.
  • Once per long rest, you can cast Investiture of Wind (opens new window).
  • You gain resistance to Lightning and Thunder damage.

# Exalted

  • The armor's bonus to AC increases to +2.
  • After you cast Booming Blade on your turn, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action.
  • Once per long rest, you can cast Control Weather (opens new window).
  • You gain immunity to Lightning and Thunder damage.

# Hermod's Winged Aegis

Hermod's Winged Aegis Armor (shield), paragon artifact (requires attunement)

A round shield with a pair of white feathered wings protruding from its boss. Both the banding and the large boss are made from platinum.

This shield was made by Hermod, the messenger of the gods. The feathers come from a Solar (opens new window) who serves Hermod. It was gifted to one of his champions, but has been lost for ages.

# Dormant

  • The shield has a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.
  • You can use the shield as a simple melee weapon which deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the shield.
  • You can use a bonus action to make the shield fly to your hand if you can see it and it is within 120 feet.
  • You can use the shield to slow yourself falling. You can cast Feather Fall (opens new window) at will, targeting only yourself. If you are not holding the shield at the end of your turn, the spell ends.

# Awakened

  • The shield's AC bonus and the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2.
  • The shield gains the Thrown (60/120 feet) property. If thrown, you can make it fly back to your hand after hitting or missing.
  • When a spell attack misses you, you can use your reaction to reflect the attack back at the caster. You make a spell attack roll against the caster using this shield's attack bonus. On a hit, the caster is hit by the spell instead.
  • Once per long rest, you can cast Conjure Barrage (opens new window), bouncing the shield between the affected creatures before it flies back to your hand.

# Exalted

  • The shield's AC bonus and the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3.
  • You gain a flying speed of 60 feet while holding the shield. You can throw the shield and remain hovering, but if you are not holding the shield at the end of your turn, you fall.
  • When a weapon attack misses you, you can use your reaction to make an attack with the shield against the creature who missed you.
  • Once per long rest, you can cast Steel Wind Strike (opens new window). Instead of teleporting, you fly between the targets (without provoking opportunity attacks) and strike them with the shield.

# Wands, Rods and Staves

# Crank-operated Arcane Scattershot

Wand, uncommon

This two-handed firearm has a large crank attached to the receiver. It functions as a Wand of Magic Missiles (opens new window), shooting the missile from its barrel. To use multiple charges, you turn the crank several times before aiming and firing.

This contraption is quite unstable however, and depleting the zirconia power source has a chance to render the weapon inert. If you use the final charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the boomstick becomes non-magical.

# Dragonfire Boomstick

Wand, rare

A large-bore firearm with an ornate grip that is carved to look like a dragon's head. Two enchanted rubies are set as the dragon's eyes and serve as the power source to it. The firearm has 5 charges. As an action, you can expend a charge to cast Aganazzar's Scorcher, expelling a large amount of fire from the barrel. You can spend extra charges to increase the level of the spell by 1 per charge beyond the first.

The firearm regains 1d4+1 charges each day at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the firearm breaks and is rendered non-magical.

# Duelist's Wand

Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This wand is made from polished holly, with a single unicorn (opens new window) tail hair at its core. When you cast a cantrip using this wand as your arcane focus, you count as six levels higher for the purposes of cantrip scaling.

# Staff of the Thicket

Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a druid)

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you have a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.

The staff has 6 charges. It regains 1d4+2 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff. You can expend charges to cast the following spells from the staff: Animal Friendship (opens new window) (1 charge), Barkskin (opens new window) (2 charges), Locate Animals or Plants (opens new window) (2 charges), Speak with Animals (opens new window) (1 charge), Pass Without Trace (opens new window) (2 charges).

If you cast Awaken (opens new window) on the staff while in a Druid Grove (opens new window), the staff transforms into a Staff of the Woodlands.

# Staff of the Primeval Wildwood

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid)

Functions as a Staff of the Woodlands (opens new window), with the following changes:

If you spend five hours meditating with a Staff of the Woodlands (opens new window) in a permanent Druid Grove (opens new window) while you have cast Control Weather (opens new window) to turn the weather into a thunderstorm (temperature stage 2 or 3, wind stage 5, and precipitation stage 4), the staff transforms into this weapon.

# Silver Oak Dowsing Rod

Rod, uncommon

This Y-shaped twig from a silver oak tree can be used as a druidic spellcasting focus. While holding it, you can cast the Locate Animals or Plants (opens new window) spell or the Locate Object (opens new window) spell without using a spell slot. Once you cast either spell using the rod, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. When you cast a spell from the rod, roll a d20. On a 1, the spell fails and the rod loses its magic (but can still be used as a focus).

# Hallowed Scepter of Freya

Wand, paragon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This scepter is made from gold and the sun-shaped tip has eight amber-and-pearl encrusted golden rays that surround a brilliant luxite gem. This relic is a treasured possession of the Pilgrim Knights, and is carried by their high priestesses during important rituals, especially during the celebration of the summer solstice.

# Dormant

  • You gain a +1 bonus to spell attacks while holding this wand, which acts as a holy symbol.
  • You can cast Guiding Bolt (opens new window) at will.
  • Once per day, you can cast the Crusader's Mantle (opens new window) spell.
  • You can use a bonus action to cause the gem at the end of the scepter to illuminate, shining bright light in a sphere for up to 30 feet, and dim light for the same radius beyond that. This light is sunlight. You can extinguish the light using a bonus action. While the scepter is lit, any magical darkness of 2nd level or lower is suppressed in the bright light.

# Awakened

  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +2.
  • You can cast Guiding Bolt at 2nd level at will.
  • Once per day, you can cast the Summon Celestial (opens new window) spell.
  • The maximum radius of the light is increased to 60 feet, and it suppresses magical darkness up to 5th level. Upon first entering the light, shapechangers must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC or revert to their original form. On a successful save, a creature is immune to the effect for 24 hours.

