Thornfall Hold
Stony Moors
The Black Forest
The Wheatplains
The Halcyon Glades
Egoris' Tower
Silversilt Mines

Estia is the biggest and most populous island in its eponymous archipelago. A number of smaller settlements and towns lie around its ore-rich mountains. The two biggest cities are Greystone and Aphenor. The northern coast of Estia is sparsely inhabited compared to its southern coast, consisting mostly of windswept moors and dark forests. While the major roads are mostly safe, the wilderness between the cities is unkempt, and there is little telling exactly what or who lives there.

# Greystone

see page

# Aphenor

see page

# Myrknes

In the northern part of Estia lies Myrknes, the northermost major settlement on Estia accessible by road from Greystone. It is a majority-dwarven town with a population around 15000.

The Coldstream river flows through the town, all the way to the ocean. It is navigable most times of year, and some ships make the journey upriver to trade.

Mostly single or two-story stone houses line the narrow streets of Myrknes. The town is centered around a great dwarven fortress where the Greatbraid family rules as Jarls, and have done since long before the empire came and went.

# Frosthollow

A small village east of Myrknes with a population around 400.

# Whitport

West of Aphenor, on the Windward Coast, lies Whitport. About 12000 people live here, mostly farmers and fishermen.

# Mirecairn

On the edge of a vast peat bog lies Mirecairn, a remote settlement north of Whitport. The villagers harvest the peat for fuel and other uses, both for their own use and to sell.

# Tembridge

see page

# Vatnafell

Built on the slopes of the snow-capped mountains, the town of Vatnafell is bisected by a cold mountain stream that flows out over a steep cliff, giving the settlement its name.

Vatnafell is home to the elven noble assassins of house Silionbar.

# The Argent Summit

The Argent Summit is the highest mountain on Estia, and is the roost of the ancient silver dragon Tepyristes. The peak is almost always surrounded by dense clouds, letting Tepyristes and his brood come and go as they like. Few of the inhabitants of Estia know about this community, and even fewer have visited.

Like most metallic dragons, silver dragons can change shape into humanoids. The dragon community atop the Summit spend most of their time in their alternate forms, living in a smattering of tall towers built on the mountainside, connected by narrow rope bridges. The towers are made from alabaster and are roofed with shining metal plates. Some of the towers are magical laboratories and research libraries, others are living quarters. One of the towers belong is Tepyristes' sanctum, and one is a hatchery where young dragons are raised.

Around thirty dragons of different ages live here, spending their days in magical research facilities, ever trying to unlock the secrets of the runes. The dragons are not bothered by the cold (although the insides of the towers keep a comfortable temperature), and walk around in simple white silk robes, which makes them hard to see against the snow. They worship Heimdall, who has a shrine in one of the towers. The dragons have little need for martial weapons, as their true forms are far more deadly than any small arms.

Outsiders who manage the arduous trek to the Summit are given respite from the hostile world atop the mountains, but are not allowed to stay permanently. Tepyristes is as wise as he is old, and will grant courteous guests an audience.

# Tepyristes

M Ancient Silver Dragon, LG

His preferred non-dragon shape is that of a thin elf with silver hair and a long, wispy beard which seems to float in the air as he moves. He lives in the tallest tower with his consort Argyxia (LG, Adult Silver Dragon), whose usual shape is that of a human woman, also of silver hair. In his true form, some 50 feet long, his scales shimmer like polished mirrors. His horns are inscribed with runic incantations, inlaid with blue gemstones, that enhance his magical prowess.

He speaks slowly and deliberately, keen to learn tidings from the world below his realm. Tepyristes knowledge of history and the arcane runes is nigh unmatched, but he will rarely trade his knowledge without something in return. Most of all, he desires knowledge of where chromatic dragons can be found, so he and his brood can seek them out and destroy them.

The bottom floor of Tepyristes' tower is an audience chamber, where the younger silver dragon sages and monks deliver new research findings and insights. Next up is a banquet hall, where honored guests might have the delight of dining with a being that is older than most. Atop the banquet hall is his private study and chambers. The last floor is a covered perch where he can transform into his true form and take wing.

Tepyristes wears a White Robe of the Archmage, and wields a Staff of Power. He prefers to study the schools of Divination and Enchantment, but his Evocation skills are still far greater than most magi.

# Other dragons at the summit

Aurymixes, (Young Gold Dragon, CG) is the only non-silver dragon who lives here. He is a ward and an envoy from a roost of Gold Dragons far from here. He stands out as he dresses in furs of ermine and squirrel in order to keep warm on the mountaintop.

Timystia, (Adult Silver Dragon, LG) is the chief researcher in the Argent Summit. She is a master runescribe and second only to Tepyristes in her arcane knowledge.

Eridia, (Young Silver Dragon, NG) is a runecarver apprentice. She is curious about the world and its secrets.

# Kiniden

# Kiniden

Race Population
Total ~3000
Elven 45%
Human 20%
Halfling 15%
Dwarven 15%
Other 10%

Kiniden is a large island just outside Greystone Bay. The eponymous main village on its north-western coast is the only elven-majority settlement in the Estian Compact.

The landscape on the island is mostly hilly plains, with few trees. The southern coast is tall, sheer cliffs that are exposed to the ocean. There are several caves along the coast.

# Shrine of Freya

A small Pilgrim Knights outpost. Staffed by a single Charitor, Harwyn nan Maeral (F wood elf, LG). Those who pray at the altar in the single-room shrine are granted the effect of the Aid spell.

# Carver's Retreat

A monastery lies just outside the village of Kiniden. The monks here rely on the villagers to bring them food, and in return they serve as defenders of the village. This order of monks follow the Way of the Runes, meditating on the meanings of the magical runes and recording their findings by carving them into massive monolith stones that litter the rocky landscape. A single monk might take a decade to finish a single stone.

# Smuggler's Cave

About 5 miles east of village Kiniden lies a well hidden cave only accessible by small boats when the tide is correct. The land-route to the cave is blocked by a muddy marsh. This cave is used by a smuggler gang as a stop on the route to Greystone and Estia proper. The smugglers have fortified the cave best they can

# Tower of Gwineras

Overlooking a ravine stands a narrow tower. This is the tower of the wizard Gwineras (LN gnome), who is convinced this place lies on the intersection of two important leylines. Therefore, he has built his tower (opens new window) here. Gwineras is an Archmage who spends his days researching. He lives alone, but has an enchanted stone golem servant whom he calls Django.

# Arastfjord

see page

# Other Settlements

# Antness

Industrial village with a massive salt works that is also a major source of Hydrium.

# Pineharbor

Serves as the main lumber shipping port for the wood cut in the Black Forest. The islands of the Uniting Archipelago import almost all the lumber they use.