
Cottenhorn is both an island and the largest city on that island. The island itself has quite diverse nature, ranging from the great plains in the north, to the dense forests in the southern part. The harsh mountains that run along the island are home to several tribes of dwarfs, giants, trolls and worse.

The inhabitants are as diverse as the rest of the Estian Sea, although there are more dwarfs here than other places. The windswept coasts can be quite hostile in autumn, so a certain amount of self-sufficiency is traditional as a village might have to fend for itself during winter. Despite the high winds, the land is very fertile and wine from the vineyards of the southern half is highly sought after in the noble courts of the Estian Sea and beyond.

# Environment

The northern third of Cottenhorn is a great highland steppe, only interrupted by the Clarimede Basin, a large lake that cuts through the landscape and provides irrigation for the great fields of grain and cotton.

The tall mountains that divide the middle of the island in an eastern and western part are not impassable, but unless travelers know the route, it is very easy to get lost or wander into the territory of a troll or giant. The mountain dwarf tribes that live here are gruff and hardy folk who keep to their traditions and while not openly hostile they do not like outsiders.

The western side of the mountains, the massive plains along the great Clearspring river that flows from the mountains to the City of Cottenhorn is the richest and most industrious part of the island. Here raw materials from farms, mines and logging camps across the island are refined into products that are shipped to Greystone on large flat-bottomed boats that can navigate the treacherous coasts.

The eastern side of the mountain range is scarcely inhabited at all, dominated by a large swamp. The few people who live here are doing so on their own, far from civilization.

In the south, large forests of elm and oak give rise to a lumber industry, primarily for ship building. The land that is reclaimed is usually used to grow grapes for wine. A clan of druids devoted to Skadi lives here and they have been trying to stop what they view as destruction of nature, with some success. Recently however the logging crews have hired more guards and have resumed operations.

# City of Cottenhorn

# Cottenhorn

Race Population
Total ~15000
Human Dominant
Dwarven Dominant
Elven Minority
Halfling Minority
Gnomish Minority

Cottenhorn suffers from a lack of good anchorage due to sand banks and high prevailing winds, which makes trade difficult despite a healthy agricultural production on the island, producing grain, wine and meat. The city itself lies on several hills on the northern bank of the Clearspring which runs from the central mountains. There is no bridge across the river, as it floods too much in spring. Instead, a myriad of small boats are available that are free to use.

The patron deity of the city is Heimdall, as the crafting of goods is what provides its riches. Some of the best blacksmiths work here, as do the most skilled weavers and tailors.

# Landmarks

The city is known for its low, timbered houses with thatched roofs and caves hewn from the mountainside. The roads are made from cut rocks that are expertly fitted. Located in the middle of a large plain, lumber is expensive, having been carted from the southern part of the island. Most houses have a rock foundation and a single timbered story and a simple thatched roof that keeps the wind out.

# Temple of Heimdall

Hewn out of sheer rock into the side of a hill, the temple features a great horn that is sounded each day in the morning and can be heard all over the city. Masterfully crafted tinted windows telling the legends of Heimdall adorn the outer wall. At midday on the equinox, the projection from the windows lines up perfectly, and a sacrificial ceremony is performed in Heimdall's honor. Several master craftsmen have workshops connected to the temple.

# Weaver's Alley

Whatever you can imagine wearing, someone in the Weaver's Alley can make it. The narrow alley has been covered as to protect the wares from rain and weather. Clothing and fabric of every cut and colour imaginable hang from the buildings, and tailors are taking measurements and making changes inside.

# The Tradecliff

Wines and other foodstuffs are traded in stalls atop the highest hill in the city. There are rarely any actual goods here except for samples, as the hill is quite steep. The northern side, a sheer rock face, has a lift ran by great wheels and powered by oxen, but for most people a stiff walk is the only way up.

# The Prancing Unicorn

The premier inn and bunkhouse in Cottenhorn. Located at the foot of the Tradecliff, this is where most traveling merchants stay when they do business in the city.

The proprietor is Giles (human NG), a middle aged but well-kept man who can make everyone feel at home.

# The Fighting Pit

While not as grand as the Greystone Arena, nor with the same capacity for hosting monster fights, the Fighting Pit is where disputes can be settled. This is also where executions take place. The Fighting Pit is dedicated to Thor, the patron saint of the Cottenhorn Games. Several events of the Games are held in this arena.

# The Conservatory

An outpost of the Archivist Council, this library is especially dedicated to the preservation of music, poetry and other creative works. It houses a shrine to Balder, the patron deity of poetry. While not as well stocked as its Greystone counterpart, the Conservatory is probably the best place to go for magical goods and services in Cottenhorn.