# Exalted

  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +3, and your spell save DC increases by 1.
  • You can cast Guiding Bolt at 4th level at will.
  • Once per day, you can cast the Sunbeam (opens new window) spell.
  • The maximum radius of the light is increased to 100 feet, and it suppresses magical darkness up to 8th level. While in the light, shapechangers, undead, and fiends have disadvantage on attack rolls.

# Fluxfiber Conduit

Wand, paragon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

A plaited bundle of enchanted fluxsilk thread runs through the core of this feyberry wand. The wild magic contained in the wand makes it a potent, but dangerous tool. It was created deep in the Feywild by an Archfey wizard who desired a weapon beyond all others. Instead of inspiring awe, the wand brought jealousy and foes who coveted this weapon. It passed from hand to hand by murder, deceit and coercion until it was hidden to stop the cycle of bloodshed.

# Dormant

  • You gain a +1 bonus to spell attacks while holding this wand.
  • You can cast Chromatic Orb (opens new window) at will.
  • When you cast a cantrip or Chromatic Orb through this wand, your damage dice explode (as long as you roll the maximum number on any of the dice, you get to roll it again and add it to the total).

# Awakened

  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +2.
  • You can cast Chromatic Orb (opens new window) at 2nd level at will.
  • Your spell attacks deal critical strikes on a 19.

# Exalted

  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +3, and your spell save DC increases by 1.
  • You can cast Chromatic Orb (opens new window) at 4th level at will.
  • All your dice explode when rolling damage from spells cast through this wand.

# Atarothen, the Dragonstaff

Staff, paragon artifact (requires attunement)

Atarothen, 'The Dragon-Staff'.

This staff's head is a large, ornately sculpted carving of a red dragon's head. Its eyes glow red and its mouth is open as if it was about to breath fire. It is infused with a sliver of the essence of Igrites the Ever-burning, the primordial red dragon birthed by Skadi herself. The staff was made during the final years of the first Dragon War, many thousands of years ago, as a last-ditch effort by the Chromatic dragons to revive Igrites who had fallen to the Metallic dragons. The power of the essence has faded over the eons, but its wielder slowly becomes more like a dragon as they grow close to the staff, infusing some of Igrites' remaining essence in themselves.

# Dormant

The staff's essence has not mingled with the wielder. It is still a fearsome weapon, but its true powers are not unleashed.

  • The staff can we wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. While holding it, you also gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
  • Breath Weapon: Once per short rest, you can use your action to make the staff breath fire in a 60 foot cone. All creatures in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 8d6 fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
  • You gain resistance to fire damage.
  • You learn to speak, read, and write Draconic.

# Awakened

The staff and its wielder start to become alike as their essences blend. The staff enhances the wielders greed, ruthlessness, and malevolence.

  • The staff's bonus to attack, damage, and spell attack rolls increases to +2.
  • Attacks with the staff deals an extra 1d6 of fire damage (1d8 if it is wielded with two hands), as the draconic head releases a puff of fire on impact.
  • The damage of the staff's Breath Weapon increases to 10d6 and the save DC increases to 17.
  • Your skin hardens with small scales. When not wearing armor, your AC becomes 15 + your Dexterity modifier.
  • You have advantage on all Charisma ability checks made to interact with dragons.
  • Your alignment moves one step towards evil. For example, if you were Lawful Neutral, you become Lawful Evil. If you were already evil, it moves one step towards chaotic.

# Exalted

The essence of Igrites suffuses through the wielder, whose physique has taken on some draconic features, such as pointed fangs and visible scales. The essence can also be unleashed completely, transforming the wielder into a red dragon.

  • The staff's bonus to attack, damage, and spell attack rolls increases to +3.
  • The extra fire damage on a hit increases to 2d6 (2d8 if it is wielded with both hands).
  • The damage of the staff's Breath Weapon increases to 12d6 and the save DC increases to 18.
  • You can transform into a red dragon at will as an action. When in that form you gain the following effects:
    • Your size becomes Large and you gain a 90 foot flying speed.
    • You gain 30 ft of Blindsight and 120ft of Darkvision. If you have better senses in your normal form, you keep those instead.
    • You cannot attack with weapons. Instead you gain a Bite natural weapon. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d8 piercing damage and 2d8 fire damage and has the Reach property. You can apply the staff's bonus to attack and damage rolls when using it. When you take the attack action, you can attack twice with it, even if you do not have the Extra Attack feature.
    • You gain immunity to fire damage.
    • You can still use the staff's Breath Weapon, but you breath the fire instead.
    • All other statistics and features carry over from your normal form, including your hit points.
    • You can use a Bonus Action to revert to your normal form. If you fall to 0 hit points, you revert to your normal form automatically.
  • Your alignment moves one step towards chaotic. For example, if you were Lawful Evil, you become Neutral Evil. If you were already chaotic, it moves one step towards evil.

Destroying the Staff: The staff contains the essence of one of the most evil beings to ever walk the material plane. If it is simultaneously breathed on by five ancient metallic dragons of different kinds, the staff shatters and Igrites' essence is ejected into the void.

# Jewelry

# Amulet of Enhancement

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

The amulet is a golden pendant with a single piece of amber. It has a thin but very strong gold chain. The gem is always pleasantly warm to the touch, and touching it seems to have a calming and restorative effect.

If you are attuned to this item, as an action you can invoke one of the following benefits (you can only choose benefits that you can use):

  • Recover Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). (Monk)
  • Recover Sorcery points equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) (Sorcerer)
  • Recover two spent uses of Rage (Barbarian)
  • Recover a spent use of Wild Shape (Druid)
  • Recover a spent use of Arcane Shot (Arcane Archer Fighter)
  • Recover a spent use of Fighting Spirit (Samurai Fighter)
  • Recover two spent Superiority Dice (Battle Master Fighter)
  • Recover a spent Warlock Spell Slot (Warlock)
  • Recover a spent use of Bardic Inspiration (Bard)
  • Recover a spent use of Channel Divinity (Paladin, Cleric)
  • Recover a spent use of Bladesong (Bladesinger Wizard)
  • Recover two spent Psionic Energy Dice (Soulknife Rogue, Psi Knight Fighter)

Once you use the amulet, you cannot do so again until the next dawn.

