Nobles of Iacaris

The nobility of the Kingdom of Iacaris are exclusively elves. The titles are less land-based than those of the Compact. All elven nobles have the title tanavar/tanwyn (tanavar / tanwyn, lit 'noble-man/noble-woman'), collectively they are the imotanaƫ, 'High Nobility'. They all swear fealty to Queen Caerynna.

# Families

Since elven last names do not follow quite the same conventions as those of other races, elven houses are usually identified using a by-name of their founder. Usually this name is still used by their descendants, but not always. Parents choose which of their house their children belong to, but can only choose one (not necessarily the same for all children).

These families are very old - some can trace their ancestors back upwards of four thousand years. The high-elven blood of the nobility makes them more prone to magical gifts than the low-born wood elves, although not all high elves are part of the nobility. Some families are highly concerned with keeping their lineage pure, only accepting children of two noble parents into their house. Other families accept their members to marry and have children with lowborn elves. Marriages to humans is rarer, but not unheard of, and usually requires the partner to be of high birth to be fully accepted, although their children are rarely given the elven house names.

# House Hathador

hathador, lit 'Darkness-shield'. The ruling house of Iacaris.

# Queen Caerynna Hathador Tindotirel nan Iacaris

The ruler of the kingdom of Iacaris. She is an old and powerful wizard, especially gifted when it comes to divination magic. She has ruled Iacaris ever since it became independent when the empire fell almost 250 years ago. Lives in Ambar Tenelcel, the Silver Oak Palace, in Tel Edhil.

Her silver hair shines in the sunlight at the Sun Court atop Ambar Tenelcel, where she receives audiences dressed in ornate dresses of white, silver and gold. Her crown is relatively simple, a silver headband set with pearls and a single luxite gem.

# Crown Prince Aerivar

Eldest son of Queen Caerynna and heir to the kingdom. Serves as captain of the Edhildore, the city guard of Tel Edhil.

# House Harlaeth

harlaeth, 'Wise-song'.

# King-Consort Aerilor Harlaeth

The husband of Queen Caerynna.

# Armaliel Harlaeth

Current headmistress of Siltharel, where many noble children are taught magic.

# House Drisebel

atatirel, 'Temple-servant'. One of the largest noble clans, with currently over 20 living members. They are one of the richest families on Iacaris, as they control the majority of the businesses in the Market-cleft.

# Beren Drisebel

Head of house Drisebel. Beren is a close advisor to Queen Caerynna.

# Aranna Drisebel

Younger sister of Beren. Married to Aerilor Silionbar, with whom she has several children.

# Nilvar Drisebel

A wizard who teaches at the Greystone Archive.

# House Silionbar

silionbar, 'Sky Iron Sword'. Named for an heirloom of theirs. They live in a large Silver Oak near the center of Tel Edhil.

House Silionbar is a clan of assassins. They keep their power by performing hidden assassinations, either at the orders of the Kingdom of Iacaris, or for massive amounts of coin.

# Aerilor Silionbar

Current wielder of the sword that is the heirloom of his house. He is a supremely skilled ranger who has killed many enemies with the sword.

# Celdor Silionbar

Brother of Aerilor. Lives in Vatnafell on Estia, providing a safe house for Silionbar assassins who operate there. Father of Lyra.

# House Thartirel

thartirel, 'Forest-Master'.

# Saevel Thartirel

Head of his house and Grand Enchanter at the Royal Arcanaeum in Tel Edhil. An expert artificer.

# House Gallaeth

Gallaeth, 'Quick-song'. A relatively young house of renowned bards.

# Aenivar Gallaeth

One of the most skilled bards in Iacaris. Regularly performs for Queen Caerynna when she hosts guests in her palace. Married to Arwyn Hathabrin, a lowborn officer in the Edhildore.

# Lumiel Gallaeth

see page

# House Elsiter

Elsiter, 'Dawn-sword'. Traces their lineage to Arwyn Elsiter, a great paladin of Freya and one of the founders of the Pilgrim Knights, who lived around 750 years ago. Many Elsiters have followed in her footsteps. Several high ranking Pilgrim Knights are from this house. The sword Fiendfell was an heirloom of this house, but was lost.

# Aririlie Elsiter

Serves the Pilgrim Knights as a Templar. Married to Parker Ashworth of Aphenor, a human.

# Melvar Elsiter

Younger brother of Aririlie.

# House Thalvirdris

thalvirdris, 'Beautiful Flower Shrine'. An ancient house of druids.

# Silvar Thalvirdris

A powerful archdruid and the head of the druidic Circle of Stars at Siltharel.

# Luthien Thalvirdris

A young artificer at the Royal Arcanaeum.