# The Rusty Nail

A seedy bar hewn into a mountainside, not far from the Fighting Pit. A known den of vice, gambling and drinking frequented by the city's less lawful inhabitants.

# The Hot Pools

On the outskirts of the city lies the Hot Pools, where several geothermal springs form basins that are warm all year round. A staple meeting place for the inhabitants of Cottenhorn.

# Boomdust Factory

Outside Cottenhorn lies the Estian Boomdust Company, where all boomdust is made. It is a dangerous process that is highly controlled to prevent the explosives from falling into the hands of others than the Estian army and navy. The process uses vitriol extracted from the hot springs that surround Cottenhorn.

# Roslake

In the northern part of Cottenhorn lies Roslake. Here the Arbrintirel family makes and sells Fluxsilk in the numerous wild magic pockets that scatter the landscape. Most people who live in Roslake are connected to the Fluxsilk trade, either as weavers or as harvesters.

# Fluxthread farms

Where the wild-magic zones are the strongest, the Fluxworms grow the largest. A large female worm can grow well over six feet long. Harvesting their silk requires well-coordinated teams of skilled workers in order to not hurt the worms. The raw silk thread is taken, under guard, to the silkmills in central Roslake.

# Fluxsilk mills

In the center of Roslake lies several wind-powered mills, where raw fluxsilk is refined and spun into fluxsilk thread and cloth.

# Firesilk Furnace

An incredibly hot furnace stands at the center of this round house. The furnace never cools down, and requires large amounts of wood and coal to sustain. The heat is used to fuse ruby dust into fluxsilk, creating Firesilk, an enchanted cloth.

# Roslake House

A exquisite manor house where Baron Caspian lives with his husband. They regularly throw lavish parties here.

# The Sylvan Sanctuary

Deep in the forests of southern Cottenhorn, a hidden grove of Ursinians and Smallkin make their home among the trees. They live in tree-top huts and in caves. The huts are connected with branching walkways. The village is centered on a circle of upright stones surrounding a large Glowoak tree. About 150-200 individuals live here, mostly in families of similar species.

The grove is guarded by armed Great Ursinians on the ground, and Smallkin scurry around the treetops wielding staff-slings with glowcorn ammunition. Some inhabitants also have druidic powers. To the extent that any of them worship a god, they worship Skadi the Wildwatcher.

The people of the grove do not like outsiders, but tolerate those that show respect to their species. Few ursininans ever venture far from the grove, enough so that the very existance of their race is doubted by most people.

No one knows why the animals of this part of the forest awakened. Some of the more scholarly-minded ursinians have tried to uncover their origin, but have come up empty-handed so far.

Li-peng is a permanently wildshaped Archdruid who awakens animals because he prefers their company to that of other people.

# Inhabitants of the Sylvan Sanctuary

Li Peng (N, pandakin): The closest thing the grove has to a leader, Li-peng is the village elder. Wields powerful druidic magic. He can usually be found strolling through the Sanctuary speaking with its people. Rarely seen without a stalk of bamboo in his paw.

Phoebe (CG, red pandakin): An intelligent young woman who wants to see the world outside the grove. Ever tinkering with her inventions, she lives with her parents in a treetop hut, farming laceberries and bearnettle.

Ol' Paddy (NG, grizzlykin): A heavy-set great ursinian who runs The Old Oak, a restaurant in a hollowed-out oak log that lies across a ravine. Inside creatures of all size can enjoy a well-cooked meal or some honey-mead.

# Kattafjell

Goliath village in the foothills above the Sylvan Sanctuary.

The goliaths do not like the nearby ursinians, and view them with distrust.

This village was once the home of Jarmo Snowgale, a battle-priest of Thor. Jarmo was the wisest goliath in the village, and while he was protecting Kattafjell, the village flourished. Jarmo went on a sacred quest some years ago, and never returned. Soon after he left, several years of bad harvests and harsh winters made the village is a shadow of its former self, with many abandoned houses on the outskirts. The remaining villagers believe that Jarmo's protection could be restored, and that the village would once again grow prosperous.

# Kattafjell Longhouse

The longhouse is the largest building and stands at the central crossroads. Inside, a roaring fire keeps the cold nights out, and from this building the chieftain rules over the village.

Alarik Shalefist (goliath, LN): Chieftain of the goliaths. Wears a large ice wolf pelt over his shoulders as a symbol of his office. Wields two large battle-axes in combat. Alarik inherited the title of Chieftain from his father who died fifteen years ago, just as the first troubles arrived when Jarmo left.

Mira Shalefist (goliath, NG): Daughter and heir of Alarik. Hunts in the nearby mountains, bringing back deer and other prey that she can fell with her bow.