# Warding Fetish

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This fetish is made from various dried magical plants and mushrooms, gathered from the jungle. While you are attuned to it, you are under the effects of a protection from evil and good (opens new window) spell.

# Psionic Conduit

Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement by a Soulknife rogue)

This uncut amethyst gem can be worn in a chain around the neck. While wearing it, your maximum number of Psionic Energy dice increases by 2 and your Psychic Blades gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls depending on this item's rarity.

Rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3)

# Amulet of Magical Power

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This amulet consists of a large flat sapphire in a silver setting and a fine silver chain. Upon close inspection, mist swirls inside the sapphire, and an almost imperceptible heartbeat emanates from it.

When you are attuned to it, the amulet can be used as a spellcasting focus. It also has 5 charges, which can be used to power your spells. You can expend a charge to cast a first-level spell, and one charge extra for each level beyond that. You can only cast spells at their base level in this way. The amulet regains 3 (1d4+1) charges when you complete a long rest.

When the amulet's power is spent, the mist inside the sapphire calms down, becoming still when it reaches zero charges. This mist is the spirit of an ancient Couatl (opens new window) named Aeheca, who was trapped inside the gem when it was created to power its magic. Casting Dispel Evil and Good (opens new window) on the amulet releases Aeheca, rendering the amulet non-magical. As thanks to her liberator, Aeheca offers her loyal service.

# Nettlerue Band

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

A golden ring set with a large cabuchon of amber, with a perfectly preserved nettlerue flower inside it. The band is engraved with leaved vines.

While wearing the ring, you are immune to poison, and the poisoned condition. In addition, poison damage you deal ignore resistance to poison.

The ring has 5 charges, and regains 1d4+1 each dawn. You can cast the Cloudkill spell by spending 3 charges. When you hit an enemy with an attack, you can spend up to two charges to deal an additional 1d10 poison damage per charge spent.

# Signet Ring of Queen Caerynna

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

The signet ring of Queen Caerynna nan Iacaris, whose gifts of foresight protects her people. It is made from platinum and has a carved amethyst gem that depicts her sigil, an oak tree surrounded by rays of light.

While attuned to the ring, you can cast the Guidance (opens new window) and Detect Magic (opens new window) spells at will. It can also be used as an arcane focus (including for the Scrying (opens new window) spell).

The ring has 20 charges and it regains 1d4+1 charges each day at dawn. You can use the charges to cast the following spells using the ring: Augury (opens new window) (2 charges), Divination (opens new window) (6 charges), Scrying (opens new window) (12 charges), and Commune (opens new window) (15 charges). You must still provide any consumed material components when casting the spells using the ring.

# The Brisingamen

Wondrous item, paragon artifact (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)

The Brisingamen

The legendary necklace of the goddess Freya. It was made by Heimdall and gifted to the Lady of Light who wore it proudly around her neck until it was stolen. Its current location is not known, and no whispers of it have been heard for many eons.

The necklace is a grand golden torc beset with a multitude of gems of all kinds, among them diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, amber, pearls and amethysts. The center-piece is a massive, 1-inch brilliant sparkling luxite diamond which sheds bright light in a 30-foot sphere, and dim light for another 30 feet beyond that. This light is sunlight and can be toggled with a bonus action.

The Pilgrim Knights seek this necklace above all other treasure, and they will not endure someone outside their order wielding the jewels of their goddess.

Nondetection: The Brisingamen defies attempts to magically locate it. Neither the necklace itself nor its wearer can be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors. Not even a Wish spell can reveal the location of the necklace.

# Dormant

  • You gain a +1 bonus to your AC and spell save DC.
  • The necklace can be used as a holy symbol and has 10 charges, and regains 1d6+4 charges each day at dawn. You can use the charges to cast spells: Mass Cure Wounds (opens new window) (3 charges), Holy Weapon (opens new window) (5 charges), Dawn (opens new window) (4 charges). Spells cast from the Brisingamen use your spell save DC.
  • Freya's Resplendence: When you roll healing or radiant damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal the maximum amount, instead of rolling.
  • You gain resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage.

# Awakened

# Exalted

  • The bonus to your AC and spell save DC increases to +3.
  • The number of charges increases to 20, and the amount restored each dawn increases to 1d12+8. In addition, you can cast Holy Aura by spending 12 charges.
  • You can use Divine Conduit twice, instead of once.
  • Lifegiver's Blessing: You are always under the effects of the Bless (opens new window) spell.

# Wondrous items

Centurion's Helmet

# Centurion's Helmet

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This style of helmet was worn by the captains in the Teccan Legion before the fall of the empire. It is made from bronze and has a blue plume running along its crest. A hinged cheek-plate on either side protects the face.

While wearing this helmet, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. In addition, the helmet has 3 charges, which recover on a long rest. You can spend a charge and cast Command (opens new window) with a save DC of 15, barking the order to the target.

# Teccan Legion Battle-standard

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Teccan Legion Battle-standard

This standard was carried into battle by the Ninth Legion, who won many battles under it. The banner is two feet wide and five feet tall, and it hangs from a 10-foot metal pole that is topped with a small dragon statuette. The banner has the Teccan Seal on it, a dragon in a wreath of laurel, surrounded by five stars, all in silver on a cornflower blue field. It also carries the crossed sword and axe of the Ninth Legion. Being the standard-carrier of a legion was a great honor, but was considered dangerous as it made them a target on the battlefield.

Holding the standard requires two hands. While you hold it, allies within 60 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against becoming Charmed or Frightened.

The standard has 8 charges, and it regains 1d6+2 charges each day at dawn. While holding the standard, you can spend charges in the following ways:

  • As a bonus action, you can spend 1 charge to remove the Charmed or Frightened condition from any creature within 60 feet of you.
  • As a bonus action, you can spend 2 charges to order a creature within 60 feet to attack. They can use their reaction and make one weapon attack.
  • As an action, you can spend 4 charges to issue a rallying cry. All creatures you choose within 30 feet are cleansed of the Frightened and Charmed condition and can move up to their movement speed to a space adjacent to you without provoking opportunity attacks, and gain 2d6 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) temporary hit points.

