The Pantheon of Gods
There are a multitude of gods who have followers among the people in the Estian Sea. The ones with the biggest following include Odin, Thor and Freya, but several others have sizable cults.
Some gods have several aspects, where worshippers might find entirely different traits to worship in the same deity. For example, some druids pray to Skadi as the Wildwatcher, the guardian of the wilderness. At the same time, a dragon cult sacrifices metallic dragons to Skadi as the Dragonmother, the originator of the chromatic dragons. Neither view is wrong, but neither party needs to accept the teachings of the other just because they belong to the same deity.
The relationships between the gods can be difficult to understand for mere mortals. As beings of divine power that have lived for eons, they have learned to live in mutual understanding, despite their sometimes clashing domains and ideals.
Deity | Alignment | Primary Domain | Common symbol |
Odin | N | Knowledge | Raven |
Freya | NG | Life | Trefoil knot |
Thor | CN | Tempest | Hammer |
Tyr | LN | War | Spear |
Skadi | NE | Nature | Leaves |
Balder | CG | Knowledge | Lyre |
Hermod | CG | Trickery | Winged Boots |
Aegir | CN | Tempest | Waves |
Sif | NE | Order | Scales |
Heimdall | LN | Forge | Anvil |
Hel | LE | Death | Skull |
Uller | NG | Nature | Arrows |
Loki | CE | Trickery | Spider |
All alignments, classes and background suggestions presented as connected to the a god are for inspiration only. Some of the greatest characters and moments can come from breaking these stereotypes.
# The Bifrost and the Planes
In order to travel from the Material Plane, or Midgard, to the multitude of other planes of the world, the Bifrost bridge, made from rainbows, connects them through the aether. It is not a bridge in the traditional sense, but rather a conduit through which powerful spells can transport both creatures and objects.
# Asgard
Asgard is the plane of the gods, where some of them live in relative peace. It is possible to go here and meet the gods, although finding a way across the Bifrost requires powerful magic, and the gods do not necessarily grant every mortal that arrives an audience. The gods do not initially appear larger than an average human at a distance, but they have an enchanting presence and their voices drown out all other sounds, making them appear much larger when spoken to.
# Ragnarok
Odin has foreseen the end of the world, but does not know when. The gods work hard to prepare for this battle at the end of time. It will be heralded by a great winter, followed by a summer with no sunshine. When the battle breaks out, the borders between Midgard and the outer planes will open and the forces will invade, led by the fire giant Surtr (from Muspelheim, the Plane of Fire), the great wolf Fenrir (from the Shadowfell) and Jormungandr the World Serpent (from the elemental plane of water).
Odin has seen that many of the gods will die in this battle, including himself. In his visions, Thor slew the Great Serpent before succumbing to its poison, and Tyr duelled with Fenrir, finally besting the Wolf that severed his hand many eons ago.
In preparation, Odin is gathering his army by having his Valkyries take the worthy who fall in battle to Valhalla, where they feast and train in preparation for the Battle at the End of Time. To Freya, he has given the task of restoring civilization to Midgard after the battle is over. Freya gathers the kind and caring in her great hall, where they live in bliss until the time has come to repopulate the world.