# Stormlord's Shrine

Close to the longhouse is a cave entrance carved into a low cliff. A shrine to Thor has been excavated, its central chamber large enough to hold perhaps twenty large goliaths comfortably. The shrine is lit by large braziers, and the altar at the front holds offerings and sacrifice to the Stormlord.

This shrine used to be the home and workplace of Jarmo Snowgale before he left the village.

Senja Clearsky (goliath, NG): Village wisewoman, and one of the oldest members of the tribe, who knows some druidic magic. Does what she can to help the villagers.

Tina Blackink (goliath, LN): Young goliath tattooer, who scribes religous and tribal symbols on the grey skin of her fellow tribesmen.

# Goliath Villagers

The total number of goliaths in the village total around 60-70, mostly in small family units that live in low stone houses.

Eeli Icelake (goliath, LG): A farmer of Noseweed, one of the few plants that still seem to grow around here.

Taimo Forgehands (goliath, TN): Village blacksmith. She makes tools and weapons with what little materials she has available.

# Deephaven

Town in the northeast of Cottenhorn. Had a gem mine, but it closed twenty years ago (due to elemental interference of the wild magic zone that straddles much of northern Cottenhorn) and most of the population left. The remaining inhabitants sustain themselves mostly by fishing. Some long for the time when the mine was open and Deephaven was a booming village. Perhaps adventurers could investigate the mine?

# The Turquoise Islands

Named for the exceptionally blue water that surrounds them. The islands are one of the least civilized places in the Estian Sea, with only a handful of fishing villages along the coast. The inland of Grand Turquoise, by far the largest of the islands, is mostly hilly plains, where large lizards roam. The villages and hills are home to numerous Tabaxi, who mostly prefer to be left to their own devices, although they do trade with outsiders. They hunt the creatures of the plains and the surrounding waters.

# Callatis

Built on top of a ruined Empire-era outpost. Callatis is the largest settlement on Grand Turquoise, and the only place that resembles civilzation. Many buildings incorporate the old ruins in their layout and design, perhaps replacing a roof with a stretched piece of brightly coloured cloth or by constructing a small tabaxi house on top of some old pillars, only accessible by those who can climb.

All Gods Temple: A temple in the old Teccan style is the largest still-standing building, once dedicated to Heimdall. Now it is a temple where all gods are worshipped openly. Statues and altars to various deities can be found in here. Free from religious pressures, some of those who follow entirely different gods come here to worship in peace, or to proselytize for their deities. The leader of the temple is Big-Round-Belly of the Gingercoat clan ('Round', CG Tabaxi Cleric), who personally worships all divine and semi-divine beings. Not all deities who have shrines and followers here are good, and a small enclave of Drow openly worship Loki.

Fighting Pit: An old amphitheater, once used to perform the great Teccan tragedies, is now used for sport fighting. The pitmaster is a gruff half-orc who simply goes by Fang (N, half-orc Gladiator). It is the most popular entertainment venue in Callatis, with all manner of bloodsports being conducted here. Sometimes a simple boxing match, sometimes a duel to the death between those who couldn't settle their differences elsewhere, or simply pitting captured animals against each other. Betting is always happening, with Fang and his crew taking a cut.

The Forum: In the center of Callatis lies the Forum, where the business of the city is made. Stalls of merchants who sell meat, fish, fruits, cloth, trinkets and other oddities line the cobbled square. The Forum lies next to the All Gods Temple.

# Tabaxi Tribes

Several tabaxi tribes inhabit the Turquoise Islands.

Sabletail: A tribe of dark-furred tabaxi hunters who live on the plains of Grand Turquoise.

Gingercoat: This tribe is one of the power brokers in Callatis. Mostly orange-furred, but some have lost this recessive trait.

Snowpelt: This tribe of white-furred tabaxi come from Deephaven, a village on the Cottenhorn coast.

The reason the Turquoise Islands, and Grand Turquoise in particular are much warmer than the climate would otherwise suggest is the magic emanating from the Crimson Caves, the lair of an ancient red dragon.

# The Crimson Caves

A vast system of caves on the eastern coast of Grand Turquoise where Philomeda, the Scarlet Fury, an ancient red dragon, has her lair. She is the brood mother to a large hive of red dragons of various ages, all of whom serve her in her efforts to locate Atarothen, the legendary Dragonstaff that she believes will tip the scales in favor of the chromatic flights in the Dragon War.

Philomeda believes that if she acquires Atarothen she could infuse herself with the essence of Igrites and become the most powerful dragon since the first dragon war. Her entire brood is dedicated to this pursuit, as well as multiple squads of cultists who search the Estian Islands and beyond for the artifact.