Additionally, if you drop to 0 hit points while holding the standard, all allies within 60 feet can use their reaction to make a weapon attack, avenging the fallen banner. You can only benefit from this once per long rest.

# Feathered Minstrel's Hat

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

A large poofy hat made from white and black cloth, with a fancy eagle feather in the brim. While wearing this hat, you have advantage on Performance checks that use instruments that you are proficient with. You also learn the Thaumaturgy (opens new window) and Vicious Mockery (opens new window) cantrips, and Vicious Mockery deals half damage if the target succeeds on their save (but does not apply the additional effect). You can also cast Calm Emotions (opens new window) once per long rest using the hat.

# Arcane Octo-sphere

Wondrous item, uncommon

This orb is made from a solid chunk of polished deep purple obsidian. You can shake this orb in order to cast Augury (opens new window). Once you do so, the orb cannot be used this way again until the next dawn.

# Pit Boss Knuckles

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Semi-precious gems adorn the top of these cast-iron knuckles. While wearing these on your hands, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes and you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.

# Diana Jones' Hat

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

At first glance this hat is just a simple worn leather hat, but looks can be deceiving. While wearing this magical hat, you gain Darkvision to a range of 60 feet. In addition, you also learn the Mold Earth and Mending cantrips.

# Knotwork Knifebelt

Wondrous item, uncommon

A leather belt with knotwork decorations all the way around that holds a dagger across the front.

A dagger drawn from the belt and thrown reappears in its slot whether it hits or misses. Mundane daggers thrown from the belt are considered to be magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances to non-magical weapons. The belt comes with a mundane dagger, but another dagger can be paired with the belt as part of a short rest.

# Pendant of Seeing

Wondrous item, rare

Once per day, you can use an action to gain Truesight out to a range of 60ft until the end of your next turn.

# Zephyr Stone

Wondrous item, uncommon

A small pebble of elemental origin. Once per day, a creature can turn the stone in their hand to cast the Zephyr Strike (opens new window) spell. The stone recharges every day at dawn.

# Hat of Harlequin

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This colorful hat is set with jingling bells that makes sound when the wearer moves. You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while wearing this hat. While attuned to the hat, you can cast the Vicious Mockery (opens new window) cantrip at will, as well as Tasha's Hideous Laughter (opens new window) and Enthrall (opens new window) once each. The spells recharge after a long rest.

# Goliath Chieftain Headdress

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A ice wolf pelt worn as a headdress by the chieftains of a goliath tribe on Cottenhorn. While wearing this pelt, you have resistance to cold damage and is considered acclimatized to high altitudes and cold environments. Additionally, you gain +1 AC and can cast Dominate Beast once per long rest.

# Mirabelle, Lyre of Celvar Gallaeth

Wondrous item, paragon (requires attunement by a Lore bard)


Silvar Gallaeth was a legendary eladrin bard whose ballads are still played to this day by elven bards. He constructed the instrument himself, using a frame of living silver-oak and strings of silver-spun windsilk fibers. The triple-strung lyre is far harder to play than usual lyres, but the sound is fuller and more resonant. To get the most out of this instrument, specific techniques must be mastered.

Silvar named the lyre Mirabelle in honor of his human wife after she died. Silvar lived for another 111 years and never remarried. It is said he spent is final years playing for the plants and trees in the garden that Mirabelle had tended to, and eventually the plants understood him and started singing along.

First upgrade is from finding Celvar's sheet music and treatise. Takes 100 hours of practice to learn the new songs (like manuals).

Last step involves going to the afterlife and reuniting Celvar and his wife. Full Euridice in the underworld deal? Summon Fey to talk to Celvar and get the quest.

# Dormant

  • You learn the Druidcraft cantrip, and can cast it at will.
  • The instrument has 6 charges, and it regains 1d4+2 charges each dawn. You can spend charges to cast the following spells using the lyra: Spike Growth (2 charges), Speak with Plants (3 charges), Divination (4 charges).
  • You can spend 2 charges when you use Cutting Words to grant disadvantage on the target's next saving throw.

# Awakened

  • You have advantage on all Performance checks using this instrument.
  • The number of charges increases to 10 (1d6+4 regained each dawn). The following spells can also be cast: Plant Growth (3 charges), Summon Fey (at 4th-level, summons ghostly echo of Celvar, 4 charges), Wrath of Nature (5 charges)
  • Can spend 2 charges to treat a 9 or lower as a 10 on any Intelligence ability check you are proficient in. This can be used after you see the roll.

# Exalted

  • Your proficiency bonus increases by 1.
  • The number of charges increases to 15 (1d10+5 regained each dawn). The following spells can also be cast: Grasping Vine (4 charges), Commune with Nature (5 charges), Transport via Plants (6 charges)
  • Can spend 3 charges to use a feature that requires a Bardic Inspiration die without consuming the die.

# Elemental Silk Wraps

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

While worn, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes and natural weapons and those attacks count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. Depending on the type of cloth, you also gain a cantrip and an additional effect, as detailed in the table below.

Type Cantrip Additional Effect Appearance
Watersilk Shape Water (opens new window) The first time you hit a creature with an unarmed strike on your turn, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature until the start of your next turn Royal blue with white accents and always slightly damp
Stonesilk Mold Earth (opens new window) The first time on each of your turns you hit with an unarmed strike, you can push the target 5 feet away from you, provided the target is no more than one size larger than you Deep brown cloth, speckled with greens and blacks, that is very stiff
Firesilk Control Flames (opens new window) The first time on each of your turns you hit with an unarmed strike, you can deal an extra 3 (1d6) fire damage Crimson cloth with gold embroidery that is always pleasantly warm to the touch
Windsilk Gust (opens new window) Your unarmed attacks gain the Reach property Long and wispy white cloth ribbons tail behind these wraps
Fluxsilk Prestidigitation (opens new window) If you score a critical hit or critical miss with an unarmed strike, you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table (opens new window) Pearlescent and shimmering thick cloth
Shadowsilk Mage Hand (opens new window) The first time you hit a creature with an unarmed strike on your turn, that creature cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn Very sheer black cloth in long ribbons

# Wraps of the Master Elementalist

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

These multi-colored wraps are made from woven ribbons of elementally infused silks.

While worn, you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes. Your unarmed strikes gain the Reach property and you deal an extra weapon die (minimum d6) of fire damage on a hit with them. When you hit an enemy with an unarmed attack, you do not provoke opportunity attacks from them until the start of your next turn. Once on each of your turns when you hit with an unarmed attack, you can push the target up to 30 feet away from you, provided they aren't more than one size larger than you. Additionally, your unarmed strikes and natural weapons count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage

Additionally, you can cast the Control Flames (opens new window), Gust (opens new window), Mold Earth (opens new window), and Shape Water (opens new window) cantrips while wearing these handwraps.

# Sun Soul Stela

Wondrous item, paragon (requires attunement by a Sun Soul Monk)

This stela (or toga, for a male wearer) of draped white cloth has Glimmersilk bands along its edges. It is granted to monks who follow the way of the sun soul who complete their initiation. As the monks progress through the ranks, their togas become more ornate, gaining gold embroidery and amber and pearl beading.

# Initiate

  • Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to restore Ki equal to your Wisdom modifier.
  • You can cast Daylight by spending 2 Ki points. This light is sunlight.
  • You gain resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.

# Adept

  • Instead of being able to restore Ki once per long rest, your maximum Ki increases by your Wisdom modifier.
  • Your AC increases by 1 while you are not wearing armor.
  • You can cast Wall of Light by spending 4 Ki points. This light is sunlight.

# Master

  • Your Wisdom increases by 2, as does your maximum for that ability score.
  • You can cast Sunburst by spending 7 Ki points.
  • You become immune to the Blinded condition.

# Amber Meditation Focus

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a Sun Soul Monk)

A simple pendant of cut amber that refracts the sun's light. It hangs from a thin leather strap and is used as a meditative focus for initiates of the Way of the Sun Soul.

While attuned to this amulet, you can cast the Guidance & Resistance cantrips at will. You can also cast Detect Evil and Good and Protection from Evil and Good once each per long rest.

# Manuscripts of the Eternal Chariot

Wondrous item, rare

This leather-bound tome contains an richly illuminated collection of prayers and details about how to conduct the sacred ceremonies of the Sun Soul monks, written down by many hands over several hundred years. The Eternal Chariot is the Sun, travelling along its path in the sky.

After studying and meditating on this book for 100 hours, you gain the following benefits:

  • You become proficient in the Insight skill. If you are already proficient, you gain Expertise instead.
  • You can cast the Ceremony and Dispel Evil and Good spells by spending 5 Ki. You do not need to provide material components for these spells.
  • Aberrations, evil celestials, elementals, fey, and fiends are added to the creatures considered weak against your Radiant Sun Bolts and Solar Flare features.

Only a monk who is following the Way of the Sun Soul can gain these benefits.

# Glimmersilk Handwraps

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Sun Soul Monk)

A pair of white handwraps made from ribbons of Glimmersilk. It is embroidered with thin gold filigree depicting the sun and the stars.

While worn, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes and your Radiant Sun Bolt. The first time you hit a creature on a turn with a Radiant Sun Bolt, they take an additional Martial Arts die of damage.

Additionally, the range of your Radiant Sun Bolts is doubled.

# Justicar's Veil

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a Sun Soul Monk)

Held up by an ornate golden headband with narrow spikes symbolizing the sun's rays, this translucent veil is worn by high ranking Sun Soul monks during dawn ceremonies and when they sit in judgment of an accused criminal. It represents the indiscriminate justice of the sun, where all are equal and no heed is given to prior actions before judgment is passed.

While you are attuned to the veil, you have truesight to a range of 60 feet and can read all written languages. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine if a creature is telling the truth. Finally, you can also cast the Zone of Truth, Detect Thoughts, and Scrying spells once each per long rest.

# Fluxsilk Robe

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This robe is made from pearlescent fluxsilk, a cloth that can only be made in wild magic zones. The untamed weave remains in the robe.

Some of the robes latent magic protects you. While wearing it, your AC becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier. If you don armor, this effect is suppressed.

When you are hit by, or forced to make a saving throw by a spell (not an area of effect), roll a d6. On a 6, the spell does not affect you and is instead absorbed into the robe, which surges with Wild Magic. You roll on the Wild Magic Surge (opens new window) table. Once the robe has absorbed a spell this way, it cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

# Firesilk Handkerchief

Wondrous item, common

This crimson silk handkerchief is always pleasantly warm to the touch. As an action, you can rub the handkerchief against itself, creating a cascade of sparks, which can be used to set fire to a flammable object within 5 feet.

# Watersilk Bandage

Wondrous item, rare

This bandage is made from watersilk, a purifying cloth that absorbs poisons and promotes healing. If a creature holds the bandage to a wound for one minute, they are healed for 13 (2d8+4) hit points, and any poisons affecting them are neutralized. Once used, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, as the bandage needs time to purify itself and recharge.

# Stonesilk Cloak

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This cloak is made from stonesilk, a magical cloth that is very hard. It is light brown with large green and black splotches which makes it meld in with most natural backgrounds. It functions as a Cloak of Protection and a Cloak of Elvenkind.

# Shadowsilk Blindfold

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a Way of Shadow Monk)

This deep black blindfold made from Shadowsilk gives you Blindsight to a range of 30 feet, but you are blind beyond this radius. If you have the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, it is disabled while you are wearing this. In addition, Invisibility is added to the spells you cast with your Shadow Arts feature.

Cursed: Once you attune to this item, you are considered Blinded if you do not wear the blindfold. A Remove Curse spell can end this effect.

# Garb of the Hidden Ones

Wondrous item, paragon (requires attunement by a Way of Shadow Monk)

The ceremonial garb of the Hidden Ones, a secret order in the upper echelons of Monks who follow the Way of Shadow. As individuals rise within the order, their uniform evolves and improves their abilities.

# Initiate

A relatively simple hooded dark grey tunic with short sleeves and loose black pants.

  • You gain 60 feet of darkvision. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range increases by 30 feet.
  • Disguise Self is added to the spells you can cast with your Shadow Arts feature.
  • Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to regain Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
  • You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.

# Adept

Upon reaching adept level, the black tunic gains some silver edge decorations and a long-sleeved undergarment.

  • Your Darkvision improves, letting you see through both mundane and magical darkness in full color.
  • Shadow Blade is added to the spells you can cast with your Shadow Arts feature.
  • Your maximum amount of Ki points increases by your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 0).
  • The garb seems to coalesce with nearby shadows, granting you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

# Master

The master's garb is richly decorated with silver thread embroidery.

  • In combat, the garb projects a shimmering illusion that distracts your opponents. All creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. If you take damage, this property ceases to function until the start of your next turn. This property is suppressed while you are incapacitated, restrained, or otherwise unable to move, and is not effective against creatures who use blindsight, tremorsense or truesight to perceive you.
  • Your Wisdom score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that ability.
  • You gain Expertise in the Stealth skill.

# Vestments of the Weaveborn

Wondrous item, paragon (requires attunement by a Sorcerer)

This garb once belonged to a powerful spellcaster who could utilize the Weave itself to its full potential. It is made from purple, black, and white silks and satins with gold banding. Two large opalescent gems are affixed to the front, each swirling with magical energy and a tall collar surrounds the wearers head.

# Dormant

  • If you are not wearing armor or a shield, your Armor Class is 13 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).
  • Your maximum Sorcery points increases by your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
  • You can cast Disguise Self at will.
  • You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill.

# Awakened

  • You gain resistance to damage from spells.
  • The vestments protect you from the natural elements. You are considered acclimatized to any weather.
  • As a bonus action, you can spend 2 sorcery points and teleport to a location you can see within 60 feet.
  • You gain expertise in the Arcana skill.

# Exalted

  • Your Charisma increases by 2, as does your maximum for that ability score.
  • When you reduce an enemy to 0 hp, you can use your reaction to recover 2 sorcery points.
  • You can add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks made as part of casting Counterspell and Dispel Magic.
  • You have advantage on all Arcana ability checks

# The Titan's Grip

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

These scaled gauntlets are imbued with the strength of a Goristro. They were made by a mad artificer who gave them to a golem construct of his, who promptly killed its master.

While wielding these gauntlets, your Strength becomes 23, if it is not higher. You can also wield two-handed melee weapons in a single hand, giving you the following benefits:

  • If you wield a Versatile weapon, you can always use the higher damage die.
  • If you wield a two-handed weapon in each hand, you can use two-weapon fighting.
  • You can wield two-handed weapons and use a shield at the same time.
  • If you are Small, you can use Heavy weapons without penalty.

Finally, if you move 20 feet towards a target before hitting it with an attack, you can deal an additional 3d10 damage to the target who must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 yards away and fall prone. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

# Divine Idol

Wondrous item, rare

A carved wooden statuette of a deity. Creatures who meditate or pray to the idol for one minute gain the effect of the Aid (opens new window) spell. This can only affect a creature once per day, and creatures must be followers of the depicted deity, or there is no effect.

# Multi-Function Pocket Arcanometer

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a wizard or sorcerer)

A large polished gold pocket watch with several knurled knobs and buttons around the edge and a very complicated dial that indicate all manner of things, including magical residue density, compass direction, illusionary entropy, the phase of the moon, leyline angle, and even time of day. It also comes with a brass chain for fastening it to your person.

The Arcanometer functions as an arcane focus, and while you hold it, you can cast the Guidance cantrip and the Detect Magic and Identify spells at will without requiring expensive material components.

The Arcanometer also has 10 charges, and it regains 2d4+2 charges when you finish a long rest. You can cast the following spells by spending charges: Alarm (1 charge), Gift of Alacrity (1 charge), Hold Person (2 charges), Locate Object (2 charges), Haste (3 charges), Slow (3 charges), Freedom of Movement (4 charges), Temporal Shunt (5 charges), Contingency (6 charges), Time Stop (9 charges).

You can also spend 3 charges to unwind time for a fraction of a second. As a reaction, after you or another creature within 30 feet of you, makes a attack roll, ability check, or a saving throw, you can force the creature to reroll. You make this decision after you see whether the roll succeeds or fails. The target must use the result of the second roll.

If you use the Arcanometer's final charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the watches' magic unravels, casting the Time Ravage spell on the user. If the spell takes hold the watch becomes inoperable, except as an arcane focus, until the spell is ended or kills the user.

# Multi-Function Pocket Arcanometer

Wondrous item, paragon (requires attunement by a wizard or sorcerer)

A large polished gold pocket watch with several knurled knobs and buttons around the edge and a very complicated dial that indicate all manner of things, including magical residue density, compass direction, illusionary entropy, the phase of the moon, leyline angle, and even time of day. It also comes with a brass chain for fastening it to your person.

The Arcanometer functions as an arcane focus. If you use the Arcanometer's final charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the watches' magic unravels, casting the Time Ravage spell on the user. If the spell takes hold the watch becomes inoperable, except as an arcane focus, until the spell is ended or kills the user.

# Prototype

  • You have advantage on initiative checks.
  • You learn the Guidance cantrip and can cast it at will.
  • The arcanometer has 5 charges, and it regains 1d4+1 charges on a long rest. You can cast the following spells from it: Alarm (1 charge), Hold Person (2 charges), Haste (3 charges), Slow (3 charges).

# Upgraded

  • While you hold the watch, you can cast Detect Magic at will.
  • The number of charges increases to 8, and it regains 1d6+2 charges on a long rest. The following spells can also be cast from it: Identify (1 charge), Locate Object (2 charges), Freedom of Movement (4 charges), Locate Creature (4 charges).
  • You can also spend 3 charges to unwind time for a fraction of a second. As a reaction, after you or another creature within 30 feet of you, makes a attack roll, ability check, or a saving throw, you can force the creature to reroll. You make this decision after you see whether the roll succeeds or fails. The target must use the result of the second roll.

# Perfected

  • You can add your proficiency bonus to initiative checks.
  • The number of charges increases to 10, and it regains 1d6+4 charges on a long rest. The following spells can also be cast from it: Temporal Shunt (5 charges), Contingency (6 charges), Time Stop (9 charges).
  • You do not have to roll a d20 if you use the final charge. You can also cast Time Ravage by spending all 10 charges. If you do so, the watch becomes inoperable, except as an arcane focus, for 2d6 days.

# Valenar Whistle

Wondrous item, rare

A carved whistle in the shape of a hawk's head.

The first time you blow this whistle, a Valenar Hawk (opens new window) is summoned as per the Find Familiar (opens new window) spell, and immediately starts its bonding ritual with you. Once you have bonded with the hawk, you can use the whistle to cast the Find Familiar spell once per day to summon the hawk again.

A creature who is not bonded to the whistle instead takes 7 (2d6) psychic damage if they blow the whistle.

If you do not blow the whistle for a year, the bond to the hawk breaks.

# Winged Circlet of Yggdrasil

Wondrous item, paragon (requires attunement by a druid)

This circlet is woven from green shoots cut from the World Tree itself. Two wings of eagle feathers sit on either side, and leaves and berries adorn it. It can be used as a druidic spellcasting focus while worn. The benefits from this item persists when you use Wildshape.

# Dormant

  • You gain a +1 bonus to unarmed and natural attacks.
  • If you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Wisdom Modifier, as your skin becomes hard as bark.
  • You can gain one additional use of your Wild Shape feature. This use recharges on a long rest.

# Awakened

  • The bonus to unarmed and natural attacks increases to +2.
  • You can use Wild Shape to turn into plants you have seen. The CR and speed restrictions of Wild Shape still apply.
  • You are permanently under the effect of the Pass Without Trace (opens new window) spell, and creatures affected by the spell ignore difficult terrain caused by plants.

# Exalted

  • The bonus to unarmed and natural attacks increases to +3.
  • The maximum CR of creatures you can Wild Shape into increases by 1.
  • If you force a creature to make a saving throw while in Wild Shape form, you can use your spell save DC instead of the DC listed in the creature's statblock.

# Hydrium Grapple Launcher

Wondrous item, rare

This hand-cannon is loaded with a small grappling hook and a clockwork winch. Sturdy wooden handles sit on either side of the barrel. As an action, you can fire the hydrium charge and propel a hook up to 60 feet away, either at a location, or at a creature. If fired at a location, you are pulled to the location.

If fired at a creature the target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw (a creature can willingly fail this save). On a failure, the smaller of the two creatures is pulled adjacent to the other. If both creatures are the same size, both must make a Strength (Athlethics) check (a creature can choose to automatically lose). The loser is pulled adjacent to the winner. If both creatures choose to automatically lose, or on a tie, both creatures are pulled toward each other until they meet. If a creature has the Powerful Build feature, they count as one size larger for the purpose of this.

Movement from this item does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Once fired, you must wind it up and reload it, which takes 1 minute. Each hydrium charge costs 25gp.

# Runescribe Robe

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This robe is made from heavy grey cloth. It is embroidered with elaborate runewords in metal thread all over, granting its wearer a measure of protection against magical energy. When attuned to this item, you have resistance to damage from spells. Additionally, the wearer can choose to automatically succeed on saving throws from spells cast by themselves, and they take no damage on a successful save.

# Imperishable Flame Lantern

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A short brass torch, its flame lit from the eternal flame at the Grand Refuge. This lantern can be used as a spell casting focus for non-evil clerics and paladins. While holding the lantern, you can add your spellcasting modifier to any radiant damage dealt when you cast a spell.

Once per day, you can cast Daylight from the spell. This light is sunlight.

The lantern sheds bright light in a 30 foot radius, and dim light for another 30 feet beyond that. As a bonus action, you can change the light radius, setting it between five and thirty feet, or cover it completely. The light from the lantern can suppress magical darkness caused by spells of 3rd level or lower.

# Sacrificial Hilt

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

A hilt with no blade attached. It is quite ornate, but missing a large gem as its pommel. Combined with the right materials, it might be possible to give it a new blade.

While attuned to this item, you have resistance to Necrotic damage.

Combining the Sacrificial Hilt and its pommel stone with pieces of Poisonwood (amount depends on the type of blade) reforges the blade. This either requires proficiency with either Smith's Tools or Woodcarver's Tools or a helpful blacksmith.

# Poisonwood Weapon Type
1 Dagger, Sickle
2 Shortsword, Scimitar
3 Longsword, Rapier
4 Greatsword, Double Bladed Scimitar

# Robes of the Order

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a monk)

Woven into these robes are pictograms and writing of the stories and legends of your order. These are granted in a ceremony to monks who progress through the hierarchy of their order.

While attuned to these robes, wearing them grants you +1 to your Ki save DC and +1 AC.

Depending on the monastic order, the robes have additional effects and appearance:

Way of Shadow: Deep purple silken robes that seem to defy gravity as they swirl. You can cast Invisibility and Phantasmal Force with your Shadow Arts feature.

Way of the Drunken Master: Forest green and yellow. When you use Drunken Technique, you can choose between the benefits of the Disengage or the Dodge action.

Way of the Four Elements: Strips of fabric colored in bright elemental colors hang from your shoulders. Reduces the Ki cost of your elemental disciplines by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Way of the Kensei: White and burgundy kimono. Once per turn you can reroll a single damage die when you hit with a kensei weapon. You must use the new roll.

Way of the Long Death: Hooded burlap robes that goes from grey at the shoulders to black at the hem in a smooth gradient. Grants you advantage on death saving throws.

Way of the Open Hand: Sky blue with white accents. Flurry of Blows grant you one extra attack.

Way of the Sun Soul: A bright white robe with a golden sun on the chest. After hitting with your Radiant Sun Bolt, you can spend a Ki point to do Stunning Strike. You can only do this once per turn.

# Floating Rune

Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement)

A gift from a deity, you are branded with a rune. The effect varies depending on which rune you are granted. The incorporeal rune floats gently by your forehead, shedding dim light within 5 feet. You can toggle the light using a bonus action. The effect and rarity varies depending on the rune.

Rune Effect Rarity
You can cast Teleportation Circle (opens new window) once per long rest. Very rare
You have resistance to necrotic, poison, and acid damage. Very rare
You count as one size larger for the purposes of grappling, carrying, pushing and pulling. Rare
Your proficiency bonus increases by 1. Legendary
Increases your movement speed by 10ft. Uncommon
Your melee attacks deal an additional 2 (1d4) necrotic damage. Very rare
You can cast Polymorph (opens new window) once per long rest. Very rare
Increases your Charisma by 2, to a maximum of 22. Very rare
You have resistance to radiant, fire, and cold damage. Very rare
When you reach 0 hit points, you instantly regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Can only happen once per long rest. Rare
You have advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks. Uncommon
Increases your Wisdom by 2, to a maximum of 22. Very rare
You have advantage on saving throws versus spells and other magical effects. Rare
Increases your Dexterity by 2, to a maximum of 22. Very rare
Increases your AC by +1, or +2 if you are not wearing armor. Rare
Your melee attacks deal an additional 2 (1d4) radiant damage. Very rare
Increases your Strength by 2, to a maximum of 22. Very rare
You gain Darkvision that can see in magical darkness out to a range of 60ft. Rare
You can cast Find Steed (opens new window) once per long rest Rare
You become resistant to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Legendary
You can breathe underwater indefinitely and have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Uncommon
You gain 30 feet of Truesight. Legendary
Increases your Intellect by 2, to a maximum of 22. Very rare
You have advantage on Initiative checks. Uncommon

# Ammunition and consumables

# Sanguine Fizzle

Potion, rare

A crimson powder, consumed by snorting it. It is a highly controlled substance that is illegal to produce and consume throughout the archipelago.

When consumed, you must make a DC 14 Con save. On a failure, you fall unconscious for 1 minute (another creature can use its action to shake you awake). On a success, you instantly gain the benefits of a short rest (although you cannot spend hit dice). Regardless, you gain one level of exhaustion at the end of your next long rest.

If you are suffering from Exhaustion from consuming Fizzle when you consuming more, you have advantage on the Constitution saving throw, and those Exhaustion levels are suppressed for 8 hours after consuming it.

# Ripe Feyberry

Potion, uncommon

This berry from a Feyberry bush retains its magic for 3+2d6 days after being picked. If you consume the berry (as if drinking a potion), you trigger a Wild Magic Surge (opens new window). You also restore 1 hp and each berry contains enough nourishment to sustain a creature for a day. The berries are spherical, approximately 1 inch across, and their greyish surface shimmers in various colours. They are sweet and very tasty.

# Dragon Scale Arrow

Weapon, uncommon

The tip of this arrow is a sharpened dragon scale.

If you hit a creature with this arrow, you deal an additional 2d8 damage. The type of damage depends on the color of the dragon scale.

Color Damage type
White/silver Cold
Black/copper Acid
Green Poison
Blue/bronze Lightning
Red/gold/brass Fire

The arrow breaks upon impact, rendering it unusable.

# Spell-storing Arrow

Weapon, rare

This arrow has a spell stored in it. When fired, instead of dealing damage, the spell stored inside takes effect at the impact site. If the spell requires a spell attack roll, use the attack modifier for the weapon used to fire it. If it requires a saving throw, it is 12 + the level of the spell stored inside.

Once the arrow has been fired, the magic fades from it and it becomes a mundane arrow.

Only spells that target a single creature or a point that do not have a range of Self can be stored in the arrow.

# Wormhole Arrow

Weapon, rare

An ashen shaft topped with a clear quartz crystal arrowhead. The fletchings are made from eagle feathers.

If you hit a creature with this arrow, the attack deals 4d6 extra force damage. Alternatively, you can fire it at a location to silently teleport to the impact site (it does not deal damage when used in this way).

Once used, the arrow disappears into another plane of existence.

# Jungle Needles

Weapon, uncommon

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with these magical blowgun needles. On a hit, they deal 3 (1d6) damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage, or half as much on a failed save. If the save fails by more than 5, the target is also Poisoned for 1 minute. The needles are fragile and are destroyed after use, regardless of hit or miss.

# Boomdust Bomb

Wondrous item, rare

A three-inch diameter sphere with a contact fuse filled with boomdust. Can be thrown at a point in range. Creatures in a 10 yard radius must make a DC 15 Dexterity save or take 21 (6d6) fire damage as it explodes. This consumes the item.

Boomdust is an explosive powder used in cannons, grenades, and sapping charges. It is a highly controlled substance that is only made by a single factory on Cottenhorn.

# Boomdust Sack

Wondrous item, rare

A five-pound bag of boomdust. If one were to come in contact with fire, all creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 35 (10d6) fire damage.

Boomdust is an explosive powder used in cannons, grenades, and sapping charges. It is a highly controlled substance that is only made by a single factory on Cottenhorn.

# Hydrium Grenade

Wondrous item, rare

A 5-inch high and 2-inch thick cylinder filled with powdered hydrium, an unstable substance that can be harvested from sea water.

As an action you can throw the cylinder at a point within 30 ft, where the impact makes it explode in a blinding flash of light which destroys it. All creatures within 15 ft of this point must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be Stunned until the end of your next turn, and if the creature has not taken a turn in combat yet, they are also Surprised. Creatures which are immune to being Blinded automatically succeed on their saving throw and creatures which are immune to being Deafened have advantage on the saving throw.

# Hydrium Tipped Arrow

Wondrous item, uncommon

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with these magical arrows. If a creature has to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain their concentration as a result of taking damage from this arrow, they have disadvantage on the roll, as it explodes in a flash of light on impact.